APP - The Patrician Thread II

You know..... Sometimes I think, I am glad that I am 53 years old, and probably won't be around long enough to see our civilization spiral down the toilet... then I read something like what you just posted, and it worries me that I may indeed see it after all.

You are seeing it. Endless wars of imperialism, bought and paid for politicians, above the law bankers, one world rule through illegal central banks, american citizens executed without due process, congress that refuses to help employment, wake up.
You know..... Sometimes I think, I am glad that I am 53 years old, and probably won't be around long enough to see our civilization spiral down the toilet... then I read something like what you just posted, and it worries me that I may indeed see it after all.
That's cause you're an old fuddy duddy. There's no getting around that this technology has serious plusses for information sharing but that it also poses threats to our personall privacly concerns. The problem as I see it is to not throw the baby out with the bath water.
You are seeing it. Endless wars of imperialism, bought and paid for politicians, above the law bankers, one world rule through illegal central banks, american citizens executed without due process, congress that refuses to help employment, wake up.

I'm sorry, I don't see endless wars of imperialism. I see two wars in our recent past, both of which were agreed to by Congress and were not imperialistic, because we helped the people establish functioning governments of their own, and imperialists don't do that. I don't see politicians bought and paid for, unless you count Obama, who was bought and paid for by organized labor. I don't see illegal banks or citizens being executed, although Obama tried to institute a secret drone program to target Americans. I also don't see Congress refusing to help employment, when they are spending trillions of dollars more each year than we take in, specifically to bail out companies they've deemed are "too big to fail."

Sounds like YOU need to wake up. You are having a nightmare.

All I see is a continued effort by extremist left-wing morons like yourself, who know nothing other than to be loud and shrill, and to repeat the propaganda designed to destroy American Capitalism. You will not support your claims, you will refuse to acknowledge facts and logic, and you will continue to enjoy a sick satisfaction of believing your over-blown, hyped-up, alarmist rhetoric, is actually changing things in America.

Back on topic with Mott.... I have a better idea than a chip! Let's just tattoo a bar code on everyone's forehead! Then we can implant code readers in everyone's eyes, so that whenever we meet a person, we can immediately scan their bar code and find out all about them. We can instantly know if they are lying or scamming us, and think about how much better off we'd all be, if we could instantly know this with people? We'd eliminate almost all corruption and cheating, we wouldn't have divorces anymore, no one could lie about anything, because it's all right there in your bar code! I bet all we'd need to do is have Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber have it done, and make it a "thing" and voila!
Yeah, I'm curious to know what central banks are illegal, and which US citizens have been executed without due process.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

All privately owned central banks. They may not be illegal in the strictest sense, (because the bankers that own them made the laws) but are so morally corrupt that no right thinking citizen should support them.

As to the three US citizens executed by drone strikes so far...can't help you if you are that uninformed.
I'm sorry, I don't see endless wars of imperialism. I see two wars in our recent past, both of which were agreed to by Congress and were not imperialistic, because we helped the people establish functioning governments of their own, and imperialists don't do that.
You not seeing it doesn't disprove it.
I don't see politicians bought and paid for, unless you count Obama, who was bought and paid for by organized labor.
You are oblivious to K street, to lobbyist's in general, to CU? Not surprising.

I don't see illegal banks or citizens being executed,
Deny reality all you want, 3 citizens have been executed by drones so far, with no due process.
although Obama tried to institute a secret drone program to target Americans. I also don't see Congress refusing to help employment, when they are spending trillions of dollars more each year than we take in, specifically to bail out companies they've deemed are "too big to fail."
Yes, trillions went to banks and corporate treasurys. This helped the unbelievably rich, did little to nothing to help jobs.
If you can enter a US embassy in a foreign land and formally renounce your citizenship, then surely you can enter military service in a foreign land, and physically renounce your citizenship.
Damo said enemy, seeing as how al-Queda doesn't have a standing army. Fighting against the US would make one not a citizen, whether it be Confederate soldiers/politicians, Cold War era defectors, or modern day AQ operatives.
Damo said enemy, seeing as how al-Queda doesn't have a standing army. Fighting against the US would make one not a citizen, whether it be Confederate soldiers/politicians, Cold War era defectors, or modern day AQ operatives.

Sure, so right after you prove your acusations, in a court of law, you may execute them. Until then it is just alleged that they are no longer citizens, not proven.