The Path of Socialism: Venezuela Continues Economic Decline

Epicurus and BAC are two different people.

Epic was good people. Never came back to the board to my knowledge
Epicurus and BAC are two different people.

Epic was good people. Never came back to the board to my knowledge
Ok thanks for that, I only saw him for a while but he was a clever man. I am assuming he is black purely from his avatar.

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you idiot 3d why bump this thread.

Epic was not BAC. Epic was obviously cool because he was a member of the trinity. He used to go by warren on fullpolitics. Then he got majorly spooked that the things he said online would fuck him over IRL so he peaced the fuck out. I think watermark used to stalk him on facebook a bit but he's pretty much disappeared.
It was either this thread (prescient prediction) or a thread predicting that libertarianism would arrive as a major force in the near future (not so much). So, I selected this one.

I honestly want to know if anyone kept in contact with him. Didn't know Epic was Warren, though.

For the retards pedaling the "Epic is BAC" line, keep in mind that Epic is a libertarian. Grow the fuck up, and don't assume that the avatar defines who the guy is...
What exactly is seen as the point in any discussion using American notions of what 'socialism' might perhaps be?