The Problem With Tucker


ButterMilk Man
Is that he keeps having the same people on over and over.

I demand diversity of thought.

I get bored.

Is that he keeps having the same people on over and over.

I demand diversity of thought.

I get bored.


Sometimes I like to stay away from for news altogether for awhile. Oan is just better. Tucker has turned out to be pretty good show, but he is limited by fox.
Sometimes I like to stay away from for news altogether for awhile. Oan is just better. Tucker has turned out to be pretty good show, but he is limited by fox.

This seems like a bullet point in the "Tucker is lazy" argument, a charge that he accepts...he agrees that he is lazy..which is part of the reason that he never applied himself in school.
I have been watching Tucker most nights for about 8 months, me the former cable news junkie who took about a decade off from all TV except watching some shows with the wife pursuing marital cable news at all...

I am starting to bore.
Is that he keeps having the same people on over and over.

I demand diversity of thought.

I get bored.


All the talking heads on cable news do that. So? What I don't see on MSNBC or CNN is their talking heads ever putting on an opposition opinion person unless they are trying to destroy them on the show. No alternative debate. No reasoning, only like-minded thinking. Sure, Carlson has some of that too but it is hardly exclusive Carlson also regularly challenges listeners to look things up for themselves. He will say "Don't take my word for it..."

Carlson succeeds so well because he does do that where his competition doesn't. But you won't find the Left on CNN or MSNBC switching to that format because it goes against everything they believe and know about politics.
All the talking heads on cable news do that. So? What I don't see on MSNBC or CNN is their talking heads ever putting on an opposition opinion person unless they are trying to destroy them on the show. No alternative debate. No reasoning, only like-minded thinking. Sure, Carlson has some of that too but it is hardly exclusive Carlson also regularly challenges listeners to look things up for themselves. He will say "Don't take my word for it..."

Carlson succeeds so well because he does do that where his competition doesn't. But you won't find the Left on CNN or MSNBC switching to that format because it goes against everything they believe and know about politics.

I have not watched any cable news in a decade, I was on the down slope since 2004...I dont know what the norm is.

But I do know that Tucker is starting to bore me.

I think his laziness is the problem.

I am looking for thoughts.

Thanks for yours.
Sometimes I like to stay away from for news altogether for awhile. Oan is just better. Tucker has turned out to be pretty good show, but he is limited by fox.

Fox, which by all accounts of the people I listen to has made a steady turn to the Left ever since Ailes departed.

Which leftists deny of course...the Murdock kids are never going to measure up unless they kill FoxNews altogether.
The first 40% of Ship of Fools was top rate, but then it looked like Tucker ran out of either interest or time....the laziness of Tucker problem is not either new or news.
I have not watched any cable news in a decade, I was on the down slope since 2004...I dont know what the norm is.

But I do know that Tucker is starting to bore me.

I think his laziness is the problem.

I am looking for thoughts.

Thanks for yours.

He's probably the best of a bunch of bad choices. Don Lemon and Cuomo over at CNN are just horrible. Maddow is equally bad. She likes to lecture you. I have a hard time taking them for more than a few minutes at a time. Carlson I can take for maybe half his show before it really gets into the weeds.
Carlson you may not agree with, but at least he doesn't regularly, if at all, simply lie to your face the way the talking heads at CNN do. MSNBC on the other hand is just lunatics on... well, something.
I can't take too much of Hannity as he is grating and comes off more hard core than Carlson.

If you try talk radio, on the Left the only person worth listening to is Thom Hartmann. The rest are a bunch of angry, crazy whack-a-doodles. On the Right, I think Hugh Hewitt is the best one to listen to. Praeger, Levin, and Elder are tolerable but often go off in odd directions that can get annoying if not preachy. Limbaugh, the Left's favorite whipping boy and the like aren't really worth listening to at all.
He's probably the best of a bunch of bad choices. Don Lemon and Cuomo over at CNN are just horrible. Maddow is equally bad. She likes to lecture you. I have a hard time taking them for more than a few minutes at a time. Carlson I can take for maybe half his show before it really gets into the weeds.
Carlson you may not agree with, but at least he doesn't regularly, if at all, simply lie to your face the way the talking heads at CNN do. MSNBC on the other hand is just lunatics on... well, something.
I can't take too much of Hannity as he is grating and comes off more hard core than Carlson.

If you try talk radio, on the Left the only person worth listening to is Thom Hartmann. The rest are a bunch of angry, crazy whack-a-doodles. On the Right, I think Hugh Hewitt is the best one to listen to. Praeger, Levin, and Elder are tolerable but often go off in odd directions that can get annoying if not preachy. Limbaugh, the Left's favorite whipping boy and the like aren't really worth listening to at all.

I look at Rush online now and then...he is wrong a lot but when he is right he tends to be almost the only one who is right...He can be good Brain Food....But I get bored with him too.