The problem with multiculturalism

I am not convinced that having a situation where most inner cities are populated by minorities and the rich whilst the middle classes live in the suburbs can really be classified as a successful integration policy.

You could be possibly correct, if that was the it was PLANNED; but since that's not the case, your particular example isn't accurate.
What is the difference between a melting pot and multiculturalism?

Melting pot allows you to bring the richness of your former culture to be weaved into the culture you have chisen. Multiculturalism has you retain your culture and eschew the one you find yourself in. I often lament that asians have chosen to not melt to the extent that others have. I have lots of scots in my family tree but Im not Scots-American, Im as Scots as Angus' hagish. Im American and glad of it. You may see little difference but to me its very significant.
Interesting. Can you elaborate what you mean when you say "in times of crisis?" I have an idea but I may be wrong my friend
In bad times a sense of national unity can be the difference between survival and destruction as a nation. By a nation self segregating itself due to multiple cultures, unity is much harder to achieve.
Melting pot allows you to bring the richness of your former culture to be weaved into the culture you have chisen. Multiculturalism has you retain your culture and eschew the one you find yourself in. I often lament that asians have chosen to not melt to the extent that others have. I have lots of scots in my family tree but Im not Scots-American, Im as Scots as Angus' hagish. Im American and glad of it. You may see little difference but to me its very significant.

In the following I'm slightly shifting away towards my devil's advocate POV with the following...

In response to the above I have to say, "what is American culture?"

Is American culture food? Is it language? Is it behavior? In actuality there is no definitive way of defining what American culture is with the exception of liberty. Liberty allows the expression of individuality and that in turn is American. Look around you! we have restaurants reflecting foreign cultures with "American" fusion. The U.S is about mirroring the best of all cultures who call this place home. There is nothing wrong with honoring the Irish who helped build this country, so if we honor them on St. Patrick's day so be it. I'd rather America reflect the best of us than the worse.
In bad times a sense of national unity can be the difference between survival and destruction as a nation. By a nation self segregating itself due to multiple cultures, unity is much harder to achieve.

You should write speeches for Obama. That was profound dude.
It is as you suggest no particular thing but the whacky fusion of everyone. Food part if it ? Sure. We steal from the languages and even bits of behaviors. Its not supposed to be specific. The randomness is the beauty if it at least for me.
In the following I'm slightly shifting away towards my devil's advocate POV with the following...

In response to the above I have to say, "what is American culture?"

Is American culture food? Is it language? Is it behavior? In actuality there is no definitive way of defining what American culture is with the exception of liberty. Liberty allows the expression of individuality and that in turn is American. Look around you! we have restaurants reflecting foreign cultures with "American" fusion. The U.S is about mirroring the best of all cultures who call this place home. There is nothing wrong with honoring the Irish who helped build this country, so if we honor them on St. Patrick's day so be it. I'd rather America reflect the best of us than the worse.
It is as you suggest no particular thing but the whacky fusion of everyone. Food part if it ? Sure. We steal from the languages and even bits of behaviors. Its not supposed to be specific. The randomness is the beauty if it at least for me.

Look at how words Americans have adopted into the language and then take a look at various foods.
"The multicultural project in its contemporary form suffers from two grievous flaws: the filter is too wide, allowing into the country unskilled people who are poorly equipped to participate in a modern, technologically oriented economy and who consequently become a financial burden to the nation, disproportionately swelling the welfare rolls; and, no less critical, many of these immigrant groups import the hatreds, prejudices and conflicts of their countries of origin, sequester themselves with official approval into closed or aggressive enclaves, and often cause violence and disruption in the public life of their new home."

Of course, in those cases where immigrant societies, while preserving their cultural habits and religious beliefs in the private sphere, make every effort to integrate into the public domain, to respect the laws, assumptions and folkways of their host, and to contribute to the economic vitality of their adopted country—in such cases, multiculturalism may be said to have succeeded. We are, after all, a country of immigrants. Nearly everyone has an ancestor who was not born here. But in every Western country, whether in North America, Europe or parts of Australasia, there is one immigrant group whose more radical members refuse to adapt to the heritage culture, insist on the supremacy of their ideas and customs, shamelessly milk the dole, create havoc and mayhem, and pose a serious threat to the security and wellbeing of the larger population.

Hmmm, most of these arguments are only relevant to Europe, where the vast majority of immigration comes from North Africa and such. For America, well, Mexicans aren't really that poor in the grand scale of things (not nearly as poor as Egyptians or Algerians), and their culture is largely a western, Christian, European descended one that we don't have much friction with. This is true of virtually all of the American continent.
In bad times a sense of national unity can be the difference between survival and destruction as a nation. By a nation self segregating itself due to multiple cultures, unity is much harder to achieve.

I played HoI3 too, bro.

Immigration ultimately makes the nation stronger, but too much immigration at once can cause problems. Societies needs time to assimilate them.
I find it hardly difficult to separate culture and ethnic identity. I see your point with the Roman Empire example but for purposes of this thread I'm essentially referring to the influx of various cultures from different countries. A good example are Filipinos who identify with the filipino culture of the phillipines etc. Quite obviously here in southern California we have signs and phone services that accomodate people of this particular culture by having services in Tagalog. This is essentially what I'm saying.

Urban areas are disproportionately home to immigrants. Out here in them middle of nowhere, it's rare to even see Spanish services offered.
Bro, you're asking for WAAAAYYYY more than you're going to get. Hell, getting Philly to cite a single source has been a fruitless effort for everyone so far. I don't think he even knows what multiculturalism is.

multiculturalism is believing Detroit will someday figure out how to run a city.....
I played HoI3 too, bro.

Immigration ultimately makes the nation stronger, but too much immigration at once can cause problems. Societies needs time to assimilate them.

I wasn't refering to HOI, it was EU3. But in any case mine isn't an argument against immigration. Immigration is great, so long as there is also integration (or assimilation as you said).