APP - The numbers don't lie

So why did Trump lie about it? Why didn't he "tell it like it is" and say we need to spend 5.6 billion on a wall to stop this?
Why are you more concerned about bashing the President than you are about the people and the crisis in this country?
That's a proposal outline, not a promise.

He promised over and over that Mexico would pay for the wall. There are tons of videos of him saying this. Then he said there that it would be a one time payment.
Even if you don't want to accept the one time payment part, Trump still said Mexico would pay for the wall. What he wants now is for us to pay for it through taxes.
He was taken out of context

How much more clear can I make it. Mexico paying or not paying is irrelevant to me

Seems to me that leftist getting hung up on the “Mexico will pay for it” argument are tacitly acknowledging that a wall is needed and are only hung up on who is funding

far as I am concerned we can just take money from the poor and raise taxes on the poor to par for it

So it's okay for Trump to lie to you? This means he doesn't "tell it like it is."
Yes, but once again, a Trump supporter is bringing up the Democrats in order to justify Trump's lying.
The only way anyone can defend Trump is by saying "but this person does it too!"

Who is this mythical Trump supporter you keep rambling about? If you are referring to me you are sorely mistaken. But then to you Trump haters anyone who doesn't piss and moan about Trump hourly is a Trump supporter!
Who is this mythical Trump supporter you keep rambling about? If you are referring to me you are sorely mistaken. But then to you Trump haters anyone who doesn't piss and moan about Trump hourly is a Trump supporter!

You seriously just brought up Democrats in a discussion about Trump lying. You are doing what this so-called "mythical" Trump supporter does.
Archie Bunker would be ashamed.
So it's okay for politicians to lie if they feel it's justified?
Can you name one who doesn't? This is about the people...but it's clear that for some of the " politicians"‘ in this country, they are not priority..or this shutdown would be over...
Can you name one who doesn't? This is about the people...but it's clear that for some of the " politicians"‘ in this country, they are not priority..or this shutdown would be over...

Probably only Ron Paul. But that doesn't make it right. This attitude of "Trump can do it because they all do it" is lowering the bar.
Trump is definitely a politician like the rest of them, he's just a shitty one who can't make a deal.
Probably only Ron Paul. But that doesn't make it right. This attitude of "Trump can do it because they all do it" is lowering the bar.
Trump is definitely a politician like the rest of them, he's just a shitty one who can't make a deal.
I didn't say it was "right"...
You can't make a deal when the other half is absent....physically and mentally....
He promised over and over that Mexico would pay for the wall. There are tons of videos of him saying this. Then he said there that it would be a one time payment.
Even if you don't want to accept the one time payment part, Trump still said Mexico would pay for the wall. What he wants now is for us to pay for it through taxes.

I am good with using tax dollars to pay for it
I didn't say it was "right"...
You can't make a deal when the other half is absent....physically and mentally....

Trump isn't trying to make a deal. He's a spoil failure who got everything handed to him, so now that he isn't getting what he wants, he's throwing a tantrum.
This is what happens when people who aren't alpha, think they are alpha.