The name of our collective mental illness is Mass Formation

So then Bret and Heather are not quite right, it should be "Eat good food, go outside, spend time with family, and continue speak out against the insanity" is the antidote to the insanity we currently suffer from.

I agree that the uber-woke on the left are not the shiniest pennies in the roll, but just about everybody on the right makes them seem like it.
The dead-center American is horrifically and shamefully regressive, so anybody to the right of the American center doesn't come close to rising to the most basic human intellect level.
I agree that the uber-woke on the left are not the shiniest pennies in the roll, but just about everybody on the right makes them seem like it.
The dead-center American is horrifically and shamefully regressive, so anybody to the right of the American center doesn't come close to rising to the most basic human intellect level.

America is now the land of the ignorant coward.

Buckle Up, this is going to hurt.
I heard COnservatives all the way back in then 70's claim that the left was working to destroy the family structure.....they turned up right.....but sadly they never did anything about it.
Mass formation, a term the rightwing echo chamber uses that sounds scientific to rile up their rubes. Throw in the word woke and its like ringing the bell for pavlov's dogs
Continuing to allow the Revolution to control language and conversations is a sure path to your enslavement.

Which is why ELON is such a threat, and must be eliminated.
America is now the land of the ignorant coward.

Buckle Up, this is going to hurt.

America has always had its share of cowards like anywhere else.
With our lack of commitment to education, the ignorance factor is and always has been baked into the cake.
All the anti-education rhetoric, by the way, comes from the right.

Typical Joe Sixpack rank-and-file republicans who are interviewed on location by TV field reporters cannot put together a simple, grammatically correct declarative sentence.
This is fact, not hyperbole. They just drool tobacco juice on their overall bibs, the vulgarian troglodytes. And these mental deficients have guns.
America has always had its share of cowards like anywhere else.
With our lack of commitment to education, the ignorance factor is and always has been baked into the cake.
All the anti-education rhetoric, by the way, comes from the right.

Typical Joe Sixpack rank-and-file republicans who are interviewed on location by TV field reporters cannot put together a simple, grammatically correct declarative sentence.
This is fact, not hyperbole. They just drool tobacco juice on their overall bibs, the vulgarian troglodytes. And these mental deficients have guns.

I am a progressive, I have no love for the Right as it has existed over my lifetime, but now Right/Left is no longer useful......what matters is WOKE/NOT WOKE.

However, Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way....just look at where we are.
I am a progressive, I have no love for the Right as it has existed over my lifetime, but now Right/Left is no longer useful......what matters is WOKE/NOT WOKE.

However, Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way....just look at where we are.

In the end, it isn't about right and wrong. It's about sincerely wanting completely different things.
Domestic peace never comes to a nation of genuinely incompatible people, and that's what we obviously are.

It's true that there are lots of conservatives in blue states and lots of liberals in red states; these are people who must accept not getting their way or can move out.
The real problem is that red states have far more political power in our system than their population numbers warrant, and it's enough to impact how blue states live.
As long as we remain a republic in the current configuration, America will always be a tinderbox ready to explode...until it eventually actually does explode.

If it gets much worse, nobody will give a shit. Let's see what we do picking up the pieces, unless someone comes in and picks them up for us. If it's NATO, I'm OK with it.
Most NATO nations are more modern and civilized than we. If it's somebody else, then we have a problem.
In the end, it isn't about right and wrong. It's about sincerely wanting completely different things.
Domestic peace never comes to a nation of genuinely incompatible people, and that's what we obviously are.

It's true that there are lots of conservatives in blue states and lots of liberals in red states; these are people who must accept not getting their way or can move out.
The real problem is that red states have far more political power in our system than their population numbers warrant, and it's enough to impact how blue states live.
As long as we remain a republic in the current configuration, America will always be a tinderbox ready to explode...until it eventually actually does explode.

If it gets much worse, nobody will give a shit. Let's see what we do picking up the pieces, unless someone comes in and picks them up for us. If it's NATO, I'm OK with it.
Most NATO nations are more modern and civilized than we. If it's somebody else, then we have a problem.

Its about seeing reality correctly, learning to do so is the definition of education, but America is now a nation of the stupendously stupid....The Modern Morons.

The pain that is coming will help with that.
Continuing to allow the Revolution to control language and conversations is a sure path to your enslavement.

Which is why ELON is such a threat, and must be eliminated.

Hey, finally figured out what the “revolution” is, a talking head show some pimp has on FOX TV, too funny, should have known