The Obama is Cancer to the US

Labor unions make up the middle class in certain states, and become a cancer to the rest of the country. Not to mention their own.

Our problems are a result of more than a hundred years of a gradual pull towards Marxism. Which runs hand to hand with labor unions.

The American voter has said a lot of things. I think they have about had it with the democratic-republican party though.

What makes you favor one over the other?
Bush lost congress because the republicans were a bunch of whores. Just like the democrats.

It always pisses me off when you economic royalists try to lie and change history. The so called 'pull towards Marxism' you love to berate actually built the wealth and power of the U.S. in the decades after WWII and is responsible for YOUR high standard of living. You ungrateful brainwashed, diddo head. Roosevelt provided a balanced playing field for labor which has been under attack by you corporatists ever since. Reagan declared war on the middle class in the 80's and our standard of living is now under full assault by the multinational corporate sponsors you support. They are sucking that wealth to the top which will inevitably drive down YOUR standard of living to that of the average Indonesian. Capitalism is NOT Democracy, learn the difference. If you want to learn what will happen with the unrestricted capitalism that you want, study the Robber Baron era, or see how labor was treated in the early to middle part of the 20th century.

"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

Collective Bargaining is NOT Marxism. Grow a fucking brain.
It always pisses me off when you economic royalists try to lie and change history. The so called 'pull towards Marxism' you love to berate actually built the wealth and power of the U.S. in the decades after WWII and is responsible for YOUR high standard of living. You ungrateful brainwashed, diddo head. Roosevelt provided a balanced playing field for labor which has been under attack by you corporatists ever since. Reagan declared war on the middle class in the 80's and our standard of living is now under full assault by the multinational corporate sponsors you support. They are sucking that wealth to the top which will inevitably drive down YOUR standard of living to that of the average Indonesian. Capitalism is NOT Democracy, learn the difference. If you want to learn what will happen with the unrestricted capitalism that you want, study the Robber Baron era, or see how labor was treated in the early to middle part of the 20th century.

"A coal miner in West Virginia generally lived in a company town. He woke up in a company bed situated in a company house. He washed himself with water drawn from a company well and ate breakfast prepared with food bought at the company store. Everything consumed or used by his family came from the company, purchased on credit. The credits used during the pay period only rarely failed to add up to less than the paycheck (paid not in United States currency, but company script.) In debt from his first day on the job, the entire system was geared towards keeping him and his family that way.

The miner had free speech, but what happened after he spoke could give him serious trouble. Many companies employed the firm Baldwin and Felts to provide mine guards. These guards dispensed retribution against “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” who came in talking about unions. One town even featured a Gatling gun mounted upon the front porch of a company official’s home. Companies figured that they could increase their control by importing miners from a variety of areas such as Russia, southern Italy, and Austria-Hungary. They came from countries with oppressive systems; also living in a strange country with different customs and languages increased their isolation. In fairness, company towns ran the spectrum from benevolently paternalistic societies to absolutely dictatorial rule. Increasingly the system turned its aims towards preventing unions from organizing the region."

Collective Bargaining is NOT Marxism. Grow a fucking brain.

I have to disagree with you Crashk. Labor unions are sucking our society dry. My opinion about why we had a boom after WW2, is because of the tax cuts us capitalists used to our(s), and this countries advantage.

I don't know if you've really been made aware of the fact that the gov't took my pention to bail out union members. So they wouldn't loose their pensions. Unions are cancers to liberty.

Oh,,, we are not a democracy. We're a Democratic Republic. You're right, capitalism is not Democracy.

I'm not a coal miner. I'm a capitalist.

And at this time I'm in the process of rounding up illegals here in Texas and sending them to union states to compete with the union people who voted for the politicians that wanted them to come here in the first place. We have signs on the border that read in spanish, "Blue states love you so much that there are great jobs waiting for you up there. Better welfare, better schools, better than where you are now. And you're welcome in these states."

You see,,, the gov't took my money against my will to entice people to come here illegally. Me and some of my capitalist friends who have been offended by this have decided to let you union people enjoy the fruits of your politicians. (Or the fruit of your votes.)

Oh, and I noticed that cities are trying to get away from the unions at this time. It seems that the unions are sucking them dry.

