The National Security Strategy of the United States of America


Junior Member
Below is the Table of Contents/Key talking points of something that is known as "the Bush Doctrine"

YOU need to go in to this link to read it all, but I will try to post some clips from each category and subject later on...

But just taking this table of contents, doesn't it seem like OVERNIGHT we became an Empire Ruling the Whole World...according to President Bush and this Policy?

This needs to get out to the General Public and we need to HOLD our representatives accountable for letting the Bush Policy take hold...a policy that directly goes against our Constitution and our Sovereinty.

The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

Table of Contents

-Overview of America's International Strategy

-Champion Aspirations for Human Dignity

-Strengthen Alliances to Defeat Global Terrorism and Work to Prevent Attacks Against Us and Our Friends

-Work with others to Defuse Regional Conflicts

-Prevent Our Enemies from Threatening Us, Our Allies, and Our Friends with Weapons of Mass Destruction

-Ignite a New Era of Global Economic Growth through Free Markets and Free Trade

-Expand the Circle of Development by Opening Societies and Building the Infrastructure of Democracy

-Develop Agendas for Cooperative Action with the Other Main Centers of Global Power

-Transform America's National Security Institutions to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities of the Twenty-First Century

Why the heck did Bush MAKE US RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD and using our MONEY AND MILITARY TO DO IT? This is breaking our Constitution in many ways....imo.
Bush's original statement comes off like he is the Peacemaker, the promoter of democracy and peace...of course this is through the USE OF OUR MONEY, our taxes....

And note, this statement was made prior to any mention by the administration of Saddam hussein or a war with Iraq...or what we call the Iraqi War Resolution came before Congress.

I. Overview of America's International Strategy

"Our Nation's cause has always been larger than our Nation's defense. We fight, as we always fight, for a just peace—a peace that favors liberty. We will defend the peace against the threats from terrorists and tyrants. We will preserve the peace by building good relations among the great powers. And we will extend the peace by encouraging free and open societies on every continent."

President Bush
West Point, New York
June 1, 2002
first paragraph of the introduction....
and I ask again, since when did we become the GLOBE'S POLICEMEN?

The United States possesses unprecedented— and unequaled—strength and influence in the world. Sustained by faith in the principles of liberty, and the value of a free society, this position comes with unparalleled responsibilities, obligations, and opportunity. The great strength of this nation must be used to promote a balance of power that favors freedom.
We are the strongest country on the planet. That makes us the one everyone else turns too. If we were truely going to build an empire a lot more countries would have fallen to our military than iraq and afgan.

Trying to instill democracy throughout the world is a nobel venture, it has struck its first snag called islam.

Democracies don't war with one another. That's the whole premise of his doctrine. The problem is you don't take down tyrants by talking to them.
Why the heck did Bush MAKE US RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD and using our MONEY AND MILITARY TO DO IT? This is breaking our Constitution in many ways....imo.

Because our foreign policy has been taken over by Jews, and the various noahide groups, masons, fundies, etc. to institute Olam Ha Ba.

Please read this article, and tell me what the actual title should be.
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Democracies don't war with one another.

Why did we not support tha Hamas dominated democratically elected government ?

AHZ does have some truth in the influence of the jewish people in our country. Too much influence inho. Also imho they (israel) are just as bad as any of the other ME countries on striring the pot. And then whining about the results.
Democracies don't war with one another.

Why did we not support tha Hamas dominated democratically elected government ?

AHZ does have some truth in the influence of the jewish people in our country. Too much influence inho. Also imho they (israel) are just as bad as any of the other ME countries on striring the pot. And then whining about the results.

I don't think people with automatic ethnically based dual citizenship should be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.
I don't think people with automatic ethnically based dual citizenship should be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.
I thought that if you could prove German ancestry you also had such citizenship. About 1/3 of the nation would be immediately disqualified.
I thought that if you could prove German ancestry you also had such citizenship. About 1/3 of the nation would be immediately disqualified.

I don't know. But germany is not an obvious military hotzone with debatable american value on which we're spending bizarre sums of money. The jews and their noahide underlings are using america to institute a bizarre theocratic notion of jewish world rule (olam ha ba) and simulataneously selling out americans in the process.
I don't know. But germany is not an obvious military hotzone with debatable american value on which we're spending bizarre sums of money. The jews and their noahide underlings are using america to institute a bizarre theocratic notion of jewish world rule (olam ha ba) and simulataneously selling out americans in the process.

Plus, with only a little encouragement, they'll kill jews. So...
I don't espouse killing jews. Let's just recognize simultaneously the tenets of their religion and their political influence, and the current events of the day. Put it together, sister souljah.

As with everything else, you take one or two possible points and turn them into a huge overblown "threat" that does not exist. I don't know why you feel the need to do this. Why not just get a Stephen King novel? "IT" was a good one.
As with everything else, you take one or two possible points and turn them into a huge overblown "threat" that does not exist. I don't know why you feel the need to do this. Why not just get a Stephen King novel? "IT" was a good one.

You can keep your head buried deeply in your .... sands of ignorance. I choose to see reality unfettered.
AHZ if you really care to see it unfettered stay away from the wacko sites and draw your own conclusions.

I have. have you researched the term noahide or the Noahide Laws? Do you know what olam ha ba is? Are you aware of premillenial dispensationalism in evangelical churches? Are you aware of the fixations masons have with "The Temple Mount? Theosophy? Deism?
I am aware of many of those things. Just do not fxate on them .
I am also aware of the norcons and federalists, Bushies, Rushies, etc....