The Party of Racism


I can remember back when Republicans were good people- Before Newt Gingrich, the NRA, Fox News, and the Koch brothers corrupted you people and turned you into political criminals, monsters, haters, and radicals!

Now Donald Trump has turned you MOTHER FUCKERS into Zombies- You're already dead - you just haven't realized it yet!


And you are talking about haters ?????

I can remember back when Republicans were good people- Before Newt Gingrich, the NRA, Fox News, and the Koch brothers corrupted you people and turned you into political criminals, monsters, haters, and radicals!

Now Donald Trump has turned you MOTHER FUCKERS into Zombies- You're already dead - you just haven't realized it yet!
Nope. Leftists are the mindless haters. You can verify this by your total intolerance and seething HATRED for an entire class of people who simply have not been brainwashed as you have.

You can verify this by your complete loss of any sense of humor, as well as complete science illiteracy, intellectual cowardice, mathematical incompetence and constant logical malpractice. The only functioning cognitive faculty in Leftists is the imagined fantasy that they are somehow fucking geniuses.

Let's give you a little clarity: Do you still believe in Global Warming?

[Hint: your slave-masters require you to answer in the affirmative]
Nope. Leftists are the mindless haters. You can verify this by your total intolerance and seething HATRED for an entire class of people who simply have not been brainwashed as you have.

You can verify this by your complete loss of any sense of humor, as well as complete science illiteracy, intellectual cowardice, mathematical incompetence and constant logical malpractice. The only functioning cognitive faculty in Leftists is the imagined fantasy that they are somehow fucking geniuses.

Let's give you a little clarity: Do you still believe in Global Warming?

[Hint: your slave-masters require you to answer in the affirmative]

Didn't read! LOL!
Nope. Leftists are the mindless haters. You can verify this by your total intolerance and seething HATRED for an entire class of people who simply have not been brainwashed as you have.

You can verify this by your complete loss of any sense of humor, as well as complete science illiteracy, intellectual cowardice, mathematical incompetence and constant logical malpractice. The only functioning cognitive faculty in Leftists is the imagined fantasy that they are somehow fucking geniuses.

Let's give you a little clarity: Do you still believe in Global Warming?

[Hint: your slave-masters require you to answer in the affirmative]

How childish. Global warming is real.The reds work for the energy companies and huge corporations who Trump made self-regulating by installing corp execs to run the departments that regulate them.
More of the Elites censoring the facts.

Yep. Believe me, I cringed when I saw that it had been pulled. I can handle any and all crap opinions and propaganda. I cannot tolerate, however, someone else telling me what I get to read and what I don't.

If you can find that video elsewhere I'll make a point to watch it. If you can describe it I'll see if I can find it.
How childish. Global warming is real.
How cute. Another naive fully re-educated recruit. Have you learned all the Global Warming prayers yet?

If you haven't already done so you should commit to memory The Global Warming Theology Reference Manual. Knowing its contents will save you from having to be bent over furniture and having it reamed into you during your group's "doctrine hour."

There is no Global Warming. You've been conned. Some people you trusted leveraged your gullibility and your scientific illiteracy to cognitiviely rape you. I'm sorry that this is how you are first learning of this but you really should have paid attention in school and not let it get to this point.

Greenhouse Effect Debunked
Sea Level Rise Debunked
Ocean Acidification Debunked
Coral Bleaching Debunked
Yep. Believe me, I cringed when I saw that it had been pulled. I can handle any and all crap opinions and propaganda. I cannot tolerate, however, someone else telling me what I get to read and what I don't.

If you can find that video elsewhere I'll make a point to watch it. If you can describe it I'll see if I can find it.

TBH, I posted that a while ago, so I forgot what it was. I think it may have been this one.

TBH, I posted that a while ago, so I forgot what it was. I think it may have been this one.
The narrator/emcee dude in this video is in error. The KKK was a leftist organization and a paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party.

The Parties did not switch; blacks switch from Republicans to Democrat simply because of promises of free stuff ... the mainstay of the Democrat Party.
The KKK had to switch parties when the Democrats began to bring in all the blacks and to pander to them, however they never left being a leftist organization.
Around that time the KKK transitioned from being a violent, lynching, paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party to simply being a "keep to ourselves" segregationist party.

In November, we're going to see many more blacks voting for Trump than have voted for any Republican candidate in forty years. It might be because Trump isn't a standard Republican.
The narrator/emcee dude in this video is in error. The KKK was a leftist organization and a paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party.

The Parties did not switch; blacks switch from Republicans to Democrat simply because of promises of free stuff ... the mainstay of the Democrat Party.

