DEBUNKED: The Civil War was Fought over Slavery
Here is my writeup. Feel free to use this link to DEBUNK the notion that slavery was the reason for the war. It'll save you a lot of time.
The Confederacy was about State Sovereignty. The North was about abolishing slavery and that endeavor overreached and violated State Sovereignty. It's in the writeup.
Hey, your man Trump is thoroughly respecting States' rights and not going in until he has appropriate permission.
I don't know how well you understand communists but I'll give you the rundown. Communists are diametrically opposed to socialists and believe that Utopia is a world without any governments whereby all local communities govern themselves autonomously as grown adults. That whole CHAZ thing was communist, not socialist. The KKK want exactly this, i.e. to just be left alone to run their own racially segregated local communities without any government interference. The big fly in the ointment is that governments just aren't going away anytime soon so communists and KKK meetings all center around how they can "emulate" running their own communities the way they want them run. For the KKK, this naturally means being able to prevent other races from living in their communities.
No. This is a common misunderstanding. The KKK doesn't want to impose any of this on you or on anyone else. They don't want to be forced to accept other races in their communities, they don't want their children being taught that anything LGBTQIATIOAPP is somehow normal/natural/good, or for the government to tell them how they are to live. They want the communist Utopia, just not in those words, in which they run their communities.
They side with Republicans ... because their bigotry against blacks and Jews and LGBTQIATIOAPP won't allow them to support the Democrat Party.