The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth

Lest we forget...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.
Why do you deny the truth about the Jews removing themselves from Gaza in 2006?

Why won't you define the borders of the Palestine State?

You've been asked several times. Is it a secret?
Get lost, you repetitive fool.
If, knowing this history, you think it is the Israelis here who are the colonizers, the aggressors, the oppressors, the ones at fault, then, well, there is something very wrong with your own mind and your own soul.

The protesters’ narrative on Israel is false. Here’s the truth

Because too many in the latest generations of young adults are content to accept factless narratives fed to them by leftist teachers, it is necessary to provide another primer on the real history of Israel and the Palestinians.

Herein, as concisely and as relevant to the current war as possible, is that primer.

Start with the fact that never in the history of the world has there been a “Palestinian state.” Today’s inhabitants of Gaza cannot claim they are seeking a restoration of some historic birthright. On the other hand, it is indisputable that Jews have lived and often ruled in that territory for thousands of years, with vast archaeological and other definitive proof that most of the history (the facts, not necessarily the interpretations) of what Christians call the “Old Testament” is true.

For the past half-millennium, the area now under Israeli control was ruled either by Ottoman Turks or by Western powers operating under broad, international recognition of the land essentially as a conservatorship rather than as actual territory “owned” by those Western powers. Jews always lived there in significant numbers, though, with the numbers growing as Jews continually faced pogroms and other brutish treatment almost wherever else they settled, no matter how much philanthropy they practiced.

After the Germans attempted total genocide of Jews during the Holocaust, the United Nations provided for a two-state solution in the region, with one dominated by Jews and the other by Arabs. The Jews accepted the proposal. The Arabs didn’t. When the British conservatorship ended in accord with the U.N. resolution, Jews declared the state of Israel even as the five major Arab nations immediately declared war and attacked. In response, Jews forcibly evicted non-Jews from parts of the newly formed nation, although at least as many were welcome to keep their homes if they would accept the new democratic state of Israel with human rights guarantees. Instead, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs voluntarily abandoned the area rather than accept living in a Jewish state.

You are a very, very sick puppy, Dave.
Must be disconcerting Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah July Bicentennial Pavlov's dog cross conditioning of West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glorys - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists drug trafficking enforcement was insufficient for Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom of Islamidiotocracy for Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip national religion.....
The legal borders of Palestine are defined by UNGAR 181. Borders can never be changed by force- only by agreement of the contracting parties.
Your jib has collapsed.
Palistinians never accepted your UNGAR 181 so it isn't worth the paper it was printed on. Israelis never accepted it either. There is no Palistinian "state".

UNGAR 181 was never binding. In order for a UN General Assembly resolution to be binding, all parties relevant to that resolutions must agree to abide by it. The Igher Arab Committee for Palestine, along with all the Arab countries that had voted against partition refuses to accept UNGAR 181. Therefore, it was never ratified, so it never became binding.
The genocidal Jews are holding many thousands of Palestinian hostages, including many women and children. The rest of the world knows this. Apparently, dumbass Americans do not.
Of course, the Israeli hostages should be returned home- but they're no longer welcome in Europe or America.
No, Israel is not holding any hostages, they are holding prisoners.

Debunking the False Equivalency Between Israeli Hostages and Palestinian Prisoners

  1. Why there is no moral equivalency between the hostages taken by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners
There is a clear distinction: The Palestinians held in Israeli jails made an active choice to commit a crime, while the only “crime” committed by the Israeli and other foreign hostages was that they were Jewish or were in Israel.
Prisoners released during the first three days of the temporary truce between Israel and Hamas had been held for violent crimes, including 10 for attempted murder, 13 for inflicting serious bodily harm, 19 for placing a bomb or throwing an incendiary device, seven for shooting at people, and five for assault. The rest of the released prisoners were listed as affiliated with a recognized terrorist organization, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Palistinians never accepted your UNGAR 181 so it isn't worth the paper it was printed on. Israelis never accepted it either. There is no Palistinian "state".

UNGAR 181 was never binding. In order for a UN General Assembly resolution to be binding, all parties relevant to that resolutions must agree to abide by it. The Igher Arab Committee for Palestine, along with all the Arab countries that had voted against partition refuses to accept UNGAR 181. Therefore, it was never ratified, so it never became binding.
You clearly know nothing about it- and I have no interest in enlightening you personally- so I'll post this for those with little knowledge but an open mind.

It didn't matter whether Palestinians or European Zionists accepted UN Resolution 181 or not. The fact is that it passed by majority vote.
Of course, the Jews accepted the vote and the Arabs did not- as would be expected when it was a case of the arrogant colonialist British handing over half of Palestine to people that didn't live there.
Still- that's a crime that the Brits still refuse to publicly acknowledge - yet.
The legal point is that UNGAR 181 established borders between what, unfortunately, became ' Israel ' and what remained of historic Palestine. Apart from minor adjustments between contracting parties those borders have not been legally changed. Israewli claims of ' annexation ' and ' capture by force ' are a nonsense. Territory cannot be gained by force and borders can not be changed unless by legal agreement.

