The Politics of Diversion!

WhatI see is you throwing a tantrum because you wanted it to be a debate with the Dems on the defensive answering all charges you threw at them.

Sorry it didn't work out like you planned. But thats pretty much how it goes.

I've not thrown any tantrum. I made points which have not, and can not, be refuted. I think the interjection of more Democrat DIVERSION does more to prove my point than anything I could possibly say. In that regard, this thread has worked out BETTER than I planned! Sorry, but that's pretty much how it goes!
Bill Clinton indeed admitted he was guilty of perjuring himself. That is precisely what it means to admit you gave misleading testimony during a deposition under oath! He did admit he was guilty of perjury, and what he did is certainly a crime. He was not found guilty by a court of this self-admitted crime, because he was a sitting president, and that is the ONLY reason he wasn't prosecuted and found guilty by a court of the crime. It doesn't negate the fact that he was indeed guilty, and admitted he was guilty.

The only thing you've been successful at in this thread, is showing how well you can parse words and redefine things to fit your agenda. I take that back... you've also proven how well you can skirt the board rules and continue to make personal private inferences about family members of other posters. In other words, you've thoroughly proven you are a sleaze.

Bill Clinton admitted to giving misleading testimony. He did not admit GUILT to the crime of perjury. period.

And again... I have shown how funny it is for YOU, of all people, to be whining about diversion.
I've not thrown any tantrum. I made points which have not, and can not, be refuted. I think the interjection of more Democrat DIVERSION does more to prove my point than anything I could possibly say. In that regard, this thread has worked out BETTER than I planned! Sorry, but that's pretty much how it goes!

Thats right, I believe you said "I am never wrong!".
The accusation was made, that the GOP diverted attention with the Ken Starr investigations, which is untrue. That was not something done with the intention of diversion at all. It was an unprecedented challenge to American rule of law and jurisprudence. Ken Starr was not simply appointed by the GOP, it was a bipartisan Congressional committee who appointed Starr as an independent counsel. This doesn't happen when one party wants to simply divert attention, it happens when there is evidence of wrongdoing, which requires further investigation. If ANYONE is guilty of "diversion" here, it is Bill Clinton, for engaging in actions which prompted an independent counsel.

I want THIS to be a discussion of how the Democrats have consistently engaged in a strategy of diversion... yes! While you might be able to find an example of Republicans diverting attention from their policies, it doesn't negate the points I have made, nor does it conclude that "both parties do it!" It is far less prevalent in the GOP, and far more prevalent in the DNC.

I would say the rebuttal to this is that there was an independent investigator in Paul O'Neil appointed to investigate Bush as well... :dunno:
Bill Clinton admitted to giving misleading testimony. He did not admit GUILT to the crime of perjury. period.

And again... I have shown how funny it is for YOU, of all people, to be whining about diversion.
Bill Clinton admitted to giving misleading testimony.


What Clinton said was....

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish this goal and am certain my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton said in a written statement released Friday by the White House.

Did he say..." testifying falsely ?",


Did he say...and am certain ?


Did he say..." my responses were FALSE" ?


Damn, thats exactly what he said.....
if the quote was "I COMMITTED PURJURY" it would mean exactly the same thing....

Did poor moron from maine forget "WORDS HAVE MEANINGS"

Mis-leading is a far cry from FALSE...and you're a liar to claim all he admitted to was "mis-leading" testimony...but then, you've been accused of being a liar in the past haven't you ? Well here, you can't even deny it...
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What Clinton said was....

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish this goal and am certain my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton said in a written statement released Friday by the White House.

Did he say..." testifying falsely ?",


Did he say...and am certain ?


Did he say..." my responses were FALSE" ?


Damn, thats exactly what he said.....
if the quote was "I COMMITTED PURJURY" it would mean exactly the same thing....

Did poor moron from maine forget "WORDS HAVE MEANINGS"

Mis-leading is a far cry from FALSE...and you're a liar to claim all he admitted to was "mis-leading" testimony...but then, you've been accused of being a liar in the past haven't you ? Well here, you can't even deny it...

even if he admitted to committing perjury, which he did not do, that is still not the same as being GUILTY of the crime of perjury.

Words do have meaning, deck ape... and you probably should give up trying to beat me at that game... I'm better than you and a hell of a lot smarter than you... and you know it.:cof1:
even if he admitted to committing perjury, which he did not do, that is still not the same as being GUILTY of the crime of perjury.

Words do have meaning, deck ape... and you probably should give up trying to beat me at that game... I'm better than you and a hell of a lot smarter than you... and you know it.:cof1:

A better golfer I can accept....but just going by the posts in this thread, you Skippy, have proven to be a thick-headed hack, thats been throughly PWNED just by the FACTS in this discussion ....and I've without doubt, shown you to be a liar, incapable of adult debate by refusing to admit to being wrong on even the tiniest level....when in truth you've been totally wrong throughout on major disagreements....except when you artfully mis-state what I've written or boldly mis-state an obvious claim you're've been out-gamed this time mate....

