APP - The new spin on Hillary's email scandal

She never said she turned over all the emails. I heard her say that she turned over the emails relevant to the request but not others.

don't lie Jarod......she said it several times, including every time new emails showed up that she hadn't turned over.....
why are you afraid of the truth?......
More like I"m afraid of right wing zealots wasting vast sums of tax payers money and destroying innocent peoples lives on political witch hunts that go no where. It's sick and shows an incredible lack of both character and common decency. These witch hunts and the politics of personal destruction have become more important to the right wing zealots than running the nation. They would rather bring American down into one great big smoking slag heap than not get everything their own way.

Oh well. What can be expected of people who think compromise is a dirty word.
This is nothing new when it comes to the Clintons, the Republicans have been doing this since the 90's, they did it for 8 years regarding "whitewater" and they are doing it with "Benghazi" and now they are doing it with the emails. Anything that goes bad with the Clintons name on it becomes a multi-billion dollar tax payer funded investigation that ultimately turns into nothing but smears, rumor and innuendo to be used in Republican campaigns.
Yea...If the want to do that or their own dime than they can go for it. In the mean time they need to get their hands out of our pockets and play politics with their own money. I'm sick of it.
More like I"m afraid of right wing zealots wasting vast sums of tax payers money and destroying innocent peoples lives on political witch hunts that go no where. It's sick and shows an incredible lack of both character and common decency. These witch hunts and the politics of personal destruction have become more important to the right wing zealots than running the nation. They would rather bring American down into one great big smoking slag heap than not get everything their own way.

Oh well. What can be expected of people who think compromise is a dirty word. called Hillary innocent......good one!......
She put it on a private server so she could have total control over it, silly.

It was an arrogant thing to do, to think she was above the rules and regulations of her agency and should be exempt from public disclosure. She did it because she is always on defense as she is one of the most investigated women ever.

I know the law fairly well and am willing to discuss it. Despite what the law says, a crime cannot be ex post facto.
That may be true, but anyone with a brain must realize that she is not to be trusted. Voting for Hillary Clinton means you LOVE to be lied to.
More like I"m afraid of right wing zealots wasting vast sums of tax payers money and destroying innocent peoples lives on political witch hunts that go no where. It's sick and shows an incredible lack of both character and common decency. These witch hunts and the politics of personal destruction have become more important to the right wing zealots than running the nation. They would rather bring American down into one great big smoking slag heap than not get everything their own way.

Oh well. What can be expected of people who think compromise is a dirty word.

No. It's that truth thing....
More like I"m afraid of right wing zealots wasting vast sums of tax payers money and destroying innocent peoples lives on political witch hunts that go no where. It's sick and shows an incredible lack of both character and common decency. These witch hunts and the politics of personal destruction have become more important to the right wing zealots than running the nation. They would rather bring American down into one great big smoking slag heap than not get everything their own way.

Oh well. What can be expected of people who think compromise is a dirty word.

Why do you keep calling Obama's department of justice right wing zealots?
This is about the prohibition against ex post facto laws.

From what I understand, the emails contain information that was LATER classified. You cant change the status of the emails, then go back and say.. you mishandled information that was later classified, and then prosecute the person for sending information that was later classified.

This works for the common man as well as HRC. You fools are always barking up the wrong trees, it hurts you case when you use false outrage over angle after angel in an effort to get something on someone.
If you fully understand the laws governing SCI, you would understand that she was made aware for each SCI code word and informed exactly what type of information fell into which category. This means that Humint agents fall under a specific compartmentalized area and regardless of what the information is it is classified and known to be classified. That it hasn't been marked classified yet doesn't change that she knew it was classified. She may have questions as to what level of classification, but would know it fell into at the very least the Confidential category.

Any person who has undergone even just one of these briefings knows for a fact that if they let out information within their particular SCI clearances with this excuse they'd be in Leavenworth for a long time.

There is nobody, according to HillBillary herself, that is "too big to jail". She broke the laws, Jarod.
If you fully understand the laws governing SCI, you would understand that she was made aware for each SCI code word and informed exactly what type of information fell into which category. This means that Humint agents fall under a specific compartmentalized area and regardless of what the information is it is classified and known to be classified. That it hasn't been marked classified yet doesn't change that she knew it was classified. She may have questions as to what level of classification, but would know it fell into at the very least the Confidential category.

Any person who has undergone even just one of these briefings knows for a fact that if they let out information within their particular SCI clearances with this excuse they'd be in Leavenworth for a long time.

There is nobody, according to HillBillary herself, that is "too big to jail". She broke the laws, Jarod.

Very well said. I think their reflex to defend her whatever may come is so strong that no matter what facts are presented to them, they willfully ignore them.

Or maybe they realize that for better or worse, Crooked Hillary is the horse they are forced to ride.

Personally I think it is a bit of both. It has been clear that throughout this primary, lefties have not been enthused about Crooked Hillary. In fact, most if not all JPP lefties "claimed" to support Bernie over Crooked Hillary. So even they don't want her. Rana "claims" that she wasn't going to support Crooked Hillary until Trump said "mean things" and hurt her feels.

There is zero doubt to any level headed person that she willfully violated the law. However we all know that she will not do time even though the rest of us would be gone. Snowden got worse for less
If you fully understand the laws governing SCI, you would understand that she was made aware for each SCI code word and informed exactly what type of information fell into which category. This means that Humint agents fall under a specific compartmentalized area and regardless of what the information is it is classified and known to be classified. That it hasn't been marked classified yet doesn't change that she knew it was classified. She may have questions as to what level of classification, but would know it fell into at the very least the Confidential category.

Any person who has undergone even just one of these briefings knows for a fact that if they let out information within their particular SCI clearances with this excuse they'd be in Leavenworth for a long time.

There is nobody, according to HillBillary herself, that is "too big to jail". She broke the laws, Jarod.
Then so did Condaleeza Rice and Colin Powel. Where's the bandwagon to prosecute them? Why aren't we spending millions of tax payers money investigating them? This is a political witch hunt pure and simple.
This is about the prohibition against ex post facto laws.

From what I understand, the emails contain information that was LATER classified. You cant change the status of the emails, then go back and say.. you mishandled information that was later classified, and then prosecute the person for sending information that was later classified.

This works for the common man as well as HRC. You fools are always barking up the wrong trees, it hurts you case when you use false outrage over angle after angel in an effort to get something on someone.

That is not really the point, conducting official government business using a private insecure email server cannot be legal or right.