The Most Pervasive Fallacy in Modern Thought

"It is impossible to prove a negative" is a strawman of the highest order. It is certainly possible to prove a negative, but oftentimes it is exceedingly difficult to do.

Like, I'm sure as shit that there ain't in this world a single rainbow-colored unicorn that shits gold bullion but I doubt I could prove it.

amazing...even nigel gets it...

lmao...3d = :BKick:
Yet its not faith or belief which led to his conclusion, genious, but reason, logic, and cold-hard facts. Since no one has proved the positive, it is disingenuous and fallacious to demand that someone else prove the negative, on the grounds that your positions may henceforth hold equal merit.
Yet its not faith or belief which led to his conclusion, genious, but reason, logic, and cold-hard facts. Since no one has proved the positive, it is disingenuous and fallacious to demand that someone else prove the negative, on the grounds that your positions may henceforth hold equal merit.

Quite so. Yurt apparently thought I was supporting his argument. I wasn't. I mean, it would be ridiculous to suggest that I merely "believe" in the non-existence of gold brick shitting rainbow-colored unicorns notwithstanding that I cannot prove that one does not exist.
yeah....and try to prove the defendant did not commit the murder, eg., to try and prove a negative...often using the SODDI defense...that is trying to prove a negative
That's not required. Again its up to the prosecution to prove their accusation. If they have a doubtful case the defense doesn't even have to say a word.
Yet its not faith or belief which led to his conclusion, genious, but reason, logic, and cold-hard facts. Since no one has proved the positive, it is disingenuous and fallacious to demand that someone else prove the negative, on the grounds that your positions may henceforth hold equal merit.


you're confusing merit with FACT

you can believe whatever you want, it has nothing to do with merit, has nothing to do with whether atheism falls under the definition of religion. it does and you admitted it. there is not proof there is no diety, hence, you must believe it to be true.

seriously, this isn't complicated
Yet its not faith or belief which led to his conclusion, genious, but reason, logic, and cold-hard facts. Since no one has proved the positive, it is disingenuous and fallacious to demand that someone else prove the negative, on the grounds that your positions may henceforth hold equal merit.


you're confusing merit with FACT

you can believe whatever you want, it has nothing to do with merit, has nothing to do with whether atheism falls under the definition of religion. it does and you admitted it. there is not proof there is no diety, hence, you must believe it to be true.

seriously, this isn't complicated
Quite so. Yurt apparently thought I was supporting his argument. I wasn't. I mean, it would be ridiculous to suggest that I merely "believe" in the non-existence of gold brick shitting rainbow-colored unicorns notwithstanding that I cannot prove that one does not exist.

you did support my argument, its a pity you can't see it...

it is further a pity that neither you nor threedee can actually dispute anything from the OP....

fact is, unless you can prove it, it is a belief, theory etc.....i am not surprised you don't know what a fact is though
That's not required. Again its up to the prosecution to prove their accusation. If they have a doubtful case the defense doesn't even have to say a word.

really....its not required...yeah...tell that to a defendant....tell him his attorney is not required to try and prove the prosecution's case is a negative....tell the defendant looking at 25 years to life or death that....hey....the prosecutions case is "weak"....dude...we don't even have to say a word....we'll just sit back and let the prosecution make their case and because its "doubtful" we don't have to rebut anything....

for fucks sake SM....this is the dumbest thing you've ever up on BOP and how trials work in the real world
Bottom line, only an idiot believes that non-belief is belief.

you do realize that to not believe, is in and of itself a belief to NOT believe in that thing


this wasn't an agnostic argument, it was an atheist argument

you admitted there is no proof for atheist principles or cause....and atheists hold to them with ardor and faith

4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

keep scrambling threedee and keep trying to dis the logic, but you can't dismiss facts and accepted definitions.
Negatives can totally be proven. That is a modern fallacy.

You could also say proving a positive is fallacious because it's 'merely' the opposite of proving the negative.
really....its not required...yeah...tell that to a defendant....tell him his attorney is not required to try and prove the prosecution's case is a negative....tell the defendant looking at 25 years to life or death that....hey....the prosecutions case is "weak"....dude...we don't even have to say a word....we'll just sit back and let the prosecution make their case and because its "doubtful" we don't have to rebut anything....

for fucks sake SM....this is the dumbest thing you've ever up on BOP and how trials work in the real world
Don't get all hissy because you know I'm right.