All members should be tried and executed for treason, and all possessions of organization and members should be confiscated and sent to charitable organizations like The Brady Foundation.
You are welcome to come try and confiscate my guns. Hey, how about the ammunition too?
I'll be happy to give you the ammunition. One round at a time.
All members should be tried and executed for treason, and all possessions of organization and members should be confiscated and sent to charitable organizations like The Brady Foundation.
All who support the 2nd amendment should be tried and executed for treason.
You truly are the idiot that brings shame to the other idiots like you.
is that a burn? i can't tell....
Would that be ironic?
You are welcome to come try and confiscate my guns. Hey, how about the ammunition too?
I'll be happy to give you the ammunition. One round at a time.
Their much too pussyfied to be terrorist, threatorist maybe.
is this also a burn? i can't tell....
The NRA is the greatest civil liberties organization that has ever existed.
The NRA is the greatest civil liberties organization that has ever existed.