The Official Round II Debate thread


on indefiniate mod break
Old thread had to much stuff about political leanings, labels, accusations of plagerisms, animated crying babies, etc. NEWWWWWWWWW THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAD:gives:
In order to start this new thread out right, I'd like to congratulate myself on an absolutely amazing debate. Beer all around!

Yea I guess we can wait till the end of the tournament. If Billy keeps winning does that mean we have to drink more of his cheap ass beer?
Anyway, as we were discussing at the end of the previous thread, libertarianism is the best political philosophy, and the most consistent with American principles of government.
Anyway, as we were discussing at the end of the previous thread, libertarianism is the best political philosophy, and the most consistent with American principles of government.
It's contrived nonsense. Libertarians couldn't lead ducks to water and couldn't govern a kindergarten class and it has absolutely nothing to do at all with American principles of government or any form of government. It's just anarchy.
It's contrived nonsense. Libertarians couldn't lead ducks to water and couldn't govern a kindergarten class and it has absolutely nothing to do at all with American principles of government or any form of government. It's just anarchy.

Most libertarians I know are simply fiscal conservatives who don't like the way the republican party has swung towards the social conservative side of things.
Most libertarians I know are simply fiscal conservatives who don't like the way the republican party has swung towards the social conservative side of things.
Most of the ones I know, when their not pulling duty with the michigan militia are sitting in their underwear and posting on internet blogs how to over throw the government.

I understand the frustration of fiscal conservatives. My definition of "fiscal conservative" doesn't include regressive, funnel the money upward till everyone is poor but us supply sider policy. Nor does it include the cut taxes for the rich then borrow and spend like drunken sailors crowd.

Fiscal conservatism to me means, living within your means, don't spend more then you earn and balance your accounts. In that respect there's nothing even fucking remotely close to conservatism in the Republican fiscal policy. They didn't even give a flying fuck about deficits until they dug us a great big shit hole of debt and we kicked them out of office.
It's contrived nonsense. Libertarians couldn't lead ducks to water and couldn't govern a kindergarten class and it has absolutely nothing to do at all with American principles of government or any form of government. It's just anarchy.

So liberty is anarchy, freedom is chaos, and might and order are right and proper. Thanks for that.
Most libertarians I know are simply fiscal conservatives who don't like the way the republican party has swung towards the social conservative side of things.
[ame=""]YouTube- SOUND EFFECT TADA[/ame]
It's contrived nonsense. Libertarians couldn't lead ducks to water and couldn't govern a kindergarten class and it has absolutely nothing to do at all with American principles of government or any form of government. It's just anarchy.

You're wrong Mott.