The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth

Truth Detector

Well-known member
If, knowing this history, you think it is the Israelis here who are the colonizers, the aggressors, the oppressors, the ones at fault, then, well, there is something very wrong with your own mind and your own soul.

The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth

Because too many in the latest generations of young adults are content to accept factless narratives fed to them by leftist teachers, it is necessary to provide another primer on the real history of Israel and the Palestinians.

Herein, as concisely and as relevant to the current war as possible, is that primer.

Start with the fact that never in the history of the world has there been a “Palestinian state.” Today’s inhabitants of Gaza cannot claim they are seeking a restoration of some historic birthright. On the other hand, it is indisputable that Jews have lived and often ruled in that territory for thousands of years, with vast archaeological and other definitive proof that most of the history (the facts, not necessarily the interpretations) of what Christians call the “Old Testament” is true.

For the past half-millennium, the area now under Israeli control was ruled either by Ottoman Turks or by Western powers operating under broad, international recognition of the land essentially as a conservatorship rather than as actual territory “owned” by those Western powers. Jews always lived there in significant numbers, though, with the numbers growing as Jews continually faced pogroms and other brutish treatment almost wherever else they settled, no matter how much philanthropy they practiced.

After the Germans attempted total genocide of Jews during the Holocaust, the United Nations provided for a two-state solution in the region, with one dominated by Jews and the other by Arabs. The Jews accepted the proposal. The Arabs didn’t. When the British conservatorship ended in accord with the U.N. resolution, Jews declared the state of Israel even as the five major Arab nations immediately declared war and attacked. In response, Jews forcibly evicted non-Jews from parts of the newly formed nation, although at least as many were welcome to keep their homes if they would accept the new democratic state of Israel with human rights guarantees. Instead, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs voluntarily abandoned the area rather than accept living in a Jewish state.

For those who stayed, though, Israel largely lived up to its original promises. Today, more than 20% of the population of Israel is Arab, with another 5% other forms of non-Jews (including Christians). Every one of them enjoys more freedom, more prosperity, and far more guaranteed human rights than the “Palestinian” inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank. Arabs can be citizens in Israel, and they have elected members to the Knesset since 1949. Arab Christians for years have served as justices on Israel’s Supreme Court. Today, even an Arab Muslim sits on the court.

Of course, any Jew who tried to live in similar peace in Gaza wouldn’t be allowed to live at all. (Nor, by the way, would any of the American campuses’ “Queers for Palestine,” who surely would be not just killed but actually tortured to death if they dared walk down a Gazan or West Bank street with even the slightest public displays of affection.)

For decades, a subgroup of the non-Jews who fled Israel, led by Yasser Arafat, practiced terrorism whenever and wherever it could. The Palestine Liberation Organization wasn’t merely anti-Jewish but anti-civilization. It fought a civil war against the government of Jordan in 1970 and lost. It destabilized Lebanon. It was anathema in Egypt. It was, in short, a veritable plague on the planet.

Meanwhile, Arab or Muslim states repeatedly waged war on Israel. In 1967, Egypt closed maritime passages to Israeli shipping and amassed troops on Israel’s border, leading to a major Israeli victory in the Six-Day War despite help for Egypt from Jordan and Syria. In 1973, a coalition of Arab states launched a surprise attack against Israel on the latter’s holy day of Yom Kippur. Again, Israel prevailed.
I have often asked this without a coherent honest answer back:

Why is it that this teeny tiny piece of land in the vastness of the entire Middle East is simply too much to tolerate for Arabs and the antisemites in the West???

Remember, Jews govern a mere 8,000 square miles in the Middle East. Arab nations already control 5 million square miles. Israel’s population is less than 10 million, of which only 7.2 million are Jews. The Arab world consists of 475 million people. Somehow, those 475 million keep failing to conquer the 7 million, and somehow, most of those nations can’t bear the idea of Jews holding just a tiny sliver of land where Jews have lived for 3,300 years.

How, pray tell, is it the Israelis who are considered “oppressors”? What sort of moronicism allows malicious college students to chant that the Israelis should be eradicated “from the river to the sea”?

