The Myth of the conservative majority

Homosexuals dont' already have equal "job rights"? Could've fooled me. I've never heard of any legislation saying anyone can have a job "unless you're a homosexual".

Of course, I really think they mean more by saying that. By "more", of course, one means papa government coming in to magically make everything alright.
No, homosexuals don't have equal job rights. Legislation has nothing to do with it: most discrimination today is covert, not overt.

Can government address such inequities? Yes, sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.
Ah yes.

It's like my entire "government is not the primary glue that holds things together" speech at the other site. I see now. I must go to sleep.
I think that if you look at the attitudes about gay rights and gay marriage, and gays in generals, over the past, even ten years, you'll see that this too, is changing. For instance, I think that if we have a Democratic White House, congress and Senate two years from now, you'll see gays allowed to openly serve in the military, and the backlash, while it will exist, will neither as fierce, nor as broad as it was in the early 90's. People under 30 in particular, are very open to gay marriage. The times they are a changing IHG. :)

Even in the state known as the politicians ATM called Calfornia the voters voted against gay marriage. Girls under 30 are definitely for hooking up with other females. Hence my boy Joe Francis becoming a multi-hundred millionaire at age 33 with Girls Gone Wild. Nothing to do with marriage my beautiful and fine NYC sex symbol Angl. :)
Even in the state known as the politicians ATM called Calfornia the voters voted against gay marriage. Girls under 30 are definitely for hooking up with other females. Hence my boy Joe Francis becoming a multi-hundred millionaire at age 33 with Girls Gone Wild. Nothing to do with marriage my beautiful and fine NYC sex symbol Angl. :)

I know, but the percentage of Americans who at least want civil unions, has gone way up, and so have the figures on gay marriage.

I haven't been called Angl in a long time. Cawacko, you really crack me up when you post in the middle of the night.
No, homosexuals don't have equal job rights. Legislation has nothing to do with it: most discrimination today is covert, not overt.

Can government address such inequities? Yes, sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.
They don't? On average they earn more, are more likely to go to college, and own a home. I guess they really need my help.
And what happens when you exclude San Francisco and New York from your averages? :rolleyes:
What happens when you exclude them from any average? :rolleyes:

In Denver they earn more, are more likely to own a home, etc.

We are talking about the workplace, the vast majority of jobs are in big cities where they thrive.

I never said that there is nobody who is against them. Shoot, all we'd have to do is find Phelps. I am speaking specifically of the workplace as that was what the conversation was about.

On average homosexuals do better in the workplace, are more likely to own a home, and to have a college degree.
Even in the state known as the politicians ATM called Calfornia the voters voted against gay marriage. Girls under 30 are definitely for hooking up with other females. Hence my boy Joe Francis becoming a multi-hundred millionaire at age 33 with Girls Gone Wild. Nothing to do with marriage my beautiful and fine NYC sex symbol Angl. :)

California's not actually that liberal...

California's not actually that liberal...

Says who...'Arnold the Terminator'...sorry dude I grew up in the 'Valley' Southern California...I was a 'Surfer' and a 'jock'(not forgetting a real vet)..I know absolutely nothing...I was real... vs.. a character who ran from his counrty to seek bigger bucks...lmao!