The "free stuff" argument is a different issue, but the fact is that originally Republicans were the party of "free stuff" and social change. The Democrats were the party of "small government" and tradition. So yes, the parties did switch.
Now it wasn't as clear cut as today. Both parties were socially conservative, only the Democrats were much more so. And certain issues, like slavery, were more divisive based on region than party. But saying the KKK were Leftists is just insane. There were always far-right and today, when they support any mainstream politician, it's always a Republican. So the same way the Blacks switch from R to D, the Klan switched from D to R.

In November, we're going to see many more blacks voting for Trump than have voted for any Republican candidate in forty years. It might be because Trump isn't a standard Republican.

Maybe, but the vast majority of Blacks will still vote Democrat because duh.
Nope. Leftists are the mindless haters. You can verify this by your total intolerance and seething HATRED for an entire class of people who simply have not been brainwashed as you have.
You can verify this by your complete loss of any sense of humor, as well as complete science illiteracy, intellectual cowardice, mathematical incompetence and constant logical malpractice. The only functioning cognitive faculty in Leftists is the imagined fantasy that they are somehow fucking geniuses.
Let's give you a little clarity: Do you still believe in Global Warming?
[Hint: your slave-masters require you to answer in the affirmative]
Didn't read! LOL!
Yes you did ... every word. That's why you are pretending to not have read it. Too funny!
Didn't read any of your crap! I never do!
Your claims of not reading my posts are not very convincing ... and you're putting on quite a show just to avoid the minor embarrassment of admitting that you actually believe in Global Warming.

You could just bite the bullet and come out of the closet. How bad can it hurt?
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... but the fact is that originally Republicans were the party of "free stuff" and social change.
Republicans were never about "free stuff" and the only social change they pushed was abolition of slavery, i.e. the reason they were founded. Once slavery was abolished, they didn't somehow want to change it back. The Democrats, however did.

The Democrats were the party of "small government" and tradition.
I don't buy the argument that either the Republican Party or the Democrat Party were ever for "small government." Yes, Republicans have included lip service to it and have provided the only tax decreases or tax refund payments ... and have served as the only thing stopping the Democrats from seizing everybody's wealth and spending it all. The Republicans are DEFINITELY the much lesser of two evils but neither of them have been anything but an evil in that regard.

The only traditions of the Democrat Party are racism ... which is why Democrats preemptively call every opponent RACIST! CAPITALIST! RACIST! CAPITALIST! RACIST! [insert random other slur!] RACIST! because they believe that it eliminates any opponent's ability to point out that they are themselves the most bigotted our country has to offer and much greedier than any capitalist.

But saying the KKK were Leftists is just insane.
Before their transition away from violence, the KKK differed not from ANTIFA (except ANTIFA cover their faces with black and the KKK covered their faces with white). Since their transition they have differed not from decentralized commune communities (it just looks weird putting those words together). KKK meetings might as well be meetings of a local chapter of the Communist Party USA. They are almost exclusively geared towards politics pertaining to their communities, focusing on wresting governance authority from the government to the communities. The major motivator for the KKK is their desire to segregate themselves racially, but setting their motivation aside, there is no difference in either form or function.

when they support any mainstream politician, it's always a Republican.
You are talking current party affiliation, nothing more. They support Republicans out of bigotry because they view the Democrats as having become the party of the blacks and they will not support a party that panders to blacks.

The KKK is simply not going to support politicians who do this:


So the same way the Blacks switch from R to D, the Klan switched from D to R.
Yes. More accurately, the KKK switched because the blacks switched ... and because Democrat politicians began openly courting blacks and the KKK couldn't tolerate that.

Maybe, but the vast majority of Blacks will still vote Democrat because duh.
So you will officially be "surprised" when it's not the "vast majority" ... like you never saw it coming, yes?

By the way, I'll bet you a 2014 nickel that Trump gets at least a full third (33%) of the black vote which alone pretty much seals reelection for Trump.

Republicans were never about "free stuff" and the only social change they pushed was abolition of slavery, i.e. the reason they were founded. Once slavery was abolished, they didn't somehow want to change it back. The Democrats, however did.

Well no party was or is about "free stuff." But Republicans had policies that today's Republicans would call "free stuff" or "RADICAL FAR LEFT SOCIALISTS."

I don't buy the argument that either the Republican Party or the Democrat Party were ever for "small government." Yes, Republicans have included lip service to it and have provided the only tax decreases or tax refund payments ... and have served as the only thing stopping the Democrats from seizing everybody's wealth and spending it all. The Republicans are DEFINITELY the much lesser of two evils but neither of them have been anything but an evil in that regard.

You don't actually believe the Civil War was about slavery, do you? It was about states' rights. The Democrats, at least in this situation, were about actual small government.
Of course, it wasn't totally black and white, since Conservatives are never consistent on states' rights. They're generally only for it when it benefits them. And like I said before, this was more about South vs North than liberal Republican vs conservative Democrat. Back then, the country wasn't extremely partisan like it is today.

