The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism


Let's go Brandon!
Next time you hear a JPP lib tout the Scandinavian model of socialism, point out the truth here.

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

The Scandinavians embrace a brand of free-market capitalism that exists in conjunction with a large welfare state, known as the “Nordic Model,” which includes many policies that democratic socialists would likely abhor.

For example, democratic socialists are generally opponents of global capitalism and free trade, but the Scandinavian countries have fully embraced these things. The Economist magazine describes the Scandinavian countries as “stout free-traders who resist the temptation to intervene even to protect iconic companies.” Perhaps this is why Denmark, Norway, and Sweden rank among the most globalized countries in the entire world. These countries all also rank in the top 10 easiest countries to do business in.

How do supporters of Bernie Sanders feel about the minimum wage? You will find no such government-imposed floors on labor in Sweden, Norway, or Denmark. Instead, minimum wages are decided by collective-bargaining agreements between unions and employers; they typically vary on an occupational or industrial basis. Union-imposed wages lock out the least skilled and do their own damage to an economy, but such a decentralized system is still arguably a much better way of doing things than having the central government set a one-size-fits-all wage policy that covers every occupation nationwide.

In a move that would be considered radically pro-capitalist by young Americans who #FeelTheBern, Sweden adopted a universal school choice system in the 1990s that is nearly identical to the system proposed by libertarian economist Milton Friedman his 1955 essay, “The Role of Government in Education.”
The argument distills down to the American model that creates an extremely wealthy class and a permanent poor class the supports them, or a country that provides healthcare and safety nets for the people. If you agree that tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations makes America a better country,then you are a Trumpian Repub. This election, at least in debate,is about whether we need another 4 years of moving the profits created by workers to the top. We need to slash the programs that defend the poor and middle class. We need to end environmental protections. We need to take away the public lands and allow corporations to exploit them.
The rightwing spent a decade calling Barack Obama a socialist.

And who exactly were conservatives talking about when they whined for decades about the socialist western European nations?

If Obama is a socialist, then Norway is a veritable Marxist-Leninist state

By the standard metrics used, Norway is more socialist than Venezuela or Communist China.

The successes in Norway aren't because of socialism.

Obama is nothing more than an unqualified black you idiots elected based solely on skin color.

What Scandinavia really has is called Social Democracy, not Socialism. And Social Democracy is what the American Left wants for America, they just incorrectly call it Democratic Socialism.

Just how hard did you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to come up with that bullshit.
Yes, here is a good example of right wing schizophrenia.

They cannot decide what Socialism actually is, and they are all over the map. I am 100 percent sure they do this intentionally.

On the one hand, Barack Obama and his signature policy Obamacare, was to conservatives, fully Marxist-Socialist.

Ronald Reagan compared Medicare to socialism.

But then you catch them claiming that Sweden is the land of capitalism and super charged free entrepreneurship

They spent years claiming western Europe was socialist.
But whenever anyone pointed out that Sweden, Denmark, Norway are pretty nice places to live, they would back track and claim that Norway is the land of capitalism and free entrepreneurship, with a scattering of generous social programs.

One has to assume they are either being intentionally dishonest, or they do not actually know anything about socialism.
Rightys are so easily alarmed by nomenclature. There are no socialist countries. They have corporations and businesses that employ workers just like we do. The difference is they a lot more of the tax base to helping people with healthcare and a safety net. It is just about what they choose to spend money on. We want the wealthy to have a huge portion of our tax base on a continuing basis. The money we tax flows to the top with the power that money includes. We listen to athletes because they make so much money that they must be special and smart. We elected trump who is essentially stupid and flawed because he was supposedly rich. He promised change and delivered a plutocracy.
We are on the wrong track. The workers create wealth and the owners confiscate it.
Next time you hear a JPP lib tout the Scandinavian model of socialism, point out the truth here.

They are more socialist than a Sanders America would ever be. If we had stronger unions we would not need a minimum wadge, and I am all about school choice (properly regulated) but that has very little to do with the Economy. Scandinavian government is MUCH closer to what Sanders is promoting than what is going on in Venezuela EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.
They are more socialist than a Sanders America would ever be. If we had stronger unions we would not need a minimum wadge, and I am all about school choice (properly regulated) but that has very little to do with the Economy. Scandinavian government is MUCH closer to what Sanders is promoting than what is going on in Venezuela EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.

According to you...