Enjoy your brain. :pke:
I have to disagree with you Crashk. Labor unions are sucking our society dry. My opinion about why we had a boom after WW2, is because of the tax cuts us capitalists used to our(s), and this countries advantage.

I don't know if you've really been made aware of the fact that the gov't took my pention to bail out union members. So they wouldn't loose their pensions. Unions are cancers to liberty.

Oh,,, we are not a democracy. We're a Democratic Republic. You're right, capitalism is not Democracy.

I'm not a coal miner. I'm a capitalist.

And at this time I'm in the process of rounding up illegals here in Texas and sending them to union states to compete with the union people who voted for the politicians that wanted them to come here in the first place. We have signs on the border that read in spanish, "Blue states love you so much that there are great jobs waiting for you up there. Better welfare, better schools, better than where you are now. And you're welcome in these states."

You see,,, the gov't took my money against my will to entice people to come here illegally. Me and some of my capitalist friends who have been offended by this have decided to let you union people enjoy the fruits of your politicians. (Or the fruit of your votes.)

Oh, and I noticed that cities are trying to get away from the unions at this time. It seems that the unions are sucking them dry.

Enjoy your brain. :pke:

Just to clarify a common misrepresentation:

The United States is a "Constitutional Republic" which relies on a representative democracy....that is all :)
I've got no problem with unions existing. Peaceable assembly is their 1st Amendment right. My problem in the belief that unions must exist, and must get what they want. I have a huge problem with intimidation, attempts to implement open voting so that everyone within the union can be controlled, and closed shops. Last, I have a problem with the fact that only 7% of private-sector (old-fashioned craft and labor union jobs such as thouse represented by the AFL-CIO) jobs are unionized, while a whopping 19% of public-sector jobs are unionized.
I've got no problem with unions existing. Peaceable assembly is their 1st Amendment right. My problem in the belief that unions must exist, and must get what they want. I have a huge problem with intimidation, attempts to implement open voting so that everyone within the union can be controlled, and closed shops. Last, I have a problem with the fact that only 7% of private-sector (old-fashioned craft and labor union jobs such as thouse represented by the AFL-CIO) jobs are unionized, while a whopping 19% of public-sector jobs are unionized.

I use to have the same opinion until I found out a few things. Justice would be the union people competing with the illegals.

You also bring up some good points.
"I don't know if you've really been made aware of the fact that the gov't took my pention to bail out union members. So they wouldn't loose their pensions. Unions are cancers to liberty."

I don't know anything or want to know anything about your pension.
The prosperity after WWII was in a time when most of the capitalists in your party still believed in this country. Labor has always fought for their fair share of the profits and capitalists have always tried to keep them poor. I understand this struggle and I know you prefer monopolies and economic slavery to real capitalism.
"I don't know if you've really been made aware of the fact that the gov't took my pention to bail out union members. So they wouldn't loose their pensions. Unions are cancers to liberty."

I don't know anything or want to know anything about your pension.
The prosperity after WWII was in a time when most of the capitalists in your party still believed in this country. Labor has always fought for their fair share of the profits and capitalists have always tried to keep them poor. I understand this struggle and I know you prefer monopolies and economic slavery to real capitalism.

In 1947 we placed a huge handicap on labor unions via the Taft-Hartley Act. So who exactly was responsible for the boom? Was it patriotic capitalists, or was it simply lack of competition from war-torn Europe and undeveloped, war-torn Asia?
I would rather direct you here as it is easier than my explaining the differences. :)

A site that endorses J.D.Hayworth!!! What could be worse than McCain and Kyle? J.D.Hayworth that's what! LOL!

According to the CIA World Factbook the United States of America's government type is a Constitution-based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. (
Broken down further...
Constitution-based : The Constitution of the United States of America acts as the highest and supreme law of the Union.

Federal : The separate states are united by a central (federal) government.

Republic : A form of government where the head of state or of the executive is not a monarch. The people also have a direct involvement in the government through elections and voting.

