The Pope Holding Out A Bit

I hope to pope sticks to his guns and doesn't cow down to these ignorant assholes. Once again its an assault on freedom of speech. The islam attitude is if you say anything we don't like we will riot and kill people.

Couldn't agree with you more on this one....

especially if you read the Pope's entire speech in context of what he said and who he was speaking to....

And with the reaction of the fundamentalist Islamics....calling for death, for a comment for goodness sake....haven't they ever heard of "sticks and stones may break my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me"...?
Couldn't agree with you more on this one....

especially if you read the Pope's entire speech in context of what he said and who he was speaking to....

And with the reaction of the fundamentalist Islamics....calling for death, for a comment for goodness sake....haven't they ever heard of "sticks and stones may break my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me"...?

Looky here: we all seem to agree on something. These rioters lunatics.
This is extremely counter productive and only validates the pope's position. I think this and the cartoon thing really marginalizes their protests. Secondly, I'm sure in any given service you can find their clergymen or whatever bashing Christians and Jewish people. And furthermore even if it is taken out of context, so the fck what?? Is that really necessary? Does the pope effect them one iota?

Actually it reminds me of SR's reaction to being accused of reading private messages. He reads them and posts for everyone to see.
That's correct the catholic church did everything it could to retard progressive thinking. Like islam the early catholic church did everything it could to control the population. The christian churh today is not anything near what it was in the middle ages. Unfortunately islam is still the same. The christians became tolerant of non believers while islam remains intolerant of everyone.

The western cultures broke away from the fundimentalism of the old catholic church and knowledge and technology has grown to what we have today. islam is still in the middle ages mentality.

Pretty much correct. Its Ironic because at that time in history the Muslim world was actually ahead of much of the west they preserved the science of the fallen roman empire and had much more developed cities. I'm not sure what happened but my guess is that when the Ottoman empire became so corrupt Muslims became disenfranchiese with that kind of society and embraced militant Islam as a counter against that.

islam is a militant religion, I use religion loosely in this sense. Its founder was a military man. Its based on death and conquest. It keeps the lower class ignorant and subservient while the leaders live in luxery as god's appointed. It varies little from most other religions in that sense. I have to reread some things but I believe it was the wahbi's that turned it into a backward moving religion of death. but it has always been a religion of conversion by conquest.

The crusades were launched in response to muslem invasions of southern europe. Jerusalem was a christian city until conquored by the muslems and nothing was done until they began moving into eastern europe. That's when the pope called for the first crusade. The holylands became an objective and a way to rally the people of europe. The only thing in common with todays crisis is that islam wants to take back everything it conquor back then and then begin new conquests from there. Its a war that has been going on for 1400 years, with periodic lulls while the muslems rebuild and regroup. Democracy under islamic law will never work.