Ignored my examples because what I've pointed out is undeniable....
If you commit the act of robbery, you're guilty of that crime.
If you rape your neighbor, you guilty of the crime of rape.
Its irrelevant if you're ever brought to justice or not...thats just fact.

No amount of wordplay will make you not a robber or not a rapist or not guilty of the acts....your God will not simply let you into heaven because you didn't get caught will he ? He will not declare you "not guilty" of those crimes because you left town before the cops arrived....:p:cof1::p
A better golfer I can accept....but just going by the posts in this thread, you Skippy, have proven to be a thick-headed hack, thats been throughly PWNED just by the FACTS in this discussion ....and I've without doubt, shown you to be a liar, incapable of adult debate by refusing to admit to being wrong on even the tiniest level....when in truth you've been totally wrong throughout on major disagreements....except when you artfully mis-state what I've written or boldly mis-state an obvious claim you're've been out-gamed this time mate....

Ignored my examples because what I've pointed out is undeniable....
If you commit the act of robbery, you're guilty of that crime.
If you rape your neighbor, you guilty of the crime of rape.
Its irrelevant if you're ever brought to justice or not...thats just fact.

No amount of wordplay will make you not a robber or not a rapist or not guilty of the acts....your God will not simply let you into heaven because you didn't get caught will he ? He will not declare you "not guilty" of those crimes because you left town before the cops arrived....:p:cof1::p

I merely point out the fact that even admitting the fact that he may have committed perjury, which he certainly did NOT do, would not make him guilty of the crime of perjury. that is a finding for a court of law. You can bluster all you want about that, but it is true.

AND I point out the hypocrisy of the right in making such a big deal about Clinton's mistake, but completely excusing Bush's mistake...hell.... not even EVER admitting that he had MADE a mistake.

and I am quite sure that, if you were the sole judge, you would win all of your debates, so your declaration of your victory in this one is not really all that surprising....or credible.

And you're right... I would kick you ass on the golf course.:pke:
Bill Clinton admitted to giving misleading testimony. He did not admit GUILT to the crime of perjury. period.

And again... I have shown how funny it is for YOU, of all people, to be whining about diversion.

The only thing you've shown to be funny is your understanding of the English language! Now, that is a major JOKE, for sure! The man ADMITTED he lied under oath... that IS perjury! How one can possibly argue that he wasn't guilty of perjury, is beyond me... but by golly, you're making an attempt to! It has already been conceded he wasn't tried and convicted of what he admitted he was guilty of, but that has nothing to do with the FACT he WAS guilty!
I merely point out the fact that even admitting the fact that he may have committed perjury, which he certainly did NOT do, would not make him guilty of the crime of perjury. that is a finding for a court of law. You can bluster all you want about that, but it is true.

And you can continue to point it out, but you are wrong. He did admit to perjuring himself, and he was guilty of perjuring himself. He was not tried and convicted, but he was guilty of perjury by his own admission. Perjury, when you look up the definition, says nothing about having to be tried and convicted of it, for it to have been perjury. So, where is your idiotic basis for your argument? That's right... you have none! You are a pathetic hack who will parse words and redefine things to suit your agenda.

Back to the old Clowntoon blowjob thing again?

And in a thread about the politics of diversion too :D
Look back and find out who first mentioned it. I think you'll not be surprised it was a lefy.

I find it humorous that it still works as a distraction from more important issues. Although I am now called names by conservatives for suggesting there was more important issues we should have paid attention to at that time.
And you can continue to point it out, but you are wrong. He did admit to perjuring himself, and he was guilty of perjuring himself. He was not tried and convicted, but he was guilty of perjury by his own admission. Perjury, when you look up the definition, says nothing about having to be tried and convicted of it, for it to have been perjury. So, where is your idiotic basis for your argument? That's right... you have none! You are a pathetic hack who will parse words and redefine things to suit your agenda.

if you could find a quote from Clinton where he even used the word "perjury" to describe his behavior, let alone ADMIT to it, that would be real nice.

Again... admitting to giving false testimony while under oath is one thing... determining whether such false testimony rises to the level of perjury, especially when determining its materiality, is a matter for a court to decide.
if you could find a quote from Clinton where he even used the word "perjury" to describe his behavior, let alone ADMIT to it, that would be real nice.

Again... admitting to giving false testimony while under oath is one thing... determining whether such false testimony rises to the level of perjury, especially when determining its materiality, is a matter for a court to decide.

I wish you'd can the crap already....