Ultimately this means that the States (originally 13, now numbering 50) are each independent sovereign entities that are part of a union or federation. The states representation (the way that government is organized and carried out) in that union is based upon a republican form of government. The federal government (not to be confused with a national government) is bound and limited by the Constitution, which details what powers the federal government is to have, leaving all other issues to the States or to the people.

A republican form of govt. does not mean ruled by the Repubicon party.:palm:
Gawd, that is a shitty definition of republic. Its the reason why there are People's Republics in places like N. Korea and mainland China. I prefer, a nation ruled by laws and governed by elected officials. Simply not being ruled by a monarch is pretty lame...
"I don't know if you've really been made aware of the fact that the gov't took my pention to bail out union members. So they wouldn't loose their pensions. Unions are cancers to liberty."

I don't know anything or want to know anything about your pension.
The prosperity after WWII was in a time when most of the capitalists in your party still believed in this country. Labor has always fought for their fair share of the profits and capitalists have always tried to keep them poor. I understand this struggle and I know you prefer monopolies and economic slavery to real capitalism.

Oh no,,,,,, I hate Monopolies. Such as what our Marxist gov't is becoming.

And my party hasn't been in power in almost 200 yrs. I don't prefer economic slavery to real capitalism.

Actually your union bosses have become a monopoly.
In 1947 we placed a huge handicap on labor unions via the Taft-Hartley Act. So who exactly was responsible for the boom? Was it patriotic capitalists, or was it simply lack of competition from war-torn Europe and undeveloped, war-torn Asia?

Another good point Threedee.
A site that endorses J.D.Hayworth!!! What could be worse than McCain and Kyle? J.D.Hayworth that's what! LOL!

According to the CIA World Factbook the United States of America's government type is a Constitution-based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. (
Broken down further...
Constitution-based : The Constitution of the United States of America acts as the highest and supreme law of the Union.

Federal : The separate states are united by a central (federal) government.

Republic : A form of government where the head of state or of the executive is not a monarch. The people also have a direct involvement in the government through elections and voting.

Ultimately this means that the States (originally 13, now numbering 50) are each independent sovereign entities that are part of a union or federation. The states representation (the way that government is organized and carried out) in that union is based upon a republican form of government. The federal government (not to be confused with a national government) is bound and limited by the Constitution, which details what powers the federal government is to have, leaving all other issues to the States or to the people.

A republican form of govt. does not mean ruled by the Repubicon party.:palm:


Another attempt at hair-splitting all the while showing complete ignorance. The US charter lovingly known as the Constitution of the US was created to prevent the pure kinds of democracy that liberals push us towards...

Now can you please attempt to explain to me why the fact that we are a "Constitutional Republic" is an important distinction from being a Democratic Republic instead of sidetracking about a candidate you don't like?

There really is one; it is not a trick question.
A site that endorses J.D.Hayworth!!! What could be worse than McCain and Kyle? J.D.Hayworth that's what! LOL!

According to the CIA World Factbook the United States of America's government type is a Constitution-based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. (
Broken down further...
Constitution-based : The Constitution of the United States of America acts as the highest and supreme law of the Union.

Federal : The separate states are united by a central (federal) government.

Republic : A form of government where the head of state or of the executive is not a monarch. The people also have a direct involvement in the government through elections and voting.

Ultimately this means that the States (originally 13, now numbering 50) are each independent sovereign entities that are part of a union or federation. The states representation (the way that government is organized and carried out) in that union is based upon a republican form of government. The federal government (not to be confused with a national government) is bound and limited by the Constitution, which details what powers the federal government is to have, leaving all other issues to the States or to the people.

A republican form of govt. does not mean ruled by the Repubicon party.:palm:

Wawawwait a minute, didn't the great leader say we had 57 states? Or was that 60?
Oh yeah...typical nutjob RightWing propaganda site with nothing but links to other crazy people's books and videos.

No WONDER ID recommends it!

Awww are you looking for some attention fatgirl? I note your inability to refute what I said.

Fat man want a cracker...perhaps with a cracker you can get some of that peanut butter your wife spreads around :)
Awww are you looking for some attention fatgirl? I note your inability to refute what I said.

Fat man want a cracker...perhaps with a cracker you can get some of that peanut butter your wife spreads around :)

It all tastes better with a lil peanut butter on it! :cof1: