The newest lie....

if you like being fucked in the ass by insurers then you can continue getting fucked up the ass

Your interpitation of what he said means everything
Why would ANY sane person WANT to pay out the ass to be fucked up the ass?

Obama just gave you people too much credit for honesty
He keeps forgetting you turd bonnets like sucking the ass of corporate whores and think of it as a political statement
well this is all the republican party has left to offer.

Idiots who lap lies and have no real thoughts of their own.

Makes one understand why people like ron paul can get away with plagerizing half of what he calls HIS WORDS asnd they NEVERE notice.

stupid is stupid but that is who the republican party is now

The truth hurts knowing your beloved Obama is a fucking liar and the American people are starting to realize that fact.

Enjoy your delusion for now. The same people who cried their eyes out about it before 2010 are now loving the parts already in effect.

All the astroturfing in the world isn't going to help your party in the end.
well their lie about death panels didn't work out once the plan was actually implemented so their new lies are not even the best lies they had.

so its back to the pee wee defense.

and as usual the corporate media is helping them
oh they will just be screaming about it until they die.

they will just be saying stupid things about it like they did about medicare.

remember the signs that read "keep your government hands off my medicare"

this voting block will think ANYTHING their handlers tell them

Before the ACA, insurers were offering plans that had a wide range of benefits, from bare-bones catastrophic coverage, to high-end "Cadillac plans," but there were no minimums.

The new minimum essential benefits that insurers must cover as part of their plans include emergency services as well as outpatient care that people get at a hospital without being admitted.

Other benefits also include:

-Hospitalization, such as for surgery.

-Care both before and after the birth of a baby. Includes breast pump.

-Mental health and substance use services, which includes behavioral health treatment such as counseling and psychotherapy.

-Prescription drugs.

-Lab services.

-Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices for injuries, disabilities and chronic conditions. This includes speech and other therapies designed to help a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living.

-Preventive and wellness services.

-Pediatric services.
when he said you can keep your plan did he KNOW the insurance companies would find a way to USE that to CHEAT more.

do you know they are sending letters to people and using this bullshit your spreading to trick people into paying for MORE when they don't need it?

The whole reason this mess was here to need correcting in the first place was insurers fucking people with the small print.

fuck you people jusy LIKE taking it in the ass from corporations

Hey, he's always been the smartest guy in the room, right? He said so.