The Pelosi attack is the culmination of longtime GOP hate-mongering

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A court on Friday released footage of the October attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi. The incident was overtly political, and the logical endpoint of the decades of deeply personal villainization the former Democratic House speaker has weathered from her political opponents.

Capitol Police security footage shows the assailant, David DePape, breaking a window to enter the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. Police body cam footage also shows DePape and Paul Pelosi struggling over a hammer for a few seconds after police arrived at the front door. The video shows DePape bludgeoning Pelosi with it, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a skull fracture from which he is still recovering months later.

Additionally, the court released audio from Paul Pelosi’s 911 call that led police to perform a wellness check, as well as from a police interview with DePape in which he espoused false conspiracy theories about a Democratic “crime spree” involving Nancy Pelosi.

In the audio, DePape admits that he had intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she failed to answer his questions in a way that he thought was truthful. He explains that he did not flee after Paul Pelosi called the police because he did not want to surrender, comparing himself to the founders fighting British tyranny.
Do we see any of the Republicans stepping forward to say they are sorry, or even that this is not their brand of conservatism?
A court on Friday released footage of the October attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi. The incident was overtly political, and the logical endpoint of the decades of deeply personal villainization the former Democratic House speaker has weathered from her political opponents.

Capitol Police security footage shows the assailant, David DePape, breaking a window to enter the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. Police body cam footage also shows DePape and Paul Pelosi struggling over a hammer for a few seconds after police arrived at the front door. The video shows DePape bludgeoning Pelosi with it, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a skull fracture from which he is still recovering months later.

Additionally, the court released audio from Paul Pelosi’s 911 call that led police to perform a wellness check, as well as from a police interview with DePape in which he espoused false conspiracy theories about a Democratic “crime spree” involving Nancy Pelosi.

In the audio, DePape admits that he had intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she failed to answer his questions in a way that he thought was truthful. He explains that he did not flee after Paul Pelosi called the police because he did not want to surrender, comparing himself to the founders fighting British tyranny.

no it isn't

depape is deranged lefty, retard.

DePape bought all the right-wing lies about Nancy and the left. He was after a bunch of Democrats. He started with Nancy, who was lucky she was not home. He might have killed her. He is just like many Trumpys on this board, except he actually acted it out. He was taught hate by right-wing sites.
DePepe said from jail that he wished he could have attacked more leftys and Dems.
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One day Conservatives are going to figure out that being willing victims of the WOKE Cult is a bad only invites more abuse....and they get off on it.
One day Conservatives are going to figure out that being willing victims of the WOKE Cult is a bad only invites more abuse....and they get off on it.

One day America is going to figure out that alt right words in support of terrorism are connected to alt right terroristic actions.
if this thread is true the Dems should be worried.......our hate mongering seems to be converting even life long left wing whackos to do our bidding.....
A court on Friday released footage of the October attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi. The incident was overtly political, and the logical endpoint of the decades of deeply personal villainization the former Democratic House speaker has weathered from her political opponents.

Capitol Police security footage shows the assailant, David DePape, breaking a window to enter the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. Police body cam footage also shows DePape and Paul Pelosi struggling over a hammer for a few seconds after police arrived at the front door. The video shows DePape bludgeoning Pelosi with it, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a skull fracture from which he is still recovering months later.

Additionally, the court released audio from Paul Pelosi’s 911 call that led police to perform a wellness check, as well as from a police interview with DePape in which he espoused false conspiracy theories about a Democratic “crime spree” involving Nancy Pelosi.

In the audio, DePape admits that he had intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she failed to answer his questions in a way that he thought was truthful. He explains that he did not flee after Paul Pelosi called the police because he did not want to surrender, comparing himself to the founders fighting British tyranny.

Seems like even the retarded leftists in San fransicko are fed up with people being allowed to shit in the streets. Maybe if piglosi wasnt such a piece of shit people would want to hurt her of her family. I notice NOTHING is ever your fault.
A court on Friday released footage of the October attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi. The incident was overtly political, and the logical endpoint of the decades of deeply personal villainization the former Democratic House speaker has weathered from her political opponents.

Capitol Police security footage shows the assailant, David DePape, breaking a window to enter the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. Police body cam footage also shows DePape and Paul Pelosi struggling over a hammer for a few seconds after police arrived at the front door. The video shows DePape bludgeoning Pelosi with it, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a skull fracture from which he is still recovering months later.

Additionally, the court released audio from Paul Pelosi’s 911 call that led police to perform a wellness check, as well as from a police interview with DePape in which he espoused false conspiracy theories about a Democratic “crime spree” involving Nancy Pelosi.

In the audio, DePape admits that he had intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she failed to answer his questions in a way that he thought was truthful. He explains that he did not flee after Paul Pelosi called the police because he did not want to surrender, comparing himself to the founders fighting British tyranny.

But, even in the case of audio and video evidence, trolls on this site are still pushing the "gay spat" propaganda. In a recent interview, DePapp not only showed no remorse, he said he wished he "could have done more". trumpism activated these nutbags.

What's really gross is the number of Republican politicians around the country who still haven't recanted their trolley conspiracy theories. The GOP is now the trumpists propaganda troll party.
A court on Friday released footage of the October attack on Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi. The incident was overtly political, and the logical endpoint of the decades of deeply personal villainization the former Democratic House speaker has weathered from her political opponents.

Capitol Police security footage shows the assailant, David DePape, breaking a window to enter the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. Police body cam footage also shows DePape and Paul Pelosi struggling over a hammer for a few seconds after police arrived at the front door. The video shows DePape bludgeoning Pelosi with it, knocking him to the ground and leaving him with a skull fracture from which he is still recovering months later.

Additionally, the court released audio from Paul Pelosi’s 911 call that led police to perform a wellness check, as well as from a police interview with DePape in which he espoused false conspiracy theories about a Democratic “crime spree” involving Nancy Pelosi.

In the audio, DePape admits that he had intended to take Nancy Pelosi hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she failed to answer his questions in a way that he thought was truthful. He explains that he did not flee after Paul Pelosi called the police because he did not want to surrender, comparing himself to the founders fighting British tyranny.

Sadly it is not the culmination, it is part of an ongoing attempt to intimidate and threaten ideology that frightens weak people.
Musk had some decency, but the rest of the Republican Party has long since given up on decency.

The Republican party, now the MAGA party can't govern - all they want to do is wage culture wars. They saw how much their hate-filled base enjoyed it. They're just a bunch of Eugene McCarthy's now - which is ironic because it's the current, spineless speaker's last name.
The Republican party, now the MAGA party can't govern - all they want to do is wage culture wars. They saw how much their hate-filled base enjoyed it. They're just a bunch of Eugene McCarthy's now - which is ironic because it's the current, spineless speaker's last name.

yes. its a culture war. a culture of freedom and goodness, verus and culture of totalitarianism and depravity.