The Oscars...

I'm pulling for Inglorious Bastards. Brad Pitt for Best Actor! I really liked the artistic license he took when he carved the swastika into the heads of those nazi's with his Bowie knife.
Inglorious Basterds was a movie that promoted evil and deeply insulted Judaism. It should be banned. I could no more watch a celebration of appalling war crimes and atrocities than a celebration of the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer.
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Inglorious Basterds was a movie that promoted evil and deeply insulted Judaism. It should be banned. I could no more watch a celebration of appalling war crimes and atrocities than a celebration of the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer.

The movie was awesome, and I'm a guy who has never watched Pulp Fiction or the Kill Bills, and hated Sin City (which Tarantino guest directed).
The movie was awesome, and I'm a guy who has never watched Pulp Fiction or the Kill Bills, and hated Sin City (which Tarantino guest directed).

I'm just baiting you. I'm actually downloading the movie right now.

But I still don't really like movies that glorify vengeance. But, I've never seen the movie to tell one way or the other how it could be taken.
UP was honestly probably the best movie of the year. The Oscars always just go to dramas. Light movies are seriously underestimated.

What is this fascination with UP everyone seems to have?

I have seen it, and it was alright, nothing I'd waste time watching over and over.

I didn't think it was as good as Wall-E or even the Incredibles.

And The Hurt Locker is going to get the best pic nod...