Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here stupid, for your education:
Now that you have your answer, answer my question. What's the problem, no cojones to honestly answer a simple question?
You quoted me asking which party wore the white robes while they burned crosses in front of the homes of blacks and Republicans. You provided a link to some other shit as if it were the answer, which it is not. There is a reason why you will not answer which party it was, and why you posted a link to something besides the answer. Once again, even though you will just evade answering this, which party wore the white robes while they burned crosses in front of the homes of blacks and Republicans? Evade away...
You're not too bright, are ya bunky? Let me dumb it down for you.....no one is denying the Democratic Party past soaked in racism and bigotry. What is plain evident is YOUR WILLFUL IGNORANCE OF HISTORY'S TRANSCENDENCE regarding the change of party mentality in this respect. The "some other shit" that you don't have the intellectual courage/honesty to acknowledge lays out why this constant myopic parroting by right wing flunkies such as yourself is essentially moot, given today's political dynamics. Mind you, there are still "Dixiecrats" and their current off spring "blue dog democrats", but the Southern Strategy has made it's indelible mark on the Republican Party, whether you like it or not, acknowledge it or not.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
and yet, the white supremacists and neo-nazi's all went on the record supporting Trump. Go figure.
Still in denial about the Southern Strategy, toodles?
got the guts to answer the question?