The New Object of Hate...

We are approaching the 1 week mark since the election, and already it seems the people consumed with hate for Bush and Republicans are having a difficult time. From psychology, we know that sociopaths who are consumed with hate, must constantly have a target for their hatred, but with Democrats sweeping complete control of government power, it renders the target of their hate irrelevant.

What will become their new target? Freedom and Liberty? Will we begin to see more advocacy for Oppression and Tyranny? It seems to be the outlet some are choosing, judging by the threads posted here in recent days. It's not good enough for the 'haters' to defeat Bush and Republicans, they want more. They don't seem to be satisfied, as sociopaths often aren't, with successfully victimizing the right, they have allowed their rage to consume them to the point it now defines them, and they can't be satisfied without a target.

We often learn of some hideous crime, like that of Jeffrey Dahmer, and we wonder how a person could have devolved into such an obvious monster? How could someone allow themselves to become so obsessed with what they were doing, not to realize the wrongness of it? The answer is simple, really, it is the normal pattern of sociopaths. They are searching for satisfaction and can't achieve it. Each 'accomplishment' of an objective, merely feeds their need for more, like a drug. This pattern cycles down a path growing ever more sinister and evil, until one day they find themselves doing things society finds completely abhorrent and unimaginable.

Is this what we can expect from the "Bush Haters" as time goes by? Clearly, Bush is no longer going to be a viable target for hate, and Republicans control no branches of government, so they are unsatisfactory as targets as well. Where do these sociopaths turn next to feed their hunger?

Looks like Dixie is losing it. I wonder how long before he goes all Murrah building on us all?
LOL... How do you get that I am "loosing it" Desh?

I just asked a question out of curiosity. Honestly, I didn't expect you guys to answer it, because you suffer from the sociopath behavior and remain in denial of it, so you wouln't rationally have an answer for me. I just wanted people to think about it, and maybe get some ideas from those not inflicted with Bush Hate Syndrome.

....but, thanks for stopping by!! :)
Why do you guys keep trying to turn this around and pretend I am 'self-reflecting' or 'projecting' or whatever?

Because you described yourself and your party and it's eventual but inevitable downfall perfectly. It's funny that your so blinded by your hate of all things logical you can't even see that the above description is a self reflection. But if you want to compare liberals to sociopaths like Dahmer then be my guest. Your opinion is really meaningless and reeks of sour grapes.
Because you described yourself and your party and it's eventual but inevitable downfall perfectly. It's funny that your so blinded by your hate of all things logical you can't even see that the above description is a self reflection. But if you want to compare liberals to sociopaths like Dahmer then be my guest. Your opinion is really meaningless and reeks of sour grapes.

Yea Dixie....yah sore loserman!
LMAO... So his Conservative Democrat cracker ass appealed to the Conservative Democrat alienated voters who were supposedly racist?

Try making some sense!

No but his "apology" made him a more palatable to the racist conservative Republicans who were voting him in and needed a token apology so they wouldn't seem racist for voting for him again.