Diversity Makes Greatness
United we stand.
Divided we fall.
Let us be united in the concept of mutual respect, and let us STAND! (We can still disagree on politics.)
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Our very revered Republican President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech of that title and theme at the 1858 RNC in Springfield IL, as a then candidate for Senate.
He lost.
The concept of a house divided being unable to stand was not Lincoln's idea. His friend urged him to share where it came from, but he declined. He chose to let the message sink in. If people didn't get the point of the message, the source didn't matter.
(It came from the Bible.)
Lincoln was wise to let the message percolate and mature in the populace. He was wise to let time work it's magic. Some things are worth waiting for. Great things can take a long time to build.
Later, it was said that the speech made him President.
He was referring to slavery. He posited that either all of the USA must adopt slavery, or all of the USA must reject it.
The whole nation wasn't ready for it.
But it was at the beginnings of a mighty process.
Because the political landscape never stays the same; is always changing.
Today, we have very strong polarization in the USA. Lots of hatred for fellow citizens. Lots of pain, damage, and corrosive propaganda. And some good views, too. On both sides.
And it is good that we have many views and points to consider, that we overlook no point in considering the direction of our country. Diversity of people, experiences, and ideas makes us great.
And we have good people on both sides as well as bad. Neither side is all good or all bad. That is far too simple a notion, and FAR too common.
WE are not all good, and THEY are not all bad. It's just not that easy. The world is more complex than that.
The thing which has been lost is love.
From wherever it is borrowed, the message is clear. Love is the only way. Love they neighbor. Love thy enemies.
We are right to hold differing views.
But that should not prevent us from appreciating others.
Hatred is a cop-out. Hatred and personal attacks are the cop-outs of those who cannot argue their position effectively. Hatred and disrespect here in these forums don't make any political points, nor do they strengthen them. Instead, they only serve to shut down a good discussion.
A passionate argument is moving. Making a good point in strong words can be stunning.
When a reply focuses on the person who made the argument rather than the argument itself, then it is a cop-out. It is like giving in, acknowledging that the argument is so convincing it cannot be refuted and the only way to answer it is to attack the poster instead.
Hate-filled posts do not make any points.
All that is being done is attacking the MESSENGER. Any comment about the MESSAGE is overshadowed by talking about the MESSENGER.
Hate-filled posts are like Debate Poison.
Turning things personal turns things away from the political discussion.
Good debate focuses on the subject, not the other. Good debate makes strong points, doesn't derail the discussion with hatred.
We can improve the quality of this board if we minimize and try to eliminate hate-filled posts. We can have more participation. People have come here and left after only a few posts because of the hatred. Look at the member list some time. It is filled with people who came, made only a few posts and left. Guess why they left.
Show some love and it will come back to you.
It's OK to disagree. Just say why. Avoid going personal and mean. Look a message over before posting it. Soften it. Take out the hate like taking out the garbage. It's a worthy chore.
We all learn by talking to others.
Here is the best guiding principle to adopt:
"I know I am not perfect, and thus my opinion may be flawed by something I overlooked or got wrong.
So I want to hear why others believe the things they do. If I find flaws in their opposing reasoning, and none are pointed out in mine, then I feel more confident in my own view. If viable flaws are pointed out in my reasoning, then I adjust for the new information and possibly modify my view. This makes me feel very justified in holding my views. It is a political opinion vetting process."
If you are feeling lost and stuck in your positions, frustrated by the situation, maybe it's time to allow yourself to learn more. The more we back off on the hatred, the better the Forum gets. We'll never eliminate it. There will always be hurting messed-up people venting their frustrations on others. Let it be. Learn to recognize it, let it be, rise above it. We can create a better, more vibrant platform here one post at a time. Don't take the bait. Learn to DEbate.
Let these words ring in your head the next time you are ready to post a message. Pause a moment to read over what you've written. It will probably be far more effective without the invective. Maybe take a moment to edit a bit. Make it about the subject, not the poster. Break out of the short-term endorphin rush of telling someone off and transcend to the higher level of intellectual posting and learning. We all have that capacity within us. Find it in yourself. And thank yourself.
Is it easy to do this? No. If it was easy it wouldn't be worth it. You have to force yourself at first. The reward comes later. Some things are worth waiting for. Some great things take while to build.
Help us build a better JPP.
ps: No thread ban here but I will still not reply to those on my IgList. (I never will - for reasons of serenity and time savings, as I prefer to respond to good debate posts only in my limited time visits.)
