poor boy lacks an education.
I believe Desh is actually referring to Narcissist. A word that defames her, yet describes her to a Tee.What N word?
tea baggin' buttholes always want to say the grand daddy of racial epitaths.
Why do you scroad garglers care so much about that one word?
tea baggin' buttholes always want to say the grand daddy of racial epitaths.
Why do you scroad garglers care so much about that one word?
Is there some rule against just saying 'nigger'? All y'all are dancing around it like you'll get banned for saying it. Nigger. Nigger. It's the fucking Internet. All you have to do is claim to be black, and who's going to do shit about it? Sure, no one with any degree of civility is going to call anyone a nigger (unless, you know, they're both black and in on it), but seriously? "The N-word"? All you're doing when you treat it with such a ginger touch is give it more power. Desensitize the world, and the world will stop caring. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
don't get your scrode in the bunch.
is that better?
Is there some rule against just saying 'nigger'? All y'all are dancing around it like you'll get banned for saying it.
It's the fucking Internet. All you have to do is claim to be black, and who's going to do shit about it? Sure, no one with any degree of civility is going to call anyone a nigger (unless, you know, they're both black and in on it), but seriously? "The N-word"? All you're doing when you treat it with such a ginger touch is give it more power. Desensitize the world, and the world will stop caring. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
I have never used the "N" word on this Forum, on the old Boards, or in my private life, so STFU....LOL...You bring it up because you want to change the subject from ObamDon'tCare...You know that I know all about Lib Strategery. If you keep following me around Vinny, like you now do, I can eventually retrain you, educate that mush for brains that you gots from those Lib teachers of urine.http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?57340-Yes-people-you-can-say-nigger
they just get so upset that they cant say it.
maybe they think the word is magic?
I have never used the "N" word on this Forum, on the old Boards, or in my private life, so STFU....LOL...You bring it up because you want to change the subject from ObamDon'tCare...You know that I know all about Lib Strategery. If you keep following me around Vinny, like you now do, I can eventually retrain you, educate that mush for brains that you gots from those Lib teachers of urine.
I have seen weak replies butt this has gots to be the weakest MFing reply ever. I have also never used the "C" word, although I have used the "S" word and the "P" word. Now I may have used the "B" word, butt not directly to a broad. I do use the "G" word, butt not on this Forum because I do not want to hurt the feelings of any of your Lib cohors....Like anyone believes that bs. You say the n-word so much, it whitens your teeth.
I have seen weak replies butt this has gots to be the weakest MFing reply ever. I have also never used the "C" word, although I have used the "S" word and the "P" word. Now I may have used the "B" word, butt not directly to a broad. I do use the "G" word, butt not on this Forum because I do not want to hurt the feelings of any of your Lib cohors....
LOLOLOLOL. Saying the word gives them an orgasm.