APP - The numbers don't lie


So while the left twists themselves in knots over trying to find the most effective argument against protecting America's sovereignty, they are left with "but, but, but Trump promised Mexico would pay for it". So let's get this out of the way. Yes he did. But, even if he lied. Even if it was campaign rhetoric, I still want it built.

Do people think that those who are in support of the wall ONLY support it because they thought Mexico would pay for it? That is complete nonsense.

Even if taxpayers foot the bill, the wall will more than pay for itself financially not even considering the lost lives and economic output due to crimes committed by illegal aliens.
Dems don't want the walls because they want illegals to overwhelm the welfare system. That will bring in a call for full-on socialism.
No...the point is we have a crisis....and don't wish to add to the problems....

It's a fact that illegals are included in Census counts that give disproportionate political and financial advantages to states like California.
It's a fact that illegals are included in Census counts that give disproportionate political and financial advantages to states like California.

Exactly. I suspect that is why states like Commiefornia and Sillinoyed are pro sanctuary city

You can’t support sanctuary cities AND be for tough border security.

They are incongruent.
It's a fact that illegals are included in Census counts that give disproportionate political and financial advantages to states like California.

The state of Alabama is suing the Census department for just that thing. Illegals are breaking the law and have no citizenship rights so states Like California should not benefit from them.
Yes, do you care? Or can Trump lie all he wants, and you'll still support him?

He was taken out of context

How much more clear can I make it. Mexico paying or not paying is irrelevant to me

Seems to me that leftist getting hung up on the “Mexico will pay for it” argument are tacitly acknowledging that a wall is needed and are only hung up on who is funding

far as I am concerned we can just take money from the poor and raise taxes on the poor to par for it