The Most Pervasive Fallacy in Modern Thought

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
The Most Pervasive Fallacy in Modern Thought

It is a common misconception, even among logicians and scientists, to think that it is impossible to prove a negative. This is a fallacy of the first order. It is quite easy to prove a negative.

Mathematically, one can prove a negative statement through the most basic math: 2 - 3 = -1, for example. We can also look at proving a negative, in terms of the value of a statement, through a more tangible mathematic principle.

The essence of the operation of division is that to divide one number by another is the same as to multiply the first number by the reciprocal of the second. The same is true for non-numeric statements too: where 'proving a negative' might be quite burdensome in some circumstances, testing an equivalent positive statement, the reciprocal of a negative, is common practice.

Take, for example, the statement 'the world is not flat'. If we cannot prove a negative, how can we know that this statement is true? Obviously, we can test the positive form of this statement, 'the world is flat', and, finding it to be false, rule it out as a viable possibility. Alternately, we could test a related statement, 'the world is round', and, finding this to be true, the first statement is automatically disproven; the world cannot be both a flat plain and a sphere at the same time.

Whenever we find a positive statement to be true, an infinite number of negatives are also proven simultaneously. Determining that the sun is a ball of Hydrogen automatically rules out the possibility of the sun being made of Cheese Whiz or the souls of flushed gold fish. These things are 'proven false' when the one idea is proven true.

In point of fact, regardless of whether a person believes that a negative can be proven or not, this is the method by which science reaches every single one of its conclusions. We have already proven a countless number of negatives over the years: the Earth is not the center of the Solar System, the Milky Way is not the only galaxy, pizza does not grow on trees, and the Big Bang is not how the universe came to be. Saying that a negative cannot be proven is to deny the factual nature of all these things.
I'd like to point out that your argument suffered from multiple fallacies, such as Appeal to Ignorance. You don't believe, therefore you believe is a gross appeal to ignorance, as it demonstrates you know nothing about your opponent's argument, yet presume to speak for them.

Secondly, it is a logical fallacy to demand that your opponent prove a negative when it comes in light of you failing to prove a positive.
I'd like to point out that your argument suffered from multiple fallacies, such as Appeal to Ignorance. You don't believe, therefore you believe is a gross appeal to ignorance, as it demonstrates you know nothing about your opponent's argument, yet presume to speak for them.

Secondly, it is a logical fallacy to demand that your opponent prove a negative when it comes in light of you failing to prove a positive.

your argument is nonsensical. you're denying the existence of belief in an effort to stick to the ridiculous nonsense you can't prove a negative fallacy. the entire point of belief is that such belief cannot be proven or disproven.

hence, why atheism, under current definitions of religion, is in fact a religion. you lost the entire argument by hanging your hat on the "you can't prove a negative"....that of course proved my point that athiesm fits under section 4 of webster's definition of religion.

care to actually address the points in the OP of this thread? or are you just going conclude that it is idiocy without any support thereof?
someone commits a murder. there is a body. there is a suspect. the prosecution tries to prove the suspect committed the murder. the defense tries to prove he didn't....

but you want to believe it is impossible to prove a negative or prove there is no proof....

go sit in a criminal courtroom or watch tv
I suppose I should have just simplified my problem with your argument, by pointing out that, having failed to prove the positive, it is not possible to prove the negative. However, generally speaking, demanding that someone prove a negative is a fallacy.

Your argument about faith/belief is one built on fear rather than reason.
I suppose I should have just simplified my problem with your argument, by pointing out that, having failed to prove the positive, it is not possible to prove the negative. However, generally speaking, demanding that someone prove a negative is a fallacy.

Your argument about faith/belief is one built on fear rather than reason.

can't actually refute a single thing from the op can you...

nor can you refute anything from post 11....

pity, you usually are a much stronger debater
Beyond a reasonable doubt does not equal innocent. But you should already know that...

You're sad defense of a logical fallacy is irrational.
And for the record, how much fucking debating do I ever engage in, that would allow you to compare to how much I pwned you in the debate with how I generally perform in the forums?
someone commits a murder. there is a body. there is a suspect. the prosecution tries to prove the suspect committed the murder. the defense tries to prove he didn't....

but you want to believe it is impossible to prove a negative or prove there is no proof....

go sit in a criminal courtroom or watch tv
All the defense has to do is poke enough holes in the prosecution's case to show reasonable doubt.
Beyond a reasonable doubt does not equal innocent. But you should already know that...

You're sad defense of a logical fallacy is irrational.

are you stoned? i said proof he didn't commit doesn't matter if its .00001% belief he didn't do it....its still a belief in a negative

to argue the defense is not trying prove a negative is absurd

you haven't yet made a coherent response to the OP or the fact that the defense does indeed attempt to prove a negative...just because the burden is only less than a reasonable doubt does not in any way diminish the fact they are trying to prove a negative
All the defense has to do is poke enough holes in the prosecution's case to show reasonable doubt.

yeah....and try to prove the defendant did not commit the murder, eg., to try and prove a negative...often using the SODDI defense...that is trying to prove a negative
And for the record, how much fucking debating do I ever engage in, that would allow you to compare to how much I pwned you in the debate with how I generally perform in the forums? pwnded got away with a sham win because annie bailed on her duties as a judge

seriously, don't embarrass yourself with a claim of great victory in that will all come out in the end

you failed to counter accepted definitions
"It is impossible to prove a negative" is a strawman of the highest order. It is certainly possible to prove a negative, but oftentimes it is exceedingly difficult to do.

Like, I'm sure as shit that there ain't in this world a single rainbow-colored unicorn that shits gold bullion but I doubt I could prove it.