The Pussy Grabber Pooched it

Does your head hurt yet from all that bumping it against the wall

Oh and trump lost

And the Republican Party is now totally fucked
The USA courts have decades of cold hard court documented facts which prove conclusively that the Republican party has cheated American voters out Of their rights to vote so that they can steal elections

Fully documented in case after case going all the way to the SCOTUS
There are decades of court cases and filings

I could go on forever about it there is sooo much evidence

Bump away you runny turd
Yes, Billy Barr would say that, wouldn't he ? (BECAUSE HE'S A RULING CLASS STOOGE, YOU MORON !!!)

On the subject of cowards who lack moral courage, do you SERIOUSLY believe that Barr was not lying through his gutless teeth when he stated he felt that the scale of the election fraud that took place on 3rd of Nov was not sufficient to warrant being further investigated. Bill Barr was a spineless ,fat, leftist Deep State slug, more worried about his state pension than doing his job like a man. I hear he's "retired" now, what a devastating loss to the American justice system .

Do you understand that if Biden is inaugurated on the 20th of January YOUR COUNTRY IS FINISHED ...FUCKED ....KAPUT What was America becomes a 3rd world shithole, but not for the Democrat Government and the American ruling class (they stay rich and powerful). It becomes a shithole for SUCKERS LIKE YOU who never managed to work out out the giant swindle that was being pulled on them.

Enjoy it.


:laugh::laugh::laugh: Fortunately we will not have a traitor in the WH that sucks as you do. When Barr was singing trumps praises you sung along with him. Now, like your gawd trump, you spit on him.

I have to admit that I wish ass hat cowards like you would just pack up your shit, your trashy families, and get the f**k out of the country, and take that cowardly trump with you.
I have to admit, that I wish anyone who is so STUPID they would vote a geriatric pervert with vascular dementia into the White House could be rounded up by the authorities, locked in a sheltered care facility and stripped of their right to vote in the way that incarcerated felons are.

President Trump is NOT a traitor. The Democrats and their Obama-hangover, Deep State cockroaches (Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok et al) tried to pin that one on him for over 3 years, didn't they ? But even with a team of 30 hyper- partisan Democrat prosecutors , Special Counsel Robert Mueller's disgusting TWO YEAR, $40 MILLION (tax-payer funded) WITCH HUNT hunt - "The Mueller Investigation" - came up with NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION - A BIG, FAT, NOTHING !. Given the fact that in 2017,when Mueller's witch hunt kicked off, MUELLER ALREADY KNEW FULL WELL THAT THE "STEELE DOSSIER" WAS !00%, FAKE RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION, I would say that this makes Robert Mueller a traitor.

As for Joe Biden. I don't want a weak POTUS whose brain has turned to "Jello" being used as a sock puppet by the American globalist Ruling Class elite to run the United States.That means policies of: open borders; mass third world immigration; healthcare, government, and the franchise benefits for illegal aliens (aka the principles of "Diversity Makes Us Stronger" and "Multiculturalism"; huge tax hikes levied on the American middle class to pay for this bullshit and other hare-brained project's like AOC's $11 TRILLION "Green New Deal".This is all called "WOKE SOCIALISM". The way it works, in a nutshell, is that it make the billionaires in America's globalist Ruling Class who make up less than %5 of the population of the US even more filthy rich and powerful than they already are, while the middle class is destroyed and the remaining 95% of the population become slaves of the state who do what they are told to do, or else. Did you notice hoe the CEOs of the American Mass Media and Big Tech completely censored hard , damning evidence of Joe Biden's corrupt dealings with China that were published on the front page of "The New York Post" on 14th October. The censored this information to influence the outcome of the election on 3rd November, 2020. This stuff is straight out of George Orwell, and it's just a taste of what's to come if Biden becomes POTUS on 20th January. At least Biden's handlers will TRY in implement "Woke Socialist" policies that concentrate power in the hands of the state and its business partners in the American Ruling Class, but I think that the majority of everyday, decent Americans (people who DON'T share YOUR kind of fucked up values) will not tolerate it, and it is likely that some kind of RED vs BLUE civil war will erupt. It will be a race war as well, as American Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos have an innately COLLECTIVIST culture/worldview that is compatible with socialism; White Anglo American's on the other hand are intrinsically individualistic and abhor any overly intrusive constraints being placed on their individual liberty. In short, their genetic make-up could not tolerate a socialist order in America. Hence, for instance, the official state motto of New Hampshire: "LIVE FREE OR DIE" - and if that means taking up arms to defend one's liberty, then millions of White Americans would heed the call. Better to be dead than to live like some caged animal.

You call Trump a traitor with no evidence whatsoever to substantiate the lie. I think you're a bit like the Joe Biden - full of shit and allergic to the truth. Whenever the light (of truth) begins to shine forth, Joe Biden's reaction is like that of Count Dracula - he instinctively flees at speed to cower in his coffin-like basement- or as media say "puts a lid on it" (the coffin) before the clear and cleansing light of day can fall upon him and expose his evil doings. For like Count Dracula, Joe Biden knows that should he be exposed to the light (of truth), he will instantly shrivel and disintegrate into (political) dust.

