The more I see the more I believe!

It's things like that along with his general over-the-topness that make me think this guy is a liberal trolling a conservative. But people say no he's real. All I can say is, Wow.

I've been calling him a poe since I joined this site. Anyone could see that he's either an angsty little kid or a liberal trying to make conservatives look bad - either way, he's not to be taken seriously.
It is the only way with an economy we have, to explain his sway over the masses who voted for him even after all the crap he has done.

For real? They voted for him because he's a charismatic, highly educated Democrat and his opponent was disliked even within the RNC.
Obama was voted in again because the majority of the people agree with his policies, middle class first and disagree with radical right's ideology of wealthy multinationals first.
Amen, I think it is happening all across the country. Reasonable people are starting to notice.

I think there will be a backlash against obstructionist House members next midterms. Yea, people are starting to realize their Teabag heros are causing us all a lot of grief.

I think they're fighting a losing battle but most of them are from the south and are used to it.
Amen, I think it is happening all across the country. Reasonable people are starting to notice.

we are the reasonable people you friggin idiots, you are the people who blamed bush for a slow response to Katrina, it was faster than the Sandy response, the flu vaccine shortage in 04 was Bush's fault, now the shortage is no problem, but it may slow the great economic recovery (that doesn't exist). Obama is never to blame for anything that goes wrong, you people gravel at his feet and call us unreasonable, he is going to bypass the congress to get gun control, I hope he does because that is a breach of oath, to uphold the constitution, which is an impeachable offense. As for Crashk people love the free stuff they get from democrats not to work. Nancy pelosi just said unemployment benefits not only inject money into the economy it is a job creator, that political whore should be pitied.
we are the reasonable people you friggin idiots, you are the people who blamed bush for a slow response to Katrina, it was faster than the Sandy response, the flu vaccine shortage in 04 was Bush's fault, now the shortage is no problem, but it may slow the great economic recovery (that doesn't exist). Obama is never to blame for anything that goes wrong, you people gravel at his feet and call us unreasonable, he is going to bypass the congress to get gun control, I hope he does because that is a breach of oath, to uphold the constitution, which is an impeachable offense. As for Crashk people love the free stuff they get from democrats not to work. Nancy pelosi just said unemployment benefits not only inject money into the economy it is a job creator, that political whore should be pitied.

Sorry, but you are not reasonable people.
Saying those four presidents suck is not terribly controversial. Americans typically regard that to be the truth, minus a few holdouts for Wilson...
Ok lets go your route considering my post you were replying to.

So all those democratic presidents were so bad that a common right wing talking point about them was "the worst president in history"?

Some of them were not even running for re-election so how could they be the worst presidents in history.
Yep seems you are wanting to join in the right wing nutter territory.