Meanwhile, as for the Palestinians: Despite the PLO’s decades of terrorism, which made its legions into pariahs even among Arab states, President Bill Clinton in the 1990s pushed Israel to negotiate with PLO leader Arafat. Israel repeatedly was told that if it gave up land, it would be afforded peace. Israel repeatedly gave up land, but it received no peace.

Clinton, though, convinced Israel again to accept a two-state solution, giving the Palestinians something they had never enjoyed in history. Ever. By Clinton’s own account, it was Arafat who then reneged on the deal. Even so, Israel allowed the PLO’s supposedly non-terrorist branch, Fatah, to exercise effective governing autonomy on the West Bank and in Gaza — both of them territories Israel had every right to claim for its own. Not even Fatah, despite being wrongly labeled by liberal U.S. media outlets as “moderate,” would do so much as acknowledge Israel’s right to exist or renounce violence against its civilians.
The White Lib, Ivy League protesters are supposedly the best and brightest of their generation. And they support using human shields ... and are unable to research facts.

The future is looking very bleak for women, Jews, Christians, atheists, trans and homos ... if these "American" Terrorists are our future leaders.

Not to mention the coming bans on pork, alcohol, and bikinis ... if Moon gets his way.
Dumbass- The UN recognized Palestinian statehood in 2012.
I've told you before but you're too bigoted to take it in.

'The United Nations general assembly voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to recognise Palestine as a state, in the face of opposition from Israel and the US.

The 193-member assembly voted 138 in favour of the plan, with only nine against and 41 abstentions. The scale of the defeat represented a strong and public repudiation for Israel and the US, who find themselves out of step with the rest of the world.

Thursday's vote marked a diplomatic breakthrough for Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and could help his standing after weeks in which he has been sidelined by Palestinian rivals Hamas in the Gaza conflict.

Abbas, who flew from Ramallah, on the West Bank, to New York to address the general assembly, said: "The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: enough of aggression, settlements and occupation."

A Palestinian flag was unfurled on the floor of the general assembly after the vote.

Several hundred people turned out in Yasser Arafat square in Ramallah on the West Bank, waving flags and singing along to nationalist music to mark the occasion.'

Truth Deflector- you are simply too stupid to warrant any response to the utter sewage that you dump here. Begone.

Islamists aqnd Nazis = the same.
That is the UN, not the Palestinians. :palm:

So what are the borders the Palestinians recognize?
From the River to the Sea?
Same thing. Now tattoo it on your head- PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD WAS RECOGNIZED IN 2012.

Now they want the illegal Jews removed according to law.
Same thing. Now tattoo it on your head- PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD WAS RECOGNIZED IN 2012.

Now they want the illegal Jews removed according to law.
Not the same. Palestine is NOT a member of the UN.

So what are the borders the Palestinians recognize?
Remove the Jews from the River to the Sea?

The Jews removed themselves from Gaza in 2006 :dunno:
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Not the same. Palestine is NOT a member of the UN.

So what are the borders the Palestinians recognize?
Remove the Jews from the River to the Sea?

The Jews removed themselves from Gaza in 2006 :dunno:
Palestine is not a full member, no-but Palestine IS recognized as a sovereign state - and is therefore a member of the United Nations. That really pisses you off, eh.
Dumbass- The UN recognized Palestinian statehood in 2012.
I've told you before but you're too bigoted to take it in.

'The United Nations general assembly voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to recognise Palestine as a state, in the face of opposition from Israel and the US.

The 193-member assembly voted 138 in favour of the plan, with only nine against and 41 abstentions. The scale of the defeat represented a strong and public repudiation for Israel and the US, who find themselves out of step with the rest of the world.

Thursday's vote marked a diplomatic breakthrough for Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and could help his standing after weeks in which he has been sidelined by Palestinian rivals Hamas in the Gaza conflict.

Abbas, who flew from Ramallah, on the West Bank, to New York to address the general assembly, said: "The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: enough of aggression, settlements and occupation."

A Palestinian flag was unfurled on the floor of the general assembly after the vote.

Several hundred people turned out in Yasser Arafat square in Ramallah on the West Bank, waving flags and singing along to nationalist music to mark the occasion.'

The UN is meaningless. if they recognized a state what were the borders? where was this "Palistine"?