The other pandemic

The other pandemic , democrats don't want to talk about this one , its been affecting millions of democrats for some time now and they really don't want the information being made public but we can ignore it any longer.

Stupidly has infected tens of millions of democrats across America .

The infection stared a couple decades ago and thats when the progressive socialist started infection the general democrat party turning them into morons slowly , it started in the school system and progresses from there. We have a ton of examples right here on this forum.
There no cure for it , no vaccine and it appears to be passed down for the parents to the children .

Some people have severe cases of it such as Bath house Barry O bung hole the big bitter, AOC and the squad , Pelosi , Nalder, Sanders ,
Gavin Newsom, Cuomo, mad maxi and others . I was going to include Al cocaine Sharpton but hes just a user and a crook by nature.

Imbecility infection has taken over the republican party, since lying, corrupt Nixon, to the ignorant lying, Reagan, to the lying ignorant little Bush, to the grand master, lying, corrupt Trump, teabaggers defended and supported all these corrupt liars.
The dumber they are, the more teabaggers love them, Dotard likes his cult stupid.

Who would defend and support such a moron?

"I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Donald Trump 7/5/2018

Yeah, your stable "genius".
The other pandemic , democrats don't want to talk about this one , its been affecting millions of democrats for some time now and they really don't want the information being made public but we can ignore it any longer.

Stupidly has infected tens of millions of democrats across America .

The infection stared a couple decades ago and thats when the progressive socialist started infection the general democrat party turning them into morons slowly , it started in the school system and progresses from there. We have a ton of examples right here on this forum.
There no cure for it , no vaccine and it appears to be passed down for the parents to the children .

Some people have severe cases of it such as Bath house Barry O bung hole the big bitter, AOC and the squad , Pelosi , Nalder, Sanders ,
Gavin Newsom, Cuomo, mad maxi and others . I was going to include Al cocaine Sharpton but hes just a user and a crook by nature.

not an infection.........its a genetic defect......
There are many ways to ban things. The progressive way is to burn, loot and murder along with deplatform, ostracise and scare people.

No, that's not banning. Banning is when the government makes it illegal to do something. And the government never made it illegal to say "Merry Christmas."
There was also never any social pressure, like the kind you're describing, against Christmas. These culture war talking-points are used to distract Useful Idiots from the real issues, such as the failures of Capitalism.
this pandemic may go on for a generation or longer until America is totally infected and a nation of idiots . It can be stopped with education and birth control and strict immigration .

Dear fucking idiot

You forgot

You assholes hate education and birth control

Your memes are killing each other again

Fuck you very much
No, that's not banning. Banning is when the government makes it illegal to do something. And the government never made it illegal to say "Merry Christmas."
There was also never any social pressure, like the kind you're describing, against Christmas. These culture war talking-points are used to distract Useful Idiots from the real issues, such as the failures of Capitalism.
Conservatives also burn things, Nike shoes and Keurig coffee makers. The burning and looting was also performed by others posing as Antifa and BLM, trying to give those groups a bad rap. Opportunist
Conservatives also burn things, Nike shoes and Keurig coffee makers. The burning and looting was also performed by others posing as Antifa and BLM, trying to give those groups a bad rap. Opportunist

And cops were trying to make the situation worse by attacking peaceful protesters, trying to get people to riot.
this pandemic may go on for a generation or longer until America is totally infected and a nation of idiots . It can be stopped with education and birth control and strict immigration .

Speaking of idiots, did you look in the mirror lately?????????????????????

And cops were trying to make the situation worse by attacking peaceful protesters, trying to get people to riot.

Is that so?
Dear fucking idiot You forgot You assholes hate education and birth control


I love birth control and abortion because they result in fewer DEMOCRATS infesting the planet, and learning inevitably leads to fewer leftists. I love it.
Why are trumptards obsessed with gay sexual acts?


We know, you flaming faggot.

Bet you do, homo.

Trump bullied him in the primary. Now Cruz is sucking his dick. What a pussy.

I think all he means is if somebody, preferably trump, does not anally probe him he will stamp his little feet.

wow!! i bet you could!! all right wing pussy bitches who want trump to grab their pussy without asking are super tough boys. i bet you have dreams where you and Matt Dillon have sex and beat up democrats together.