Divided we fall.
Let us be united in the concept of mutual respect, and let us STAND! (We can still disagree on politics.)
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Our very revered Republican President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech of that title and theme at the 1858 RNC in Springfield IL, as a then candidate for Senate.
He lost.
The concept of a house divided being unable to stand was not Lincoln's idea. His friend urged him to share where it came from, but he declined. He chose to let the message sink in. If people didn't get the point of the message, the source didn't matter.
(It came from the Bible.)
Lincoln was wise to let the message percolate and mature in the populace. He was wise to let time work it's magic. Some things are worth waiting for. Great things can take a long time to build.
Later, it was said that the speech made him President.
He was referring to slavery. He posited that either all of the USA must adopt slavery, or all of the USA must reject it.
The whole nation wasn't ready for it.
But it was at the beginnings of a mighty process.
Because the political landscape never stays the same; is always changing.
Today, we have very strong polarization in the USA. Lots of hatred for fellow citizens. Lots of pain, damage, and corrosive propaganda. And some good views, too. On both sides.
And it is good that we have many views and points to consider, that we overlook no point in considering the direction of our country. Diversity of people, experiences, and ideas makes us great.
And we have good people on both sides as well as bad. Neither side is all good or all bad. That is far too simple a notion, and FAR too common.
WE are not all good, and THEY are not all bad. It's just not that easy. The world is more complex than that.
The thing which has been lost is love.
From wherever it is borrowed, the message is clear. Love is the only way. Love they neighbor. Love thy enemies.
We are right to hold differing views.
But that should not prevent us from appreciating others.
Hatred is a cop-out. Hatred and personal attacks are the cop-outs of those who cannot argue their position effectively. Hatred and disrespect here in these forums don't make any political points, nor do they strengthen them. Instead, they only serve to shut down a good discussion.
A passionate argument is moving. Making a good point in strong words can be stunning.
When a reply focuses on the person who made the argument rather than the argument itself, then it is a cop-out. It is like giving in, acknowledging that the argument is so convincing it cannot be refuted and the only way to answer it is to attack the poster instead.
Hate-filled posts do not make any points.
All that is being done is attacking the MESSENGER. Any comment about the MESSAGE is overshadowed by talking about the MESSENGER.
Hate-filled posts are like Debate Poison.
Turning things personal turns things away from the political discussion.
Good debate focuses on the subject, not the other. Good debate makes strong points, doesn't derail the discussion with hatred.
We can improve the quality of this board if we minimize and try to eliminate hate-filled posts. We can have more participation. People have come here and left after only a few posts because of the hatred. Look at the member list some time. It is filled with people who came, made only a few posts and left. Guess why they left.
Show some love and it will come back to you.
It's OK to disagree. Just say why. Avoid going personal and mean. Look a message over before posting it. Soften it. Take out the hate like taking out the garbage. It's a worthy chore.
We all learn by talking to others.
Here is the best guiding principle to adopt:
"I know I am not perfect, and thus my opinion may be flawed by something I overlooked or got wrong.
So I want to hear why others believe the things they do. If I find flaws in their opposing reasoning, and none are pointed out in mine, then I feel more confident in my own view. If viable flaws are pointed out in my reasoning, then I adjust for the new information and possibly modify my view. This makes me feel very justified in holding my views. It is a political opinion vetting process."
If you are feeling lost and stuck in your positions, frustrated by the situation, maybe it's time to allow yourself to learn more. The more we back off on the hatred, the better the Forum gets. We'll never eliminate it. There will always be hurting messed-up people venting their frustrations on others. Let it be. Learn to recognize it, let it be, rise above it. We can create a better, more vibrant platform here one post at a time. Don't take the bait. Learn to DEbate.
Let these words ring in your head the next time you are ready to post a message. Pause a moment to read over what you've written. It will probably be far more effective without the invective. Maybe take a moment to edit a bit. Make it about the subject, not the poster. Break out of the short-term endorphin rush of telling someone off and transcend to the higher level of intellectual posting and learning. We all have that capacity within us. Find it in yourself. And thank yourself.
Is it easy to do this? No. If it was easy it wouldn't be worth it. You have to force yourself at first. The reward comes later. Some things are worth waiting for. Some great things take while to build.
Help us build a better JPP.
ps: No thread ban here but I will still not reply to those on my IgList. (I never will - for reasons of serenity and time savings, as I prefer to respond to good debate posts only in my limited time visits.)