The paradoxes at the heart of reality


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Question: The Law of Non-Contradiction, that something has to be true or false, is a foundational principle of classical logic. Can you provide a concrete example of a true paradox in the world?
Graham Priest: Take a long sequence of colour strips such that the colour of each is indistinguishable from that of the strips immediately adjacent to it, but such that the first strip is red and the last is not (say, blue). The strips in the middle of the sequence are symmetrically poised between being red and not being red. One may argue that they are both.
Question: The Law of Non-Contradiction, that something has to be true or false, is a foundational principle of classical logic. Can you provide a concrete example of a true paradox in the world?
Graham Priest: Take a long sequence of colour strips such that the colour of each is indistinguishable from that of the strips immediately adjacent to it, but such that the first strip is red and the last is not (say, blue). The strips in the middle of the sequence are symmetrically poised between being red and not being red. One may argue that they are both.
Humanity. It truly exists falsifying how evolving actually happens in plain sight genetics is the single source of eternal separation of each ancestor lived since inception of the species becoming current ancestral lineage numbers alive today.

Can show you a 5 vertical parallels of ancestral lineages with one horizontal plane of 4 grandparent generation gap. 30:1 compression ratio of chromosomes down DNA streaming ancestries living in plain sight, by the numbers(8.14 billion alive today) conceived, born, lived died.
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Question: The Law of Non-Contradiction, that something has to be true or false, is a foundational principle of classical logic. Can you provide a concrete example of a true paradox in the world?
One of yours:
1) Aristotle's text called "Metaphysics" was not his own.
2) Aristotle's text called "Metaphysics" was his own.

You still have not cleared it.
Question: The Law of Non-Contradiction, that something has to be true or false, is a foundational principle of classical logic. Can you provide a concrete example of a true paradox in the world?
Graham Priest: Take a long sequence of colour strips such that the colour of each is indistinguishable from that of the strips immediately adjacent to it, but such that the first strip is red and the last is not (say, blue). The strips in the middle of the sequence are symmetrically poised between being red and not being red. One may argue that they are both.
Given the way leftists have raped language and definitions over the last decade especially, these law seems null and void.
We believe things can’t be both true and false, it can’t be both raining and not raining at the same time. Philosopher Graham Priest, however, thinks differently. In this interview, he argues true contradictions are an intrinsic part of reality.

Because of early 20th century physics, our perceptions of what constitute paradox have been fundamentally altered. We have known for 100 years that an electron can be both a particle and a wave. A stationary clock and a moving clock run at different rates as seen by a stationary observer, and both clocks are right. There's no paradox.
Blah blah blah...blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah

Hey buddy, can I ask a solid of you? Can I ask that you NOT ask to threadban me and THEN FOLLOW IT UP WITH ATTACKS ON ME as you've done repeatedly on many threads now?

Thanks in advance. (I know there's SOMETHNG akin to decency somewhere in your fucked up black heart)
Given the way leftists have raped language and definitions over the last decade especially, these law seems null and void.
He's just trying to redefine his idiocy as 'logic'.

Logic is a closed functional system, just like mathematics. It has it's own notation, just like mathematics. It is based on the 'rules of the game', called axioms, just like mathematics. Change an axiom, and you are playing a different game.

An error in logic (like an arithmetic error) is called a 'fallacy'. It is the attempted construction of an illegal equation. It is sometimes possible to show this 'equation' using the notation of logic, just as it's possible to show a mathematical error in that notation from time to time.

The paradox (that leftists seem so fond of) is a logic error. It is attempting to make two conflicting arguments at the same time as TRUE.
(?A=B->C and ?A!=B->C)

This is irrational. It is not possible. The only way to clear a paradox is to utterly discard one of the conflicting arguments. I have never seen a Democrat do this. They will simply repeat the paradox or try to play word games to reword it.

But the paradox remains.
Because of early 20th century physics, our perceptions of what constitute paradox have been fundamentally altered. We have known for 100 years that an electron can be both a particle and a wave. A stationary clock and a moving clock run at different rates as seen by a stationary observer, and both clocks are right. There's no paradox.
Paradox is not defined by physics, Sybil. It is defined by logic, which you deny. Of course, you deny physics, too.

An electron is both a particle and a wave. That is not a paradox. See Heisenberg's equations, which shows why.
As far as the seeming paradox of the clocks is concerned, see what a time-space transform is. Under that transform, both clocks have identical rates.
An electron is both a particle and a wave. That is not a paradox. See Heisenberg's equations, which shows why.
As far as the seeming paradox of the clocks is concerned, see what a time-space transform is. Under that transform, both clocks have identical rates.
Is there an echo in here?

That's what I said, dummy. Things that seemed paradoxical before, were shown not to be paradoxical after the achievements of early 20th century physics.
Is there an echo in here?

That's what I said, dummy. Things that seemed paradoxical before, were shown not to be paradoxical after the achievements of early 20th century physics.

That's tellin' 'im! This way everyone will be reminded of your amazing erudition.

Hey, while we're at it, Pig Boy, can I ask you to STOP attacking me AFTER you've begged the mods to threadban me? That' would be way cool.

I'm OK with you threadbanning me but it's hard to have you follow it up with a big puss move of attacking when I can't respond.

Thanks, Pig Fucker Paraphiliac.
Jeeezus watching you two debate is like watching a car wreck and a sewage disaster at the same time. One of you is dumber than fuck and the other is DESPERATE to make everyone think he's smart.

Why don't you and @Cypress call it a draw. You are both appalling people.
We don't have the ban function anymore. But, my god, see a fucking psychiatrist. You are fucked in the head.