This is pure and simple BULLSHIT. He was so fucking concerned he wrote a letter to US bishops telling them to HIDE the abuse till the abused was 28 years old so as to take advantage of the Statute of Limitations on sexual abuse. And now that is SOCIETIES fault? The entire catholic church hierarchy was involved in concealing crimes against children and you laud his blame of SOCIETY for the crimes of the clergy? Give me a fucking break. The Catholic church has been involved in a criminal conspiracy for the last 20 years. The crimes go all the way to Saint John Paul II who knew about the crimes and worked to conceal them. I live in New Mexico where they sent the priests to "recover" from the Pedophilia at the Servants of the Paraclete monastery in Jemez Springs NM. When this Pope stands up and says "I actively participated in keeping pedophiles inside the catholic clergy secret and protect them from prosecution" they I will listen to what else he has to say about the "causes" of it. But until he admits that he was a conspirator AFTER THE FACT to child sexual abuse, he can fuck right off and you stuff your comments about his moral charachter in a fucking trash can!It amazes me how many people can preach moral relativism and then crucify (if you will forgive the pun) the religious for sticking to their beliefs.
He is the head of the Catholic Church. Of course he is going to have different values than many of you. It doesn't make him wrong, it makes him different. It makes you a hypocrite for attacking him, not him a hypocrite for believing what he believes. Disagree with him, but don't act like he is a stupid man. He just believes differently.
BB if they kill someone then they can get the death penalty for that right?