The truth is that if anyone in the American political establishment is, in fact, a traitor, there are two red-hot, odds-on favourites, (as the bookies say), and both are Democrats: (1) Eric Swalwell, Democrat member of the current House Intelligence Committee, and (2) Joe Biden. As for Swalwell, despite being made a member of the House Intelligence Committee and thereby being entrusted with some of the states' most sensitive and important secrets, Swalwell is so so stupid that he falls into a classic "honey trap" set by the Chinese Communist Party. The Communists send a attractive young, 24-year old, Chinese whore, called "Christine" Fang to flatter and seduce Swalwell - although "1000 "Red Flags" should have shot up, the only thing that seems to have lept up is Swalwell's penis (which I think, in Eric's case, is where his central nervous system is located). And so Swalwell capitulates to the pleasures of the flesh and indulges himself in an orgy of "Fang Fang Bang Bang." His sordid affair with Fang - who is was communist spy working for the CCP - continued for a number of years, until Fang was recently exposed. It is anyone's guess what US state secrets were coaxed out of Swalwell during sessions of pillow talks, or gleaned by Fang herself who had independent access to Swalwell's offices in Washington DC. It is very curious how there has been no mention, whatsoever, of the "Fang Fang Bang Bang" scandal in the American mainstream media. It must be very tempting for them to air the storey because it has something of the high intrigue and salacious titillation that were hallmarks of popular 1970's Jame Bond thriller movies. Swalwell, however, is certainly no 007, just an idiot Democrat who is guilty of TREASONOUS STUPIDITY.

(2) As far as treasonous conduct is concerned, it is the very man who may well be inaugurated as America's 46th President in January of next year - "Sleepy" Joe Biden that is cause for greatest concern. Here are some examples of Joe Biden's behaviour that I would regard as treasonous. The US Constitution defines the crime of treason as either "levying (waging) war" upon the United states, or, "adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort" Communist China is not an ally of America, it has been an enemy of the West since the time of Mao Zedong, and it is in China's DNA to regard America - the West's greatest power - as its ultimate enemy, engagement or no engagement. Many American foreign policy wonks believe that China is an existential threat to America (and the free world). So why was Joe Biden, as Vice President of the US, involving himself in shady business dealings with a Chinese billionaire closed linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?

There is authentic, validated evidence in the form of email communications that show Hunter Biden was demanding $10 million / year for "introductions (to Joe Biden) alone" from a Chinese oligarch, Ye Jianming, Chairman of the CEFM China Energy Conglomerate - ( who was, naturally, closely connected to the ruling Chinese Communist Party/CCP) - at the time. To request "10 million was part of a "best wishes from the entire Biden family" to Chairman Ye Jianming. In the time since then, Ye Jianming has disappeared - no one has seen him or knows his whereabouts. My guess is that Ye is pushing up daisies in a paddock somewhere outside Beijing, after the CCP put a bullet through the back of his neck .

In 2013, while Joe Biden was Vice President in the Obama administration, he and his drug-addicted, whoring son, Hunter "Low-Life" Biden, flew to China on AIRFORCE II. Then, by strange coincidence, less than two weeks later Hunter Biden's firm signed a 1.5 BILLION dollar private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government's (i.e the "politburo" of the Chinese Communist Party) "Bank of China."

Hunter Biden was leveraging Joe Biden's political status and influence as an American Vice President to negotiate these (and probably many other) shady business deals in China. China is an enemy of the United States, and it does give American nations like Hunter Biden 1.5 billion dollars from the Chinese government's own bank because it thinks he is cute. There is obviously a quid pro quo expectation, and logically that must involve some kind of political favour/s from VP Joe Biden. I mean, why else would the Chinese part with 1.5 Billion dollars like that ?

The US Constitution defines "treason" as:

"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying (i.e. waging) War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort..."

The part of the definition That I have bold-faced, applies, IMO, to VP Joe Biden, a high-ranking member of the American government who was participating in secret business deals, by selling his political influence to powerful foreign nationals from a country that was an enemy of the United States.

But then again, Obama was a traitor, and Joe Biden MUST have known about everything Obama did throughout in the "OBAMAGATE" scandal, which is, BTW, universally acknowledged as the greatest political crime in American history. Put briefly, "Obamagate" was a concerted, coordinated attempt to bring down a legitimate American President, and that is, as far as I am concerned TREASON. I am not a Constitutional lawyer, but I think the definition of TREASON in the Constitution could well be interpreted to apply to the conduct of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and all the rest of the coup conspirators who have now been identified as key actors in "Obamagate"scandal.

As a Vice President of America, Joe Biden should not have been involved in back room business deals with Chinese businessmen, they are not exactly official US government business, are they. In particular he should not have been secretly fraternising with powerful Chinese nationals, given China is an enemy of the United States.

So don't call Trump a traitor , buddy, because he was the opposite - an American PATRIOT. It is your Party, my friend, that is, ironically, full of trecherous and treasonous America-hating snake. Like Barack Obama, a half-Negro, communist and racist who hated White America ( and what have you got left if you were to literally take the WHITE out of America ? The answer is a mixture of Mexico and Africa, i.e. a Third World state like California)

If you like socialism - and you must because you support the Democratic Party, which is now LITERALLY a socialist- dominated political organization - why don't you fuck off out of America (what's left of it) and relocate permanently to, say, Venezuela or the Republic of South Africa. If you choose Venezuela , you'll even have the Democrat-recommended "Dominion" vote-counting machines working at your state elections, so you can be sure that the ballot you cast for your preferred dictator is properly and correctly counted.

You know, reading posts from CLOWNS like you on the this forum, reminds why I lost faith in democracy as a system of government. As Sir Winston Churchill puts it...

"The best argument against Democracy is a 5 - minute conversation with the average voter"

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