Tucker is a sold out idiot, traitor and useless tRump booty grabber.
Tucker is a sold out idiot, traitor and useless tRump booty grabber.
Hugh Hewitt, well, that says a lot.He's probably the best of a bunch of bad choices. Don Lemon and Cuomo over at CNN are just horrible. Maddow is equally bad. She likes to lecture you. I have a hard time taking them for more than a few minutes at a time. Carlson I can take for maybe half his show before it really gets into the weeds.
Carlson you may not agree with, but at least he doesn't regularly, if at all, simply lie to your face the way the talking heads at CNN do. MSNBC on the other hand is just lunatics on... well, something.
I can't take too much of Hannity as he is grating and comes off more hard core than Carlson.
If you try talk radio, on the Left the only person worth listening to is Thom Hartmann. The rest are a bunch of angry, crazy whack-a-doodles. On the Right, I think Hugh Hewitt is the best one to listen to. Praeger, Levin, and Elder are tolerable but often go off in odd directions that can get annoying if not preachy. Limbaugh, the Left's favorite whipping boy and the like aren't really worth listening to at all.
Tucker is a sold out idiot, traitor and useless tRump booty grabber.
Hugh Hewitt, well, that says a lot.
No, they are free to enjoy whatever pundit they like. It just gives me some more insight into their thinking.Is there a problem?
No, they are free to enjoy whatever pundit they like. It just gives me some more insight into their thinking.
Hugh Hewitt, well, that says a lot.
There are two big exceptions to my boredom with Tucker doing retread guests..Dave Rubin and Victor Davis Hanson...these two never get old.
Hanson is quite good. His books generally are too. I think he should pass on Gutfeld however. A semi-serious comedian talker doesn't add any credibility to the commentary.