The Myth of the conservative majority

When asked if government should do more or less for the people of America the polls showed that 58% want the gov to do more while 42% said no.

When asked if they agree or disagree with the statement US government needs to be bigger to do bigger things 59% said yeas and 41 % said no.

when asked if we needed and stronger government to handle the more complex problems we face 67% said yeas and 33% said no.

This comports with the study done by PIPA a couple of years back.

American is more left leaning than it is right leaning.
This is great stuff Desh, I'm saving this.

I've seen the first study you reference in your post, and on issues like minimum wage, the environment, universal health care...the American people appear to be what would be called on this and other message boards "socialists". They are so far to the left of the Republican party of today, that I don't think you could measure it.

This is why the R's need, gays, abortion, and most importantly, F E A R

Vote Democratic, and you will die slowly and painfully, and so will everyone you have ever loved. That's the message. And that's the winning ticket. We see it with Rudy right now, most glaringly.
Look at the stats though for social issues and you'd find the average American also favors more socially conservative issues.
I could also point to the fact that similar percentages believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.

This is why we are not an athenian democracy. The average person doesn't understand enough nuance in public policy to make informed decisions.

Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.
I could also point to the fact that similar percentages believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.

This is why we are not an athenian democracy. The average person doesn't understand enough nuance in public policy to make informed decisions.

Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.

NUANCE. LOl. LIke john kerry and his "nuance" aka idiocy? "I voted for the war, before I voted against it." nuance.
Look at the stats though for social issues and you'd find the average American also favors more socially conservative issues.

Most favor keeping abortion legal.

I would think a plurality now support gay civil unions.

IHG - if you guys simply can't find a way to sell libertarian ideology to ameircans, please stop relying on the "voters are too stupid" to be trusted, argument.

Unless your (or anyone else's) constitutional or civil rights are being violated, this country is supposed to do what the majority of americans - through their elected representatives - want.
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Look at the stats though for social issues and you'd find the average American also favors more socially conservative issues.

I think that if you look at the attitudes about gay rights and gay marriage, and gays in generals, over the past, even ten years, you'll see that this too, is changing. For instance, I think that if we have a Democratic White House, congress and Senate two years from now, you'll see gays allowed to openly serve in the military, and the backlash, while it will exist, will neither as fierce, nor as broad as it was in the early 90's. People under 30 in particular, are very open to gay marriage. The times they are a changing IHG. :)
I could also point to the fact that similar percentages believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.

This is why we are not an athenian democracy. The average person doesn't understand enough nuance in public policy to make informed decisions.

Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.

Yes, but in the study that I have read, the one Desh references, but does not link to from about two years ago, specific questions were asked. One of them was, do you want universal health care even if it means higher taxes? Over 50%, or 60% answered yes. The minimum wage hike, was through the roof, somewhere around 80%. These were specific questions. I don't think that whether or not you believe the minimum wage should be raised is a nuance issue. It's pretty black and white.
I think that if you look at the attitudes about gay rights and gay marriage, and gays in generals, over the past, even ten years, you'll see that this too, is changing. For instance, I think that if we have a Democratic White House, congress and Senate two years from now, you'll see gays allowed to openly serve in the military, and the backlash, while it will exist, will neither as fierce, nor as broad as it was in the early 90's. People under 30 in particular, are very open to gay marriage. The times they are a changing IHG. :)

Yeah! More baby murder! I love the smell of progress in the morning!
My entire post is about gay rights. So you are saying that you believe gays "murder babies"? Is this just Jewish gays, or gays in general?
I could also point to the fact that similar percentages believe in the literal interpretation of the bible.

This is why we are not an athenian democracy. The average person doesn't understand enough nuance in public policy to make informed decisions.

Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.

Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.


I don't know if you have direct democracy in your state, like we have here. But, people are wiser than you think.

With the california initiative system, all kinds of "beneficial programs" are proposed all the time. The voters are more savy than you think. A lot of these programs get voted down. I vote against a lot of them. People are wiser than you think IHG. They don't want tax money spent, unless they can be convinced its for a good reason that serves the public interest.
Most people if asked an unqualified question like "would you like more beneficial programs." most would say yes. People don't have enough information to gauge the effect of unintended consequences.


I don't know if you have direct democracy in your state, like we have here. But, people are wiser than you think.

With the california initiative system, all kinds of "beneficial programs" are proposed all the time. The voters are more savy than you think. A lot of these programs get voted down. I vote against a lot of them. People are wiser than you think IHG. They don't want tax money spent, unless they can be convinced its for a good reason that serves the public interest.

You can tell cypress comes from the streets.:rolleyes:
More than 70% of the voters already make laws by initiative in twenty-four states and in numerous local communities, and when voting on bond issues referred to them for decision by their representatives––serious lawmaking. American voters have made laws for the last 100 years and their record is as good as their elected legislators––with respect to fiscal matters, the people’s record is far superior. -- former Senator Mike Gravel
Of course most people want something for free is that a huge revelation
Bet the survey was not of likely voters

Voters vote in much higher % by each tax bracket, dems need to be carefull on how much bigger the pledge is. :clink:
When asked if government should do more or less for the people of America the polls showed that 58% want the gov to do more while 42% said no.

When asked if they agree or disagree with the statement US government needs to be bigger to do bigger things 59% said yeas and 41 % said no.

when asked if we needed and stronger government to handle the more complex problems we face 67% said yeas and 33% said no.

This comports with the study done by PIPA a couple of years back.

American is more left leaning than it is right leaning.

The questions are too vague...

People are idiots anyway. They won't stop believing in bigger government until they wake up one day and figure out they're slaves.
Of course I'm a progressive. I believe in progress.

These people are populists and believe in the degress of society. Populists don't care about social freedoms and only want the government to decide everything for them - tell me, how is that progress? How is living in "1984" progress?
Homosexuals dont' already have equal "job rights"? Could've fooled me. I've never heard of any legislation saying anyone can have a job "unless you're a homosexual".

Of course, I really think they mean more by saying that. By "more", of course, one means papa government coming in to magically make everything alright.