The name of our collective mental illness is Mass Formation

So then Bret and Heather are not quite right, it should be "Eat good food, go outside, spend time with family, and continue speak out against the insanity" is the antidote to the insanity we currently suffer from.
This smells right:

The name of our collective mental illness is Mass Formation" That would be the current enemy against Democracy and civilization on Earth as in the GQP, the sewer conspiring tRump mob, Faux News, rat hole Newsmax, idiots that vote against their own interests for this toxic red wave atrocity on their souls. This includes other un American and un civilized creatures on Earth that wreak of the stench of treason, moral rot, and what it means to sell out to the devil at encountering the barnacles of corruption on their backs and souls for a eternity. Their ill gotten gains will be left behind upon the time they give up the ghost. The spirit has everlasting power but the flesh is limited.
The name of our collective mental illness is Mass Formation" That would be the current enemy against Democracy and civilization on Earth as in the GQP, the sewer conspiring tRump mob, Faux News, rat hole Newsmax, idiots that vote against their own interests for this toxic red wave atrocity on their souls. This includes other un American and un civilized creatures on Earth that wreak of the stench of treason, moral rot, and what it means to sell out to the devil at encountering the barnacles of corruption on their backs and souls for a eternity. Their ill gotten gains will be left behind upon the time they give up the ghost. The spirit has everlasting power but the flesh is limited.


TDS is very real...
The name of our collective mental illness is Mass Formation" That would be the current enemy against Democracy and civilization on Earth as in the GQP, the sewer conspiring tRump mob, Faux News, rat hole Newsmax, idiots that vote against their own interests for this toxic red wave atrocity on their souls. This includes other un American and un civilized creatures on Earth that wreak of the stench of treason, moral rot, and what it means to sell out to the devil at encountering the barnacles of corruption on their backs and souls for a eternity. Their ill gotten gains will be left behind upon the time they give up the ghost. The spirit has everlasting power but the flesh is limited.

Utilizing mass neuroses of fascism cross conditioning for suicidal super egos master race sociological homicidal human economics farming master race as escalated with mass psychoses of fascism to reduce the gene pool certainly has "one nation under God with equal justice under law" little more than churchstate fiefdom lynching enforcement of the Christian Nation national religion of fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions.
The geographies of the Pharma genocide

I think the antidote needs to match the four conditions that Desmet describes in the beginning. Our alternative must be:

1. More social connectedness;

2. More meaning-making (through spirituality, honest work, time with family & friends, and experiencing nature);

3. Properly identifying the source of our anxiety as our hurry up culture and helping people take the off-ramp to a parallel economy; and

4. Properly identifying the source of our frustration and aggression as the predatory system of monopoly capitalism and helping people take the off-ramp into a parallel economy based on mutual respect.

One last thought for now… what the pandemic has revealed to me is that the tendency toward totalitarianism is part of the human condition. Adam Curtis in his three-part documentary series The Living Dead argues that the world drew the wrong lessons from the Nuremberg trials. I think Curtis is correct when he asserts that it was a mistake to argue that the Nazis were uniquely evil — rather the lesson of World War II should have been that the shadow of evil resides in the hearts of all men.

So that’s what we’re up against. It’s sobering af. But I think a clear map of what we are dealing with is essential as we build the resistance and work to dismantle the genocidal Pharma regime.

Blessings to all of the warriors
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
From our rationalist view on man and the world to mass-formation

Dr. Mattias Desmet

At the end of February 2020, the global village began to shake on its foundations. The world was presented with a foreboding crisis, the consequences of which were incalculable. In a matter of weeks, everyone was gripped by the story of a virus—a story that was undoubtedly based on facts. But on which ones? We caught a first glimpse of “the facts” via footage from China. A virus forced the Chinese government to take the most draconian measures. Entire cities were quarantined, new hospitals were built hastily, and individuals in white suits disinfected public spaces. Here and there, rumors emerged that the totalitarian Chinese government was overreacting and that the new virus was no worse than the flu. Opposite opinions were also floating around: that it must be much worse than it looked, because otherwise no government would take such radical measures. At that point, everything still felt far removed from our shores and we assumed that the story did not allow us to gauge the full extent of the facts.
It is not my aim with the book to focus on that which is usually associated with totalitarianism—concentration camps, indoctrination, propaganda—but rather the broader cultural–historical processes from which totalitarianism emerges. This approach allows us to focus on what matters most: the conditions that surround us in our daily lives, from which totalitarianism takes root, grows, and thrives.

Ultimately, my book explores the possibilities of finding a way out of the current cultural impasse in which we appear to be stuck. The escalating social crises of the early twenty-first century are the manifestation of an underlying psychological and ideological upheaval—a shift of the tectonic plates on which a worldview rests. We are experiencing the moment in which an old ideology rears up in power, one last time, before collapsing. Each attempt to remediate the current social problems, whatever they may be, on the basis of the old ideology will only make things worse. One cannot solve a problem using the same mindset that created it. The solution to our fear and uncertainty does not lie in the increase of (technological) control. The real task facing us as individuals and as a society is to envision a new view of humankind and the world, to find a new foundation for our identity, to formulate new principles for living together with others, and to reclaim a timely human capacity—Truth Speech.
Utilizing mass neuroses of fascism cross conditioning for suicidal super egos master race sociological homicidal human economics farming master race as escalated with mass psychoses of fascism to reduce the gene pool certainly has "one nation under God with equal justice under law" little more than churchstate fiefdom lynching enforcement of the Christian Nation national religion of fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions.

Who is the loonier, Salty or Gemini?
This is what I've always said about you, you're retarded. The problem lies with you.

So many of the best thinkers have decided that Mass Formation best illuminates what is going on. That you are so ignorant that you dont know, or alternatively that you do know but you are a LYING WOKE FUCK, makes you not worth my time.

Please do sit down.
So many of the best thinkers have decided that Mass Formation best illuminates what is going on. That you are so ignorant that you dont know, or alternatively that you do know but you are a LYING WOKE FUCK, makes you not worth my time.

Please do sit down.

Really? Show me one academic article about "Mass Formation" from the 1990's.