Yeah I am coining this one and I just cant get it out of my brain.
Im really , really scared the right is going to keep whipping these idiot Ayers and ACORN type ideas all through Obamas two terms and some one is going to go all Murrah building on us.
This is one "I told you so" that is tearing at my heart.
They will kill because they are mentally sick, because they hate, because they've been scorned.and why will they kill asshole
you didn't mention that
I did huh you fucking liar
I called a two term for Obama huh
Yeah I am coining this one and I just cant get it out of my brain.
Im really , really scared the right is going to keep whipping these idiot Ayers and ACORN type ideas all through Obamas two terms and some one is going to go all Murrah building on us.
This is one "I told you so" that is tearing at my heart.
So, no Murrah building yet, Desh?
hey do you remember that planned attack the FBI stopped a few years back super duper?
I thought your fucks would loose power.
Your fucks instead gained in the mid terms through a slew od right wing lies about who the tea tards were.
they still think the republicans are about to win again.
When your side fully recognizes they are NO LONGER IN POWER I believe they will seek "second amendment remedies" to having no power.
now go re read the OP clown
I like how you get all 'light hearted' about the issue because you feel that nobody would be crazy enough to act out like that, but you'll be one of the first idiots to blame the entire conservative gun owning group of people when it does happen. how's your cognitive dissonance today? pegged on full?
Yeah I am coining this one and I just cant get it out of my brain.
Im really , really scared the right is going to keep whipping these idiot Ayers and ACORN type ideas all through Obamas two terms and some one is going to go all Murrah building on us.
This is one "I told you so" that is tearing at my heart.
go get the quote of mine you claim exists