hey racidslong,
How can anyone be reasured when you say you wont shoot anyone.
Your a lying POS who cant be honest for one damned second.
When they come for your guns you will hand them over with a smile and we all know it.
Its either that or prison or worse.
Threating fellow Americans becuase you do not want to follow a completely constitutional law is abpout as unAmerican as you can get.
You just dont like democracy
I do not like direct democracy and neither did our founders. It is nothing more than tyranny by the majority. Having a majority does not make something right.
Now you claim that "when they come for them I will hand them over". Who is they? I thought you didn't support confiscation?
Do you realize how totalitarian you sound? It is you who is making threats against my liberty. I am a law abiding citizen yet you give more quarter to terrorists.
What are you so afraid of? You shouldn't love your life in fear of law abiding citizens. I have complied with every gun law.