If I say I forced my neighbors wife to have sex with me, I surely don't need to use the god damn word rape to make it perfectly clean what I've done...
Even an imbecile won't argue that...or would he ?

We are not in a courtroom so we'll use the common ordinary definitions that are given in any dictionary....

per·ju·ry (pûrj-r)
n. pl. per·ju·ries
1. Law The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
2. The breach of an oath or promise.

The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
The breach of an oath or promise.

This is what Clinton confessed to...outside the courtroom, with no charges being argued and no jury to convince...he confessed, and I'll take him at his word....the word perjury can and is used outside the courtroom
in ordinary everyday speech, where it has no legal conditions to be met...just as the words murder, murderer, thief, robber, rapist, assault, etc....
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I wish you'd can the crap already....

If I say I forced my neighbors wife to have sex with me, I surely don't need to use the god damn word rape to make it perfectly clean what I've done...
Even an imbecile won't argue that...or would he ?

We are not in a courtroom so we'll use the common ordinary definitions that are given in any dictionary....

per·ju·ry (pûrj-r)
n. pl. per·ju·ries
1. Law The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
2. The breach of an oath or promise.

The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.
The breach of an oath or promise.

This is what Clinton confessed to...outside the courtroom, with no charges being argued and no jury to convince...he confessed, and I'll take him at his word....the word perjury can and is used outside the courtroom
in ordinary everyday speech, where it has no legal conditions to be met...just as the words murder, murderer, thief, robber, rapist, assault, etc....

Clinton did not confess to perjury. If he had, you could find me a quote from him that says that. I have NEVER denied that he lied while under oath. I HAVE suggested, and you have never even bothered to try to refute it, that the republicans made - and obviously continue to make - a HUGE deal about Clinton lying about a blowjob - which didn't cost a single life - while completely ignoring the fact that Team Bush LIED about stockpiles of WMD's and THAT lie has cost us a trillion dollars and 30K+ dead and wounded Americans.

To say that THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT SADDAM HAS STOCKPILES OF WMD's was and always will be a lie.... because, there ALWAYS existed varying degrees of doubt... and Bush knew of that doubt and chose to ignore it... and if his team had said, instead, "WE HAVE NO DOUBT..." it would have been unethical and deceptive, but it would not have been a LIE.
if you could find a quote from Clinton where he even used the word "perjury" to describe his behavior, let alone ADMIT to it, that would be real nice.

Again... admitting to giving false testimony while under oath is one thing... determining whether such false testimony rises to the level of perjury, especially when determining its materiality, is a matter for a court to decide.

LOL... Things are what they are, despite whether Clinton quotes contain specific words, Maine. Clinton never used the word "lied" but that is indeed what he did when he gave false testimony. He admitted he was guilty of giving false testimony while under oath... that's admitting guilt of perjury! The fact that you are quite the artful dodger when it comes to words, and can do a sloppy little tap-dance for us all here, is notwithstanding.

Again... a public service reminder... this thread topic was diverted by a lefty, illustrating quite well, the very topic of the thread. I think it is brilliant, that here in this very thread, we see the evidence of exactly what I spoke of, on full display for all to see. It's what you guys do best! Divert the attention of the public away from your subtle communist socialist liberal agenda. Doesn't matter if you have to drag Clinton and Lewinski out of the closet and dust them off again, or Abe Lincoln and the Civil War, or whatever. Anything to divert and distract, because that is what you have to do to keep the ball rolling. And to do it in a thread designed to point that detail out... wow... you guys really have no shame! Amazing!
LOL... Things are what they are, despite whether Clinton quotes contain specific words, Maine. Clinton never used the word "lied" but that is indeed what he did when he gave false testimony. He admitted he was guilty of giving false testimony while under oath... that's admitting guilt of perjury! The fact that you are quite the artful dodger when it comes to words, and can do a sloppy little tap-dance for us all here, is notwithstanding.

Again... a public service reminder... this thread topic was diverted by a lefty, illustrating quite well, the very topic of the thread. I think it is brilliant, that here in this very thread, we see the evidence of exactly what I spoke of, on full display for all to see. It's what you guys do best! Divert the attention of the public away from your subtle communist socialist liberal agenda. Doesn't matter if you have to drag Clinton and Lewinski out of the closet and dust them off again, or Abe Lincoln and the Civil War, or whatever. Anything to divert and distract, because that is what you have to do to keep the ball rolling. And to do it in a thread designed to point that detail out... wow... you guys really have no shame! Amazing!

again... the real humor here has always been that a guiy like YOU would post a thread like this!:pke:
I guess with logic like maineman we can say ...because Bush didn't declare war on Iraq, we can proclaim, there is not now and never was a US/Iraqi War....

Whew...glad thats all cleared up...