The proper care and feeding of white nationalists

Most of them will be dead soon so it's not really going to be much of an issue in the future

Trump is gaining among young people and the college educated. Being a loyalist democrat should tell you how easy it is for people to rationalize their racism as not racism. You people have taken that to a zen-like level.
Trump is gaining among young people and the college educated. Being a loyalist democrat should tell you how easy it is for people to rationalize their racism as not racism. You people have taken that to a zen-like level.

Except it is not true.
kacper has created a fallacy of false composition.

Only cripples, idiots, and cretins look down on NPR.

The proper care and feeding of white supremacists etc will eventually be tatooed in reverse on their foreheads so they can read how to take care of themselves in the mirrors in their communal dormitories.