Before their transition away from violence, the KKK differed not from ANTIFA (except ANTIFA cover their faces with black and the KKK covered their faces with white). Since their transition they have differed not from decentralized commune communities (it just looks weird putting those words together). KKK meetings might as well be meetings of a local chapter of the Communist Party USA. They are almost exclusively geared towards politics pertaining to their communities, focusing on wresting governance authority from the government to the communities. The major motivator for the KKK is their desire to segregate themselves racially, but setting their motivation aside, there is no difference in either form or function.

How is that like the Communist Party? What you're describing is essentially state's rights, which is the main reason they originally supported the Democrats. I think they're stupid for believing the Republicans will be better for states' rights, but this is what they believe. They also support the Republicans because they pay lip service to White Nationalism. Again, stupid, but this is what they fall for.
And if you want to get into the so-called culture war, the KKK wants a return to Christianity, traditional sexism, homophobia, transphobia, basically they want us to go back in time to the fifties. Maybe they have some liberal ideas. Apparently a lot of them are against war. But they side with the Right on at least 90% of the issues.
You don't actually believe the Civil War was about slavery, do you? It was about states' rights.

DEBUNKED: The Civil War was Fought over Slavery

Here is my writeup. Feel free to use this link to DEBUNK the notion that slavery was the reason for the war. It'll save you a lot of time.

The Democrats, at least in this situation, were about actual small government.
The Confederacy was about State Sovereignty. The North was about abolishing slavery and that endeavor overreached and violated State Sovereignty. It's in the writeup.

Of course, it wasn't totally black and white, since Conservatives are never consistent on states' rights.
Hey, your man Trump is thoroughly respecting States' rights and not going in until he has appropriate permission.

How is that like the Communist Party?
I don't know how well you understand communists but I'll give you the rundown. Communists are diametrically opposed to socialists and believe that Utopia is a world without any governments whereby all local communities govern themselves autonomously as grown adults. That whole CHAZ thing was communist, not socialist. The KKK want exactly this, i.e. to just be left alone to run their own racially segregated local communities without any government interference. The big fly in the ointment is that governments just aren't going away anytime soon so communists and KKK meetings all center around how they can "emulate" running their own communities the way they want them run. For the KKK, this naturally means being able to prevent other races from living in their communities.

the KKK wants a return to Christianity, traditional sexism, homophobia, transphobia, basically they want us to go back in time to the fifties.
No. This is a common misunderstanding. The KKK doesn't want to impose any of this on you or on anyone else. They don't want to be forced to accept other races in their communities, they don't want their children being taught that anything LGBTQIATIOAPP is somehow normal/natural/good, or for the government to tell them how they are to live. They want the communist Utopia, just not in those words, in which they run their communities.

But they side with the Right on at least 90% of the issues.
They side with Republicans ... because their bigotry against blacks and Jews and LGBTQIATIOAPP won't allow them to support the Democrat Party.
DEBUNKED: The Civil War was Fought over Slavery

Here is my writeup. Feel free to use this link to DEBUNK the notion that slavery was the reason for the war. It'll save you a lot of time.

The Confederacy was about State Sovereignty. The North was about abolishing slavery and that endeavor overreached and violated State Sovereignty. It's in the writeup.

Hey, your man Trump is thoroughly respecting States' rights and not going in until he has appropriate permission.

I don't know how well you understand communists but I'll give you the rundown. Communists are diametrically opposed to socialists and believe that Utopia is a world without any governments whereby all local communities govern themselves autonomously as grown adults. That whole CHAZ thing was communist, not socialist. The KKK want exactly this, i.e. to just be left alone to run their own racially segregated local communities without any government interference. The big fly in the ointment is that governments just aren't going away anytime soon so communists and KKK meetings all center around how they can "emulate" running their own communities the way they want them run. For the KKK, this naturally means being able to prevent other races from living in their communities.

No. This is a common misunderstanding. The KKK doesn't want to impose any of this on you or on anyone else. They don't want to be forced to accept other races in their communities, they don't want their children being taught that anything LGBTQIATIOAPP is somehow normal/natural/good, or for the government to tell them how they are to live. They want the communist Utopia, just not in those words, in which they run their communities.

They side with Republicans ... because their bigotry against blacks and Jews and LGBTQIATIOAPP won't allow them to support the Democrat Party.

Great post
Your claims of not reading my posts are not very convincing ... and you're putting on quite a show just to avoid the minor embarrassment of admitting that you actually believe in Global Warming.

You could just bite the bullet and come out of the closet. How bad can it hurt?

Didn't read! I don't read your posts! I already know you are an idiot!