The myth of the red state welfare queens.

We aren't going to give someone that acts like he does, the satisfaction of proper dialogue. With his usual hating, from Muslims, to Catholics, to immigrants, he isn't worth a drop of spit in a bucket, towards intellectual discussion. He gets what's on his level, and based on what he delivers. The fact we even engage these types at all, is an act of generosity. I give a little, in hopes it keeps em busy, and on the internet, rather than having angry sociopaths roaming around their neighborhoods.

Hmm. He doesn't jump out at me like TDAK, e.g. And the OP doesn't appear any more offensive than the normal shit thrown around here.
We aren't going to give someone that acts like he does, the satisfaction of proper dialogue. With his usual hating, from Muslims, to Catholics, to immigrants, he isn't worth a drop of spit in a bucket, towards intellectual discussion. He gets what's on his level, and based on what he delivers. The fact we even engage these types at all, is an act of generosity. I give a little, in hopes it keeps em busy, and on the internet, rather than having angry sociopaths roaming around their neighborhoods.

:lolup: Leftist hypocrite never whines about the whiny insulting Evince, Nomad or Domer engage in.
Hmm. He doesn't jump out at me like TDAK, e.g. And the OP doesn't appear any more offensive than the normal shit thrown around here.

I'm talking about in other discussions. Half the time he was demonizing Catholics, or some other religion, while praising his own evangelism.
American Thinker. How ironic. Is this the dumbest member here?
True dat. I normally don't even bother reading fully from them. Reading what Evince quoted tells me why. American Thinker? That's an oxymoron.
I was going to use that term above, but realized that 60% of Americans actually have the ability to use common sense.
It looks like several of you didn't even read the OP. This myth is based on how states voted for the most recent President. This has nothing to do with how a state is run. It does not mention which governors, mayors and Representatives were elected at the state level. In other words, it's junk science. Take W. Virginia, for instance. Between 1980 and 2013, they have elected nothing but democrat Senators, 81 percent for Representatives, and 76 percent for governors. That is why they are in the top ten worst states. Look at the other states and see how they voted during the same time period. Idiots!
Idiot. Your nonsense is based on some fictional data, offering the last election as proof of...what exactly? There are Red states, and Blue states. Anyone who's confused over what that means, probably frequents sites like Americanthinker.