The Official Did You Know? Thread

Did you know that all lefties are either violent criminals or accomplices?

Did you know that if you corner a lefty or hold his feet too close to the fire, he will simply vanish?

Did you know that all righties are idiots or followers of idiots?

Did you know that if you present facts to a righty, he burst into flame?
I just noticed free4all has been banned. What the fuck FOR? Hey, Phanny Dismal or Damo, please let me know WHY this is.

Did you know that Yusuf Islam, AKA musician Cat Stevens, contacted tuberculosis when he was in his early twenties, and nearly died? We are SO lucky he lived and went on to record some of the best music in ANY genre in the 1970's. And it's his birthday today, Yusuf turns 72 years of age. Happy Birthday, Yusuf!
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