The President of the United States and President Clinton......

If she's elected? Who do the Repubs have that even has a chance in hell? Rubio? ROTFLMFAO! Maybe they could roll out Mitt again, that would be hilarious.

Keep in mind... back in 2006/07 liberals were super duper positive she was a given to be elected President in 2008.
So Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden have no chance against Hillary?

I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.

When I supported President Obama over Senator Clinton I did so mostly because she had supported the ongoing Iraq war and he had not. That issue is of much less focus now, although I still dislike her position.

People don't really know E. Warren much yet, but she might have a good chance... I suspect she will sit this one out as a favor to HRC and then cash in on that when HRC is President. Biden and SEnator Clinton seem to have come to some type of accord.
true... but it was comical to see someone suggest he had a chance against Hillary.

Biden couldn't beat this guy ..


Its interesting how they will be formally introduced if She is elected President.

Should he be called Mr. President if they move back into the white house?

What should be called if Hillary is elected? Will he host the annual first lady's tea?

He will always be called Mr. President, but he can be referred to as former President.
Lots can be done in 5 minutes.

But, if you find stuff, and then someone asks you about said stuff - you usually post it, instead of posting something like "who the fuck is asking?"

Transparent, as always.

Stop smoking crack please.
Supercandy, what Republicans do you think have a chance against Hillary or any other Democrat who has a chance at the nomination?