The Proof this whole mess was the Bush admins fault

You are terrible at analogies. The "gunpowder" was most definitely "invented" by Carter if we use your analogy. Reagan improved the design by adding to the debt, but the genesis of the program that later became the insane sub-prime lending mess was definitely passed and signed under Carter. (Not blaming Carter any more than I blame the dude who invented gun powder for war. Just being realistic.)

True, it was Carter that began the whole CRA push and it was the repeal of Glass Steagall that allowed it to get out of hand. Prior to that, the banks had a natural firewall between retail and investment banks. Thus, if the retail banks and other lenders got too aggressive with loans, they would have to keep those loans on their own books as no one would buy them. Once GS was repealed and the retail and investment banks merged, the firewalls came down and the packaging of MBS and CDO's exploded. GS was the catalyst to this mess. Every President since Carter took up the mantra of 'more homeowners than ever before' to an increasing degree. Really ramping up in 1993 and continuing on through Clinton and Bush Jr. until the implosion.