the N word


tea baggin' buttholes always want to say the grand daddy of racial epitaths.

Why do you scroad garglers care so much about that one word?
its magic remember.

I ccant tell you or I would have to place you on one of those Ocare death panels you guys promised us was there
There is a need to be able to quote historical filth, like Carlyle's 'Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question' and current good manners. Extremists hate good manners and never read books.
yeah the right wing here cant address the facts I bring them so they ban me from their threads.

how freedomy of them
Poet is back and that's all he ever talks about, apart from himself and his immense talents.

He is an insecure little troll.

I actually like using the N word more now that I think about it. It actually makes the person say it in their head. I got that from C.K. Lewis and it is true. Same with the C word.

Which brings up a good point.

If I say to Poet "You dumb N word" will he be offended? Or if I say to a woman, "You dumb C word" will they be just as offended as if I actually used those supposedly "horrid" words?
theres always more fun to be had leading people into your conclusions rather than spelling them out.

Why cuss and swear, jive n' shuck, when you can play by the rules and make them really think about the insult? That unease and uncertainty is my bread and butter.

Far worse to feel unease and uncertainty than anger.
tea baggin' buttholes always want to say the grand daddy of racial epitaths.

Why do you scroad garglers care so much about that one word?

Yes, when you really believe that tons of other (non-posting) people are reading this forum and that you are really really 'making a difference' when you post and influencing this nation....this is exactly the kind of post that changes the world.

Yes, when you really believe that tons of other (non-posting) people are reading this forum and that you are really really 'making a difference' when you post and influencing this nation....this is exactly the kind of post that changes the world.


Deshy is changing the world one deluded post at a time