Really,"wiki can never be considered accurate on political issues," that's not mentioning Wikileaks?
The documentation is the election maps, the actual history, I got to google them for you too? I thought you knew history, posting a history oriented topic, but it appears you don't, just another copy and paste I guess And if all you are going to do is deflect off the content of your topic post don't waste my time
Anchovies is apparently an avid aficionado of bias confirmation fallacies.
Now you're playing around with the historical definitions of conservative- totally meaningless in this discussion.
The whole "switched" theory of the two parties is sacrosanct for Democrats, so they will never, ever, admit the truth on this. To do so will blow their entire narrative sky high.
No, anchovies, it is not.
If you're going to make claims, either support them with evidence or accept the fact that they are opinions, anchovies.
Not true, Party names only represent the ideology of the Party at that point in history, when conservatives regurgitate the lame narrative that the Democrat Party is the racist party based upon history is erroneous since the ideology of the Democrat Party then was conservative, which is not true today, did you really think Lincoln and the Radical Republicans were conservative?
"Your failure to exhibit a rudimentary grasp of" American History "is compounded by your infantile refusal to accept the obvious" I can't teach you American History, seems you must have skipped out the last time someone else tried to do it, if you are too lazy to google simple election maps, your not really interested in exchanging content Bottom line is you have no clue about what you posted, you can't discuss it, and are wasting time with predictable deflections Next
And your labeling of a picture LBJ with cherry picked quotes from who knows when proves what exactly?
The founders created a liberal republic which they codified in the Constitution. Modern conservatives are originalists: we adhere to the Founders principles of limited government and Rights granted to the People by their Creator, among these are all men are created equal. None of this supports your theory of Democrats believing that blacks are inferior because they were "conservative" in a very different sense of the word.
I didn't label the picture. It is sourced from It proves that LBJ was a racist.
What the hell are you talking about?
First off, forget the "originalist" thing, sounds good, makes for interesting essays, but doesn't fit reality, for example, the Constitution hardly mentions that the Government should enforce a particular set of moral values, and I'm still waiting for a conservative to explain how a strict constructionist as President Jefferson found the President purchasing Louisiana acceptable in the Constitution
Now from there you jump to something about "blacks are inferior because they where conservative in a very different sense of the word." What that is suppose to mean is bewildering and better yet is attempting to figure what it has to do with the topic involved
Feel free to elaborate
What is NBRA, how does it prove LBJ was a racist, and what does it have to do with the topic?
What grade level to I have to simplify it down for you?
Guess you can't elaborate, not surprising, it is a boondoggle of abstract thoughts amounting to nothing, and the later is just weird
I can elaborate all you want, but since I write at college level, apparently you are having a hard time understanding.
By the fact you are stuck with the personal crapola reveals you are short on relevant content, not interested in the adolescent exchange of insults, but if you got something real to offer get back