The left was investigated over and over the last 8 years. Try and keep up with the facts.
LIE and LAME. A pathological lying dumb fuck like you wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you on your thick empty Neanderthal skull.
Trump is guilty of lots of crimes.
His administration is full of crooks.
If they were clean like Obamas admin, there would not be such fertile ground to dig up crimes. Obama did no emoluments crimes as an example. He did not have a Cohen and Manafort doing his criminal dirty work.
LIE and LAME. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting scandal, the VA's deadly waiting lists for veterans, Hillary Clinton's illegal use of an unsecured, hackable home-brew server for her official duties as secretary of state....etc etc.
This moron has LIED four times in this post while claiming Trump is a liar. That is the sad, pathetic mental state the dishonest liberal left finds itself in these days. It is a direct result of severe TDS and has exposed these despicable America hating dullards for the dishonest lying dumb fucks that they are.