The Official Round II Debate thread

Most of the ones I know, when their not pulling duty with the michigan militia are sitting in their underwear and posting on internet blogs how to over throw the government.

I understand the frustration of fiscal conservatives. My definition of "fiscal conservative" doesn't include regressive, funnel the money upward till everyone is poor but us supply sider policy. Nor does it include the cut taxes for the rich then borrow and spend like drunken sailors crowd.

Fiscal conservatism to me means, living within your means, don't spend more then you earn and balance your accounts. In that respect there's nothing even fucking remotely close to conservatism in the Republican fiscal policy. They didn't even give a flying fuck about deficits until they dug us a great big shit hole of debt and we kicked them out of office.

So liberty is anarchy, freedom is chaos, and might and order are right and proper. Thanks for that.

How about,,,,, if I'm not a socialist I'm an anarchist.

It seems a person can only be a socialist, or an anarchist in the socialists view.
I noticed that the winners of the last few rounds shamelessly copied my style. :cool:

I also copied your style. In a covert kind of way.

Even though I debated about a week before you.

And even though I lost my debate. Thx to some of the judges.
Most of the ones I know, when their not pulling duty with the michigan militia are sitting in their underwear and posting on internet blogs how to over throw the government.

I understand the frustration of fiscal conservatives. My definition of "fiscal conservative" doesn't include regressive, funnel the money upward till everyone is poor but us supply sider policy. Nor does it include the cut taxes for the rich then borrow and spend like drunken sailors crowd.

Fiscal conservatism to me means, living within your means, don't spend more then you earn and balance your accounts. In that respect there's nothing even fucking remotely close to conservatism in the Republican fiscal policy. They didn't even give a flying fuck about deficits until they dug us a great big shit hole of debt and we kicked them out of office.

Those of us who want a fiscally conservative gov't have no where else to turn. George W. showed us the future of the republican party. And the Dems spend just as wildly. Both parties want to spend like drunken sailors and interfere in places the gov't has no business.
I noticed that the winners of the last few rounds shamelessly copied my style. :cool:
Since when has foot notes become a style? Let's also keep in mind who it was that started spazing out about plagerism. That's right, it was you!

I wouldn't get to cocky, Billy's first round of arguments were far better than yours and Billy hasn't even gone to college. I knew my topic well enough in my first debate that I defeated my opponent with out even having to use source material. Let's see you do that in your next debate Mr. Hotshot. If your so good do your next debate against Billy extemporaneously like I did against Skidmark. Cause I'm telling you, you had better pick up your game over your last performance or Billy is going to hand you your ass.
Those of us who want a fiscally conservative gov't have no where else to turn. George W. showed us the future of the republican party. And the Dems spend just as wildly. Both parties want to spend like drunken sailors and interfere in places the gov't has no business.

Republicans are afraid of fighting the Dems on social spending issues, and when they enter office (the Bushes, at least), they believe that the near future will not bring issues that will force them to spend even more. For example, when W came into office, he figured that the Clinton strategy of scaling down the military would continue, and he had the winning concept of being even less involved in the world, as Clinton had to deal with the Balkans, Somalia, etc., and Sr. had to deal with Iraq, Somalia, etc. Unfortunately, W never studied that foreign policy debates that went down under Sr. between the Scowcroft realists and the Wolfowitz neocons. When 9/11 happened, Bush changed his mind on interventionism, nation building, and the expensive business of waging war in the 21st Century.
Since when has foot notes become a style? Let's also keep in mind who it was that started spazing out about plagerism. That's right, it was you!

I wouldn't get to cocky, Billy's first round of arguments were far better than yours and Billy hasn't even gone to college. I knew my topic well enough in my first debate that I defeated my opponent with out even having to use source material. Let's see you do that in your next debate Mr. Hotshot. If your so good do your next debate against Billy extemporaneously like I did against Skidmark. Cause I'm telling you, you had better pick up your game over your last performance or Billy is going to hand you your ass.
Its not "spazing" to point out the obvious, 15ppMoot. Admittedly my question to my opponent wasn't very good, but that's because after reading jumbled sentences from an encyclopedia, there wasn't much to respond to. *shrug*
Its not "spazing" to point out the obvious, 15ppMoot. Admittedly my question to my opponent wasn't very good, but that's because after reading jumbled sentences from an encyclopedia, there wasn't much to respond to. *shrug*

I don't expect you to make it to the next round. You're an idiot who won because you were paired with an idiot.
Its not "spazing" to point out the obvious, 15ppMoot. Admittedly my question to my opponent wasn't very good, but that's because after reading jumbled sentences from an encyclopedia, there wasn't much to respond to. *shrug*
You're point may be valid, but so is mine. Round 1 is over. Better bring your A game against Billy.
My Astros won against the Cards last night. I bet Red fans are going crazy as each day goes by.
Yea up here in Columbus all those "Life Long" Indian fans are no longer to be found. The Reds are just steam rolling weaker opponents but I still have cause to be concerned, they have not done well against winning teams. They have big series coming up against St. Louis and SD and need to win both.

Votto gets my vote for NL MVP.
I wish I were. We need new blood in our political process to supplant one of the two parties. It aint going to be libertarians. That's for sure.

Again, why do socialist feel that a small limited federal gov't is anarchy?

Why do socialists want the gov't to decide what profession someone should be, and if school is an option for someone?

Have the bureaucrat decide if they will get a life saving operation?

If a certain car is permitable?

It's strange that a socialist wants the gov't to decide where a person should live. Which apt they will need. Can't socialist decide these things, and do away with the bureaucrat?

Why do socialist want gov't to tell them what to do, and how to do it?
Yea up here in Columbus all those "Life Long" Indian fans are no longer to be found. The Reds are just steam rolling weaker opponents but I still have cause to be concerned, they have not done well against winning teams. They have big series coming up against St. Louis and SD and need to win both.

Votto gets my vote for NL MVP.

Good luck!:clink: