The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

LOL, bring it on AHZ.
I have papers/medals somewhere that say I am not a coward...
I also passed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality test with flying colors.
Have an IQ of somehwere in the 140's.

Therefore I am brave, intelligent and sane. And have papers to prove it :)

Now if I just had an eddicashun....
LOL, bring it on AHZ.
I have papers/medals somewhere that say I am not a coward...
I also passed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality test with flying colors.
Have an IQ of somehwere in the 140's.

Therefore I am brave, intelligent and sane. And have papers to prove it :)

Now if I just had an eddicashun....

So you fought in the Zionist Controlled U.S. military. Big f'ing deal. your too afraid to speak the truth.
You are just pissed because I won't join your little club :)

I AM a party of one, and join no clubs.
You will find few as independent as I am but still get along with people well.
Instead of being holed up in a shack in Montana waiting for the end.
You are just pissed because I won't join your little club :)

I AM a party of one, and join no clubs.
You will find few as independent as I am but still get along with people well.
Instead of being holed up in a shack in Montana waiting for the end.

No. You're a petulant child, who argues just to feel different and special. Im in no club, dumbass, I just speak honestly about jews and their influence, just like libs do about christians, or fundies do about secularists, or neocons do about jihadists. The baby boomers and older are the most jew brainwashed generation. That shit is done with.
No. You're a petulant child, who argues just to feel different and special. Im in no club, dumbass, I just speak honestly about jews and their influence, just like libs do about christians, or fundies do about secularists, or neocons do about jihadists. The baby boomers and older are the most jew brainwashed generation. That shit is done with.

Stop acting like a dick. Just because someone doesn't agree with you about the threat Jews present, by no means equals them being afraid of you or of giving their opinion. We both gave our opinions. They differ from yours. Grow up, would you?
I speak honestly about stuff too. I just don't read it form a talking points menu.

I like Jews, Muslims, blacks, greens, purples, etc if they are decent people and there are decent people in all religions and colors of skin, and cultures.
With that said all groups also have scuzzy subgroups, even WASP Americans :)
I speak honestly about stuff too. I just don't read it form a talking points menu.

I like Jews, Muslims, blacks, greens, purples, etc if they are decent people and there are decent people in all religions and colors of skin, and cultures.
With that said all groups also have scuzzy subgroups, even WASP Americans :)

Im not reading from a talking points menu. You may have heard these items together previously because they're true.

And I have disdain for neocon noahide sellouts as well, don't worry. they're the ones who just actively did nothing about america being overrun by a third world workforce, to please their fascist masters.
Everyone who buys Chinese goods and such other imported goods are noahides ?
WE are responsible, not some mysterious group.
Everyone who buys Chinese goods and such other imported goods are noahides ?
WE are responsible, not some mysterious group.

No. Anyone who repeatedly denies the damage caused by the allowance of slave labor into the civilized worlds workforce, is spreading the propaganda of globalism, the main instrument of implementing the New World Order which will then transform into Olam ha ba after the temple is rebuilt and we are all forced to worship the god of the zionists.
Ahh in denial that you are part of the problem then AHZ ?

No. It's difficult not to buy chinese goods, due to the extent that the globalist fascists have supported china in putting nearly all other manufacturers out of business. I advocate changing directions and stopping the absurd race to the bottom we're signing up for. You, on the other hand, seem to get some sick joy out of seeing it happen. And you ridicule those who advocate changing course.
either have the balls to stop buying any Chinese goods or stop your whining at me. Either walk your talk or shut up.
either have the balls to stop buying any Chinese goods or stop your whining at me. Either walk your talk or shut up.

It's impossible. We should ban slave goods at the governmental level. Trade policy is and has always been under the purview of the fed. and as I said, for some goods there is simply no substitute because we've ALLOWED the chinese to dominate with their use of slave labor as a cost cutting measure.

Why are you unwilling to implement policies which would reverse this negative trend? Your adhominem bluster is ineffective. Your complacency is pathetic, you fascist piece of trash.
Why the heck did Bush MAKE US RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD and using our MONEY AND MILITARY TO DO IT? This is breaking our Constitution in many ways....imo.

Breaking the constitution, treasonous....on and on. We need leaders to care more about americans than the "global infrastrucure". The fact is that under this global concept western societies get screwed based on "comparative advantage", a neocon policy of taking cost cutting measures out of all other social, political, and moral context.

When he says our friends he means his friends. This is all about bush and his friends.

Who are bush's friends?
The Order of Skull and Bones, once known as The Brotherhood of Death,[1] is a secret society based at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut, and is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. Skull and Bones has maintained its selective membership and Masonic-inspired rituals since its founding in 1832. The society's alumni organization, which owns its properties and oversees undergraduate activity, is the Russell Trust Association, named after one of Bones' founding members and is featured in the movie The Good Shepherd.
AHZ, Ahh the Skull and bones. One this is for sure these outfits are like a negative aspect of unions in that they protect and support useless sluffers.
Breaking the constitution, treasonous....on and on. We need leaders to care more about americans than the "global infrastrucure". The fact is that under this global concept western societies get screwed based on "comparative advantage", a neocon policy of taking cost cutting measures out of all other social, political, and moral context.

When he says our friends he means his friends. This is all about bush and his friends.

Who are bush's friends?
Okay, without adding the superhuge membership of the Order of the Skulls... I pretty much agree with most of this post.