Edit; The sovereign state of Palestine was recognised by the UN in 2012. Anybody claiming that there ' is no Palestine ' belongs in a rubber room.
You invariably present false nonsense.
Bullshit, that is exactly what they did and thanks to Hamas you can bet your ass they won't do that again. Israel has now said they will continue to occupy Gaza. Leave it to Hamas and they spend their energy building tunnels for what stupid reason no one knows.
You clearly know nothing about it- and I have no interest in enlightening you personally- so I'll post this for those with little knowledge but an open mind.

It didn't matter whether Palestinians or European Zionists accepted UN Resolution 181 or not. The fact is that it passed by majority vote.
Of course, the Jews accepted the vote and the Arabs did not- as would be expected when it was a case of the arrogant colonialist British handing over half of Palestine to people that didn't live there.
Still- that's a crime that the Brits still refuse to publicly acknowledge - yet.
The legal point is that UNGAR 181 established borders between what, unfortunately, became ' Israel ' and what remained of historic Palestine. Apart from minor adjustments between contracting parties those borders have not been legally changed. Israewli claims of ' annexation ' and ' capture by force ' are a nonsense. Territory cannot be gained by force and borders can not be changed unless by legal agreement.

Edit; The sovereign state of Palestine was recognised by the UN in 2012. Anybody claiming that there ' is no Palestine ' belongs in a rubber room.
Bullshit, your UNGAR 181 must be accepted by both parties and your own post says Arabs did not accept it. There is no "Palistinian state" or you could present a map of the place and every other country that would like to see the fighting there to stop would not be talking about forming one.
You clearly know nothing about it- and I have no interest in enlightening you personally- so I'll post this for those with little knowledge but an open mind.

It didn't matter whether Palestinians or European Zionists accepted UN Resolution 181 or not. The fact is that it passed by majority vote.
Of course, the Jews accepted the vote and the Arabs did not- as would be expected when it was a case of the arrogant colonialist British handing over half of Palestine to people that didn't live there.
Still- that's a crime that the Brits still refuse to publicly acknowledge - yet.
The legal point is that UNGAR 181 established borders between what, unfortunately, became ' Israel ' and what remained of historic Palestine. Apart from minor adjustments between contracting parties those borders have not been legally changed. Israewli claims of ' annexation ' and ' capture by force ' are a nonsense. Territory cannot be gained by force and borders can not be changed unless by legal agreement.

Edit; The sovereign state of Palestine was recognised by the UN in 2012. Anybody claiming that there ' is no Palestine ' belongs in a rubber room.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established​

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.
Why would Hamas say they would lay down their arms if an independent Palistinians state was formed, if they already had one?
Bullshit, your UNGAR 181 must be accepted by both parties and your own post says Arabs did not accept it. There is no "Palistinian state" or you could present a map of the place and every other country that would like to see the fighting there to stop would not be talking about forming one.
You're dummer than you think. Neither Israel- which didn't exist- or the Palestinians had a vote on the newly-formed United Nations. The decision was taken without them- legally.
Why would Hamas say they wou
Why would Hamas say they would lay down their arms if an independent Palistinians state was formed, if they already had one?

' Independent ' means full UN membership and an absence of genocidal Jews in it. Palestine is a sovereign state as it stands, however, recognised by the UN and 144 countries.

26 November 2012

Recalling its resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947,

Reaffirming the principle, set out in the Charter, of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force,

Reaffirming its resolution 3236 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974 and all relevant resolutions, including resolution 66/146 of 19 December 2011, reaffirming the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine,

Reaffirming also its resolutions 43/176 of 15 December 1988 and 66/17 of 30 November 2011 and all relevant resolutions regarding the Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, which, inter alia, stress the need for the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, primarily the right to self-determination and the right to their independent State, a just resolution of the problem of the Palestine refugees in conformity with resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948 and the complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,

Reaffirming further its resolution 66/18 of 30 November 2011 and all relevant resolutions regarding the status of Jerusalem, bearing in mind that the annexation of East Jerusalem is not recognized by the international community, and emphasizing the need for a way to be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the capital of two States,

Reaffirming its commitment, in accordance with international law, to the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign, democratic, viable and contiguous State of Palestine living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders,

1. Reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967;

4. Affirms its determination to contribute to the achievement of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the attainment of a peaceful settlement in the Middle East that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and fulfils the vision of two States: an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the pre-1967 borders;

Dumbass- The UN recognized Palestinian statehood in 2012.
I've told you before but you're too bigoted to take it in.

'The United Nations general assembly voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to recognise Palestine as a state, in the face of opposition from Israel and the US.

The 193-member assembly voted 138 in favour of the plan, with only nine against and 41 abstentions. The scale of the defeat represented a strong and public repudiation for Israel and the US, who find themselves out of step with the rest of the world.

Thursday's vote marked a diplomatic breakthrough for Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and could help his standing after weeks in which he has been sidelined by Palestinian rivals Hamas in the Gaza conflict.

Abbas, who flew from Ramallah, on the West Bank, to New York to address the general assembly, said: "The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: enough of aggression, settlements and occupation."

A Palestinian flag was unfurled on the floor of the general assembly after the vote.

Several hundred people turned out in Yasser Arafat square in Ramallah on the West Bank, waving flags and singing along to nationalist music to mark the occasion.'

:lolup: Uneducated dumbass doesn't know it was the Palestinians that rejected that offer.