The Pope Holding Out A Bit


Junior Member
At least he seems to being holding out somewhat. He apologized for being misunderstood and for the events that happened because of what he said. Glad to see him not completely caving in to the vile death cult of Islam.
Islam, Christianity...same thing.

The Death-Cultists in Christianity just wear suits and look like you...
Christians say you will go to hell when you die. Muslims say they will send you there now. Big difference. LOL
Christians say you will go to hell when you die. Muslims say they will send you there now. Big difference. LOL

Bollocks. Christians actively seek the end of the world, and create endless shite in the ME to bring it on.

"Bring on the rapture!"

All those religious people who are so desperate for the rapture or paradise should top themselves and save the rest of us them trying to bring this about.
well they do that anyold, to scare people into making donations, as thought that will save you...if there is no fear of the end of the world, they wont get donations....

the pope should learn that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all...
I hope to pope sticks to his guns and doesn't cow down to these ignorant assholes. Once again its an assault on freedom of speech. The islam attitude is if you say anything we don't like we will riot and kill people.
Freedom of speech isn't a Christian idea though its a western idea. Outside of the west freedom of speech isn't strongly embraced.

How much freedom of speech did Catholic Latin Americans have living under dictatorial regimes.
I hope to pope sticks to his guns and doesn't cow down to these ignorant assholes. Once again its an assault on freedom of speech. The islam attitude is if you say anything we don't like we will riot and kill people.

Yeah, cause Christians haven't been doing that for millenia, have they...

Hell, they still do in Africa...
How much freedom of speech did Catholic Latin Americans have living under dictatorial regimes.

FoS has only been a western thing since the age of reason. Before then the christians of the west were as happy to kill for 'offending' them as anyone.

Only when men of reason stood up to religion did this occur...
The age of reason only came about because of Christian values. I don't see anywhere that Christians are advocating the rapture by any active means. That is a silly argument by fools who fail to understand the basic principals.
The age of reason only came about because of Christian values. I don't see anywhere that Christians are advocating the rapture by any active means. That is a silly argument by fools who fail to understand the basic principals.

You are right Toby. But not in the way you think. The age of reason came about out of resistance to Christian values.
Freedom of speech isn't a Christian idea though its a western idea. Outside of the west freedom of speech isn't strongly embraced.

How much freedom of speech did Catholic Latin Americans have living under dictatorial regimes.

Actually freedon of speech is an American idea. It has been adopted by most western nations.

No one under a dictatorial regime has freedom of speech.
Well Gaffer the idea of constitutionally protected free speech is an American idea. However the English political philosophers especially John Locke influenced many of the founders ideas about rights so you could as easily say that Freedom of Speech is an English idea as an American one.

That is why I say western instead of American. It was a cooperative evolution.
Toby why don't you try reading. How much did you think Galileo, Copernicus, Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau, Descartes and others stood for the Christian ideas of the age. You forget how much at that time the church was a retarding element to progress and definitely not an instrument of one.
Pope calls Islam violent.

Islamic reaction - burn cars and riot.

Hmmmm, I think old Benny might be on to something.
Toby why don't you try reading. How much did you think Galileo, Copernicus, Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau, Descartes and others stood for the Christian ideas of the age. You forget how much at that time the church was a retarding element to progress and definitely not an instrument of one.

That's correct the catholic church did everything it could to retard progressive thinking. Like islam the early catholic church did everything it could to control the population. The christian churh today is not anything near what it was in the middle ages. Unfortunately islam is still the same. The christians became tolerant of non believers while islam remains intolerant of everyone.

The western cultures broke away from the fundimentalism of the old catholic church and knowledge and technology has grown to what we have today. islam is still in the middle ages mentality.
That's correct the catholic church did everything it could to retard progressive thinking. Like islam the early catholic church did everything it could to control the population. The christian churh today is not anything near what it was in the middle ages. Unfortunately islam is still the same. The christians became tolerant of non believers while islam remains intolerant of everyone.

The western cultures broke away from the fundimentalism of the old catholic church and knowledge and technology has grown to what we have today. islam is still in the middle ages mentality.

Pretty much correct. Its Ironic because at that time in history the Muslim world was actually ahead of much of the west they preserved the science of the fallen roman empire and had much more developed cities. I'm not sure what happened but my guess is that when the Ottoman empire became so corrupt Muslims became disenfranchiese with that kind of society and embraced militant Islam as a counter against that.
Sorry wrong again Ihate, try reading some philosophy.

Ha! Ha! Ha! I hate to break it to you, but you are a complete philosophical illiterate in comparison to IHG.

He is right. The age of reason grew out of a reaction against christianity.