The remora of JPP
FYI this ^ is Legion.2,284,316 more than were cast.
FYI this ^ is Legion.2,284,316 more than were cast.
I have just one question to ask about your description of Calumny. How exactly is Trump flawed? Now, I do
understand how all humans are flawed, as we are just mortals in GOD's world, but again, how is Trump flawed?
I do not support the Democratic Party. Harris was a fucking joke.
The fact is you support an adjudicated rapist who committed numerous crimes, some of which he has been convicted. The EndI am a 30+ year, registered Blue Dog Democrat. IMHO, the Democratic Party has lost its way. Harris was exactly what she was hired to be, a Black Woman VP. She is a very effective BLM Candidate. Except, the Race-Card is worn to tatters, and BLM has been exposed as a Radical Marxist Mole Organization.
I'm not overly fond of the Establishment GOP either.
I do support Trump, as the least of Evils, and a man who has flaws, that are in some odd ways, also solutions, to the things wrong with the general political scene in the 2020s.
I hope that America will grow past these difficulties in the next few years, such that a man like Trump is no longer needed. Time will tell.
In the mean time, I am switching to Independent.
The jury did not convict him of rape.The fact is you support an adjudicated rapist who committed numerous crimes, some of which he has been convicted. The End
How stupid. I'm glad you guys think like that though,...it means you will continue to lose BIGLY. THANKS A MILLION lefties! Its makes it sooooooooo much easier when in your stupidity you do OUR job FOR US!She was a black women, that’s it, that’s all,
The End.
I don’t know why people keep looking for answers, the answer is quite simple.
Okay, I get it. Those flaws of Trump that you mentioned are minor in nature, and have absolutely nothing toHubris, ego, and sometime a desire to needle his semi-opponents, rather than be more diplomatic.
Sometime, he answers off-the-cuff, rather than differing to consider the problem to give a more thought through answer.
But! These very flaws, given the unrelenting Calumny of the Left, also make him somewhat immune to their slander.
Make no mistake, I support Trump. I accept his flaws, which in some cases are also his strengths. He is the man his hour needs.
I stand with Trump!
Irrelevant.Who won the election?
The fact is you support an adjudicated rapist who committed numerous crimes, some of which he has been convicted. The End
Who swept the election, President, Senate, and House?Irrelevant.
The public has never been known for consistently getting things right.
There are a lot of low educated dumbasses running around who allow themselves to be duped and misled by shysters.
Those people represent a significant percentage of trump's base.
The rest are just angry malcontents with an axe to grind against the world and trump is theirto the rest of us.
The same people who are going to return our country to it's former role as the laughing stock of the civilized world like it was between 2017 and 2021.Who swept the election, President, Senate, and House?
The same people who are going to return our country to it's former role as the laughing stock of the civilized world like it was between 2017 and 2021.
The same people who represent the low brow, thick headed malcontent half of the population of the country.
It won't last forever as long as trump's hand picked, strategically placed fellow criminals aren't able to illegally deny Democrats legitimate election victories.
Looking forward to the mid term elections in two years.
A court with the evidence disagrees with your opinion.The whole false accusations and claims of Trump committing rape are one of the prime examples of the Calumny of the Left, which is the primary reason that the Majority of the American Voters rejected you.
It was a kangaroo court, with a biased Judge and Jury, and it will be over-turned, but it also was NOT for Rape, it was a charge of sexual misconduct. Your claims that it was rape, is a form of Slander, and you will likely end up sued and heavily fined for it.
Trump may have made an overly aggressive form of sexual pass at a woman some two to three decades ago. In that era, such things were common. The testimony of his accuser is very suspect, and there is no clear reason, other than demands for money, that she did not make the claims years ago. She does not know what YEAR, much less what date, this happened, nor can she consistently recall the events.
It is abuse of power and lawfare, at aggravated levels, by the Radical Left, and it will result in the American people rejecting the Left across the nation until the Calamny is stopped.
Really? Here I thought the average American recognized that Biden was a total fuck up, senile, and incompetent while Harris made him look smart. That's why people voted for Trump. How is any of that some slanderous lie?If you want to understand how America got here...
Do a google search: define calumny
This word, defines what went wrong!
It is the heart of the Cancel-Culture.
If you want to understand how Trump, flawed as he is, beat Harris, and the Left in general is being rejected...
Well, it is Calumny.
If we want a brighter future, it must be stopped.
Hard to believe. Everything you say is same as all right wingers.I am a 30+ year, registered Blue Dog Democrat
Really? Here I thought the average American recognized that Biden was a total fuck up, senile, and incompetent while Harris made him look smart. That's why people voted for Trump. How is any of that some slanderous lie?
On the other hand, Biden's mental state was covered up by the MSM and his party for years, while they downplayed at every turn how he was fucking the nation over. Harris too, benefited from cover up and softballing her interactions with the media and public. If anything, the slanderous lie was with the Democrats and MSM trying to sell their loser candidates to the public.
It sure as hell didn't help the Democrats when their use of lawfare against Trump backfired and was seen as illegitimate rather than honest and then came the two assassination attempts. With the MSM piling on, people simply weren't buying what the Democrats were selling.